In fact, he Mingxuan knows very well that Lin Chunxiao, the Secretary of the county Party committee, is the first time that Si Nan Xia and Tang Bingkun suppressed the thousands of cranes who are about to take over the post of mayor. It can be said that this time, the influence of thousands of cranes in Haiyang County has been completely eradicated. What will be done next? That is what will happen in the future. However, it must be that Cheng Qianhe loses first.

He Mingxuan, the head of the organization, was always following Tang Bingkun. Therefore, since Lin Chunxiao was strongly supported by two big men, he had to show his support for Lin Chunxiao, the Secretary of the Xinke county Party committee. He did not leave immediately after he sent Lin Chunxiao to Haiyang county. Instead, he proposed to Lin Chunxiao after the county cadres' meeting In Haiyang county to carry out a survey.

Lin Chunxiao of course understands that he Mingxuan is supporting himself in a way. In the past, when Zheng Mingtang was here, there were few leaders in the city to inspect, but now he has to investigate. This is not to give himself face, but to whom?

As he has just arrived, he has no Secretary of his own. Jiang Mingjie, the Secretary of Zheng Mingtang, has been isolated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection for some things related to him. He Mingxuan says that he wants to investigate, but he knows nothing about Haiyang County except Highway 1.

"Secretary Yu, I'm Lin Chunxiao. Just now minister he said that since he came to our county, he would like to do some research on our county. I have just landed here. What can you do to see what can be seen by Minister He?" Since Yu Quanfang is the county magistrate and his partner, he wants to get in touch sooner or later. It's better to take this opportunity to get in touch with each other. This will save a lot of things for you to come and go. After all, it's in response to he Mingxuan's research. To put it mildly, it's time to be consistent with the outside world, so I called Yu Quanfang.

"Secretary Lin, I'm really scratching my head when you say that. Why don't you go to Dushan town? Some time ago, the mayor of the town asked me to go down and see the flower base they set up there. I haven't had time to go. I heard that it's a bit large-scale. To tell the truth, I don't know what it's going to be like. The rest is the pear garden in Liyuan Village of Linshan town But something has just happened there. Isn't it appropriate to go now? "

"Well, you're right. We can't all go around the No.1 highway in our county. Go to Dushan town. Please inform them and let them make preparations. Don't make a fool of themselves at that time.". Lin Chunxiao's strong woman character was inadvertently leaked out. She made a decision on the spot to visit the flower base in Dushan Town, which worried Yu Quanfang who put down the phone. This woman is really too strong. Is this the beginning?

Ding Changsheng was trying to find a way out for Kou Dapeng when he received the county cadres' meeting. Instead, he asked for a leave. It was Liang Hehua, deputy secretary of the Dushan town Party committee, to hold the meeting, which was originally to get to know the new secretary of the county Party committee. However, Liang Hehua has not returned to the town, and has received a notice from the county. In the afternoon, leaders from above will come to the town to conduct research The main leaders are required to be present.

When Ding Changsheng was invited to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he could see that Li Jinian might become the vanguard officer of the next Discipline Inspection Commission. As expected, the city made a decision so soon that Lin Chunxiao would be the Secretary of the county Party committee, and Li Jinian would certainly become the person to replace Lin Chunxiao. In this way, Kou Dapeng's case may have a turn for the better, which is also Ding Chang in the daytime The reason why she went to the court to see Tian E Ru.

"Why did you come here at this time and not wait to go to my sister's in the evening?" Tian E Ru is as good as ever to Ding Changsheng, so when she sees no one around, she makes ambiguous hints. Now Tian Qingru has become the best place for two people to have an affair. The main thing is to be safe. Huo Lvmao knows that his wife has gone to the second aunt's house, but he doesn't know that there will be a man who will also go there, and they will openly cheat in the second aunt's house.

"Something happened. Kou Dapeng was arrested.". Ding Changsheng is not in the mood to flirt with her. Although it is more exciting to flirt in the court, it is obviously not the time.

After hearing this, Tian E Ru's face was cold and said, "what's the relationship between his arrest and me, and you?" Then he turned to deal with the files.

"Of course, it has nothing to do with you, but it does have something to do with me. Anyway, he is the guide to my official career. You know, I am a person who shows gratitude and rewards me. If a person gives me a drop of water, I will return him a jar of water.". Ding Changsheng said very affectionately.

"All right, you don't have to stir up feelings with me. I can't help you with this. I don't understand. Can't you see that it's real. It's too late for people to hide. What are you trying to do?" Tian e-ru is a little angry. One day, her husband and wife have a hundred days of gratitude. At the beginning, Tian E Ru and Kou Dapeng had an affair for several years, but now, they are like strangers. How can they have a little affection for husband and wife.

"I want nothing but peace of mind. He may not use me much in his whole life. This is one time. But if I hadn't him, I might still have begged at bangziyu. How can I say that?" Ding Changsheng sits on the defendant's bench and looks at Tian E Ru on the judge's bench. At this time, there is a sunlight shining on the judge's bench. Because of the glare, Ding Changsheng's eyes squint when he looks at the judge's seat. But even so, Tian e-ru on the judge's bench is not so clear. He also knows that people will change and benefit themselves The direction of change, this is the so-called people do not for themselves, it is, anyway, sometimes have to admit, the world's most difficult to grasp is the heart.Silence is the time for two people to be embarrassed. Fortunately, Ding Changsheng's mobile phone rings, breaking this embarrassing situation.

Hello, it's me.

"Mayor Ding, the county has just finished the cadre meeting, but some leaders are going to Dushan town to investigate this afternoon. I think you should come back to attend.". Liang lotus said with a little jealousy.

"I still have something else to do. I can't go back today.".

"I just inquired through the relationship. No matter how big the matter is, you must come back. This time it is a survey conducted by the director of the municipal Party committee and accompanied by the main leaders of the county Party committee. It is likely that you will go to the flower base. How can you do if you don't come back? I'm not familiar with it.". Liang Hehua is to tell the truth, which makes Ding Changsheng's impression of Liang lotus changed a lot. After all, if Zhang Yuanfang had changed, he would not have called himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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