Ding Changsheng knows that although it is not clear how deep Kou Dapeng is now involved, the next step must be to search. He can't enter Kou Dapeng's office, and he doesn't dare to go. Qin E-Xiang can do this, but Kou Dapeng's home should be cleaned up immediately and no trace can be left.

"Auntie, do you have any cash at home?"

"Cash? How much do you want? " Zhao Xinya asked.

"It's not that I want money, but I think someone will come to search soon. Now I just take uncle kou to inquire. But if Uncle Kou says that, the money at home will become evidence of crime. At least there is a crime of unknown source of huge property.".

"I don't have much cash at home. It's more than 10000. I didn't put much money at home, but there was a lot in the bank.". Zhao Xinya was nervous again.

"How much money is there in the bank?"

"About 100000.".

"About 100000? Is that all your own money Ding Changsheng was very surprised to hear this figure. The Secretary of the township party committee like Kou Dapeng had to have a deposit of several hundred thousand yuan. He actually had about 100000 yuan, which is not much. It is estimated that the two people's wages have been accumulated.

"This money is my and your uncle's wages, there is no other money, by the way, shopping cards are quite a lot, your uncle usually takes back, some of them have expired.".

"Don't move the money in the bank. It's too obvious to get it now. Put those cards away and don't leave them at home.".

"Where to put it, or throw it away.". Zhao Xinya said in fear.

"It's a pity to throw it away. Don't you have any farmland here? I'll drive you out later and find a place to bury it. Let's wait until the wind is over.". Ding Changsheng always thought that Kou Dapeng's problem should not be big, so he felt a little pity to throw away Zhao Xinya, because it seems that the faces of those cards are worth tens of thousands. If they are left at home, they will be a crime of bribery.

After spending a morning at Zhao Xinya's home, Ding Changsheng left after helping Zhao Xinya eliminate some criminal evidence that may involve Kou Dapeng. After all, the longer he stays here, the more people will catch hold of him, which may be more detrimental to Kou Dapeng.

"Auntie, just take it that nothing has happened. Don't tell Yingying that I'm afraid it will affect her study. After all, there are still a few weeks to go before the high school entrance examination. It's a critical moment for her to be distracted.".

"Are you going Zhao Xinya doesn't want Ding Changsheng to leave. Someone says that he feels better when he speaks. If Ding Changsheng also leaves and he stays at home alone waiting for news, it will be very hard.

"Yes, auntie, I'm probably not good for uncle Kou if I stay here. To be honest, I've just come out from the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Baishan City. Don't worry, uncle Kou will be OK. Wait at home, and there will be news soon.".

"You, you were also taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection?" Zhao Xinya simply can't believe her ears. Ding Changsheng has always been an honest child in her heart. How can she get involved with corruption and bribery.

"It's also because of the case of Zheng Mingtang. Some people said that I had something to do with the engineering accident of No.1 highway, so I was invited to have tea by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This is not to say that the matter is clear. I'm not coming back well. Don't worry, my uncle will be OK.".

Lin Chunxiao's appointment as secretary of the Haiyang county Party committee has hardly received any opposition, but thousands of cranes have said that Comrade Lin Chunxiao has been working on the line of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is questionable whether she has such experience and ability to master the work of a large county.

But this time, he Mingxuan, the head of the organization, did not give any face to thousands of cranes and directly told the case of Zheng Mingtang. "Although the former work area of the Commission for discipline inspection was not wide, they were excellent in upholding the party's discipline. They ignored the party's organization and discipline. The stronger the ability, the more destructive it would be to our party's work. Zheng Mingtang is a good example. According to the preliminary interrogation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Yang brothers of Changhe construction company immediately gave two good bid sections of highway No.1 Zheng Mingtang has sent 500000 yuan. What kind of behavior is this? Can the common people have little opinion on our cadres? In my opinion, when choosing cadres with both political integrity and ability, we must catch the cadres who are not good at moral quality and can not be promoted to important posts. Otherwise, the common people will not only scold these cadres, but also our party's immorality Who do these cadres not scold us for He Mingxuan can be said to be impassioned, this said, no one said.

"Well, since there is no other objection, the appointment of Comrade Lin Chunxiao as secretary of the Party committee of Haiyang county will be issued today. Lao he, you'd better send Comrade Lin Chunxiao down. I hope Haiyang county can survive this hurdle this time.".

After Tang Bingkun finished this sentence, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Si Nanxia, sighed with a sigh of relief. He even went home for lunch with a small tune.

"Ouch, Dad, what's the matter? I'll make you happy.". Daughter Si Jiayi said as she put out the dishes and chopsticks.

"Oh, it's nothing. Dad won one game this time, and I got angry when I saw the thousands of cranes. This time, he took his army and sent Lin Chunxiao to be the Secretary of the county Party committee."."Director Lin is going to be the Secretary of the county Party committee? Which county? "

"Which other county, Haiyang County, of course.". Sinan didn't notice her daughter's expression, and poured a glass of wine. It seems that today is really happy. At noon, he actually drank the wine.

"Oh, that's good. It's much better than being in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Hey, Dad, I have an acquaintance in Haiyang county. Can you say hello to secretary Lin and ask her to take care of it?". Si Jiayi asked cautiously. In general, what he opposed most was going through the back door, but her daughter's acquaintances were another matter.

"Acquaintances? Do you have acquaintances in Haiyang county? Why don't I know? "

"Well, Dad, I told you, you forget that last year, someone tried to kidnap me at night, and someone saved me, remember?"

"Oh, I know how to find that man.".

"Well, he used to be a policeman, but later I don't know why he didn't work as a policeman. Now he is the mayor of a town in Haiyang county. When he was young, he became mayor. Maybe he has some skills. Let my sister Lin take care of him. Should it be OK?"

"Is it? Then you can talk to Lin Chunxiao directly. Sinan Xia finally relaxed.

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