"Little Ding, you didn't go to the meeting in the morning. I'll introduce you. This is minister he and Secretary Lin. we have arrived at your site today. You should entertain the leaders.". All sides smile and introduce.

Dingchangsheng saw too much of the party and linchunxiao, but he Mingxuan, the organization minister, had not been met. Although he had seen zhongfengyang, which was bigger than he Mingxuan official, it was not common after all, so it was inevitable that there was a little tension.

"Good minister he, secretary Lin, good county magistrate. I have seen so many leaders for the first time, so I am very nervous.".

"Xiaoding, you don't have to be nervous. Come here. You are leading in front of you. Let's go to the flower base you said by the county magistrate.". He Mingxuan pointed to a seat in front of him.

"Flower base, but there is no flower yet. See there..." Dingchangsheng hesitated to make the whole side feel cool, and the boy was fooling himself some time before he dared to dare to take it.

"It doesn't matter if there is no flower, and minister he is not here to appreciate flowers. He minister has come to investigate and see if the people can make money from the flower base you said, can they get rich, understand?" At this time, linchunxiao showed the charm of the strong woman again, and the decisive appearance made dingchangsheng tremble. Although she knew that the woman was about 40, the face and figure under the age of 30 still made dingchangsheng have a kind of idea of blasphemy.

"Well, let's go.". Dingchangsheng, in line with the principle of saying more than one must lose, asked the leader, and he answered. The leader did not ask, and he turned to see the driver driving.

"Xiaoding, how did you think of this flower base?" Near to Huangshui Bay Village, we can see the whole field is full of sheds. Although it is uneven, it seems that the scale is not small. This is a good field. This makes him worry a little. This is a good place to grow crops. Now he wants to raise flowers. To be honest, the change of this mentality makes him not so interested. After all, although he has not experienced three years of natural disasters, he has experienced the days of buying food with various food tickets. So in his eyes, such a good field has planted flowers It's a pity.

Lin Chunxiao and Yu were all in a daze. Obviously, both of them saw why he Mingxuan asked this sentence. But this was done by dingchangsheng. They were not good at intervening, but they could only expect dingchangsheng's reply to be able to be self-contained.

"Minister He, when I first came here, only about 20% of the places you see are crops, and they are all small grains and corn. Other land is all wasteland. At that time, I was not very tasty, because I was also a child coming out of the countryside. To be honest, I have two more years to eat. I certainly know there is nothing to eat It's hard. ".

This sentence let he Mingxuan a daze, did not expect this Ding Changsheng to see his meaning, and answer such a right question, he looked at dingchangsheng, motioning him to say.

"At that time, I found the Secretary of the village, the Secretary said that after several years of panic, the young and the young people went out to work. There are many small coal mines in this area. The money earned in a month is the money of planting land for one year. So who still planted the land? At the beginning, I also planted some vegetables I ate. Later, even the vegetables were lazy to grow, so they were out of order. Recently, the government began to rectify the small ones Coal mines, some of them have come back from work, some go further away, and I wonder if there is a suitable project to keep the common people at home and stay on the land, so that the output of land is higher than the money earned by the workers. So who is willing to go out to work, so that all the money earned will stay in our town, which can directly drive the consumption of our town and even the county, An occasional opportunity, I met a gardener in this village. He went to Shanghai to sell azalea flowers, and although it was small, the price was very high. Because he knew the shape, I encouraged him to lead everyone to set up the flower base. Oh, the village branch secretary was waiting on the road. Ding said, pointing to several people on the side of the road ahead.

This makes he Mingxuan very surprised, the road waiting to meet their own three people, less than the town government.

"Minister He, this is the key moment for the design of azalea. I have not organized you to welcome you. I hope you can understand.". Dingchangsheng took the lead in getting off the car, and explained after the leader got off.

"You do this very well. I hope that we will do it in the future. We are here to learn, not to disturb the people, but this is the Secretary of the village branch.". After hearing Ding Changsheng's explanation on the car, he Mingxuan was in a lot better mood.

After a brief introduction, dingchangsheng retired to several leaders. You said smallpox is useless. The leader must go to the field to be the common people. This is an in-depth investigation. Those who listen to the report in the office and see the report are purely deceptive, and most of them come to travel or collect local specialties in the name of research.

"Old Wang, how many people are in this village now?"

"There are less than 1000 people in the village now. There are more people in Spring Festival. More than 2000 people have gone out to work. You see, there are some women and old people in these sheds now.". Wang Jianguo is honest and leads a group of people who are going to drill through the big shed door to door to check."Ouch, this village is still a big village. It's hard for you to be a secretary.". He Mingxuan said with a smile.

This year, we are still old enough to report to the village Party committee that we have not been able to train five college students. Wang Jianguo seems to have no intention to say, but this sentence just scratched he Mingxuan's itch, can't help but listen to Wang Jianguo's village official training plan.

"Lao Wang, you have a good idea. I think you can give it a try.".

"Minister He, I've been in the countryside all my life. I know more than anyone what is lacking in rural areas, that is, the lack of cultural leaders. So I also want to think about it. If I can't keep up with the trend of the times, I have to make room for young people to do it. In order to better develop the flower base, we also set up a cooperative. Although I am the president, I don't do anything Zhao Huasheng, the vice president of Guan, is in charge. He is younger, more skilled and more educated than I am. But I told him that if you do well, it is your credit. If you don't do well, I will take responsibility. I am the president, I am a party member, and I am the Secretary of the village branch. ".

"Well, you are right. Party members should be responsible.". He Mingxuan deeply believed that.

"Minister He, if you use this word well, you should be responsible. However, although the cooperative is a self-organized organization, it must also accept the leadership of the village committee. That is, it must accept the leadership of the party. It can't be foolishly done, is it? It's the lowest lever. If you cross this bar, it's not easy to say anything.".

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