Don't you think it's too hard, and it's not worth it. For a long time, Ding Changsheng broke the silence and said.

"What's worth it or not for farmers like us? It's all for a good life. Besides, my life is over. My husband didn't want me, and my father-in-law forced me to have such a reputation. What can I do in my life? Now it's just a day less than two hours.". Yanghua said desolate.

"Can't you live a few days for yourself?"

"Yes, you are going to plant flowers. I also want to do what others can do. So I have learned to grow flowers with Zhao Huasheng, which can be regarded as supporting your work. I have to plan for my future.". Yang Hua said.

"Well, this mentality is good.".

"Mayor Xiaoding, although I'm not clean, Wu Fengying is a clean woman. She is from another village. When she married to the Yellow River Bay, she has never had such a mess. There are no other men except her husband. If you want to, I can convince her.".

"You think of me as a lecher. Besides, I'm going to the countryside to see what you've done, not to look for flowers and ask willows. In that case, my reputation, which is easy to accumulate, will be ruined in a few days."

"No, you are a great benefactor in this village. Now you are all pointing to you to make a fortune. Besides, as far as men and women are concerned, who will take this seriously? Here is the Yellow River, and the atmosphere is open. I don't know how you are there. Just a few years ago, there was still a lot of band pulling and other people were living the same way.".

"Pull a band? What do you mean

"You don't know? How far is it from Linshan town? "

"Ten li is different from custom.".

"It's just that some family men are no longer able to work, or they are all sick and have children. They can't make a living at all. At this time, a foreign man is needed to support the family for the man. Without payment, it is equivalent to two men and a woman living together. At that time, there were not so many houses, but a Kang and a family Young and old all sleep on a Kang. The only thing a woman has to pay is to accompany this man at night. Sometimes her man is by her side, but she is crawling with another man. What do you think it was like at that time, but it's not like living on? "

"Isn't that ridiculous?"

"But this is a real thing.".

Ding Changsheng said nothing to him.

"So, mayor Xiaoding, the whole village people are afraid of poverty, and sun Guoqiang has made a lot of trouble. This time, you must let the people in our village earn some money and pay off the debts that we owed before. What are we women? When I was in the greenhouse today, I saw the look in Wu Fengying's eyes. I am a woman. I can't understand that. I dare say that if you knock on her door now, She will certainly open the door for you. Do you want to try it? " Yang Hua playfully looked at Ding Changsheng and asked.

"What are you talking about? Besides, I'm going. Are you not jealous?"

"Eat, but if I eat again, I can't stop you from eating. Let alone the little daughter-in-law, it's the big girl in the village now. Who do you look at? You can't follow a company behind you. I heard that the big girls in the village are all asking about you, needless to say, they want to marry you.".

"To say that those are virtual, or to some practical bar.". All of a sudden, his mobile phone rang, which was extremely harsh in the silent night. However, his mobile phone had to be turned on 24 hours a day. He had to let go of Yang Hua. Then he took out his mobile phone and found that it was Cao Jingjing who called.

Yanghua is very witty. Seeing that Ding Changsheng wants to answer the phone, he gets out of bed and takes the basin of foot washing water to pour water in the yard.

"Hello, what's up?"

"You're not in town?"

"Well, I went to the countryside. What happened in huangshuiwan village

"Zhang Yuan's defense was abandoned, and he left it clean. Among them, there was Zheng duangang's problem. It can be said that behind the chaos in Dushan town's small coal mine, Zheng duangang was basically manipulating it. Zheng duangang had a big problem. Moreover, he also said that the death of sun Guoqiang might have something to do with Zheng duangang, and the explosion case of Jia Chengliang was led by Zheng duangang.".

"What do you mean by saying so much to me? Don't hurry to catch it.".

"Run away.".

"You said he ran away? When did it happen? " Ding Changsheng asked angrily.

"There are still people who have seen him this morning, but when we went there, there was no one. Now they are wanted. It is estimated that they can't run out through normal channels, but the possibility of smuggling is not ruled out.". Cao Jingjing's voice is a little tired. Ding Changsheng no longer criticizes her, but she is still annoyed by this group of idiots.

"This is one aspect, but we should also pay attention to another point. He may have heard the wind, but he did not go, but hid in a certain place. You should know the theory, such as the suburbs of Haiyang County, and his hometown. It is possible that he must not be allowed to run this time.".

"I understand what you mean. All these things have been arranged. I just want to inform you. After all, you helped me a lot in this case. Although it is against discipline, I still have to tell you that, otherwise, it is not enough friends."."Well, thank you for taking me as a friend, pay attention to safety, pay attention to rest, I wish you find him early.". Ding Changsheng finished and hung up the phone.

As soon as Cao Jingjing called, her passion had already subsided. Now that Zhang Yuanfang has explained it, the pattern of Dushan town will change a lot. I don't know who will take advantage of this contest. It is estimated that Zheng Mingtang's people will never come in again. He didn't pay attention to his employment. Sun Guoqiang is your man. He is afraid of committing suicide. Zhang Yuanfang is also your person , help your son open a mine in Dushan Town, do whatever he wants, even kill people and set fire to hurt his good nature. What's more, after Zhang Yuanfang's incident, the superior is likely to adjust Zheng Mingtang. Even if there are thousands of cranes protecting you, thousands of cranes are not idiots. He won't defend a person with stain Isn't it true that he didn't pay attention to it?

However, it seems that the matter tonight is not over. Suddenly, there is a cry on the street outside. It is not one person or two people, but dozens of people are crying. Ding Changsheng is stunned. Is it the old man nearby who died? Put on clothes, put on slippers and got out of bed, came to the yard, this time Wang Jianguo also got up.

"Old secretary, what's the matter? Is anyone dead nearby?"

"There is no old man around here. I am the oldest. Whose family is this..." Before he finished speaking, the door was banged, and Yanghua rushed to open the door.

"Where's the old secretary? I'm looking for the old secretary..." Come in, a man stumbled in.

"Stone, what's the matter? What's the matter? "

"Old secretary, my father, he died, he died..." A teenager cried heartrendingly and knelt down in front of Wang Jianguo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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