"Mayor Ding, these pots are my latest cultivation, the name is dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, you see, these branches are not like dragons, they are waving their claws, these branches are Phoenix, they all grow on a Rhododendron, that is dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, this name is OK, is not a bit vulgar.". Zhao Huasheng pointed to a row of rhododendrons on the shelf.

"Lao Zhao, how can this be called vulgarity? Great vulgarity means great elegance. There are several refined people in the common people, or there are many common people.".

"Ha ha, that line, as long as you ding mayor looks good, that is not vulgar.". Ding Changsheng's transfer from Dushan town made Zhao Huasheng very sad. During that time, Zhao felt that when Ding Changsheng left, he couldn't find his way. He was mainly under great pressure. He was afraid that the device would not be sold. However, Zhou Hongqi and Xiao Han said that Xiao Han got acquainted with several newspapers specializing in flowers. After they visited huangshuiwan village, they visited the village, Zhao Huasheng's idea that potted azaleas are integrated with bonsai modeling is highly praised. Now he has published several issues of azaleas in huangshuiwan village for free. Now, there are businessmen in the village who come to discuss the purchase. When next spring, they will be on the market, which makes Zhao Huasheng's mental calculation come true.

So when Ding Changsheng said he wanted to take some pots of Rhododendron to send people, he immediately brought out the best pots that had been cultivated.

"Look at this basin. It's made according to your ideas. I think people in your circle will like this shape, so I made a few more pots. If you can still make it, you can also move away.". Zhao Huasheng said very generously.

"Well, these pots, as well as the dragon and Phoenix, by the way, is there a phoenix alone?"

"Yes, there is a basin. There is only one phoenix called Mingfeng Chaoyang. Look, it's OK.". Zhao Huasheng is also very proud of this Rhododendron.

"Well, not to mention, it's a bit of artistic conception. It's very good. I said, you should cultivate more of these in the future, keep them for me, and I'll pay a high price for them.".

"Ah, mayor Ding, as I said just now, I don't necessarily sell these things to others at a high price. But if you don't give me a cent, I'll give it to you. If you talk to me about money, you really don't take me as a friend, or you don't look up to me as a florist.". Zhao Huasheng said this is very serious, can not see a trace of fraud, which has put his hand into his trouser pocket to touch the money of Ding Changsheng is very difficult.

Zhao Huasheng seemed to know what Ding Changsheng was going to do. He stretched out his hand to Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng had to take out his hand and hold it with Zhao Changsheng.

"Mayor Ding, although you are no longer in Dushan Town, our villagers will always regard you as our mayor. Go to the village and see who doesn't say you're good. If you look at the fields, where there are still vacant lands, now huangshuiwan village is about to be transformed into azalea village. A few days ago, several Japanese came to order 50000 pots of azaleas on the eve of the Spring Festival When I work overtime, I hate that the Rhododendron grows slowly. Ha ha. ".

"Well, it's very good for you to do this. Although I'm gone, if the villagers have any problems, just call me. I can solve them. I can solve them. I can't solve them. In short, don't treat me as an outsider just because I'm not in Dushan town.". Ding Changsheng couldn't be moved to such a simple farmer as Zhao Huasheng.

At more than eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Chunxiao finished the day's work and returned to the county Party committee's guest house in the backyard of the county Party committee. She was not used to connecting her bedroom with the office like Zheng Mingtang, which was a bit depressing. She could not tell whether she was working or had already finished work. Therefore, she had to return to the room of the guest house to feel that she was off work.

When she was about to wash her feet, someone knocked on the door. Who would come at this time? She was a little unhappy. She was a lesbian and didn't like to meet subordinates at night like other male leaders. She didn't like to meet subordinates at night, especially male subordinates. Therefore, few people came to call her at this time.

"Ding Changsheng, why are you here at this time? What can I do for you?" Lin Chunxiao stood at the door, without the intention of letting him in.

"Oh, that's right. After I went back that day, I asked the teacher I knew to match you with a pair of plasters, so I came to see if your feet were OK.". Ding Changsheng is holding the pot of azaleas in his hand and a plastic bag on his finger. In this case, Lin Chunxiao would be a bit inhumane not to let others in.

Lin Chunxiao sat on the sofa and let Ding Changsheng to the opposite sofa.

"Thank you, comrade Changsheng. My feet are all right now. I don't need any plaster. Where did this flower come from? It's very chic.". Lin Chunxiao said this and noticed the potted flowers on the tea table.

"Oh, didn't I stay in Dushan town? In order to thank me for solving the sales problem of flowers for them, the flower farmers there had to let me go to have a look. No, I think I'll take some potted flowers when I send you medicine. I'll pick this pot of" Mingfeng Chaoyang "for you, secretary Lin, and this potted flower will be given to you.".

"Oh, that's not good. This is what they gave you. How can I win love?". Although Lin Chunxiao said so, he kept his eyes on the flower and looked around. He seemed to like it very much."Well, as a man, I don't know how to raise flowers. The flowers will be wasted in my hands.".

"Well, you just said that the market problem of flower farmers there has been solved? When did it happen? "

"Oh, I publicized them through a few friends in the special flower network and newspapers. Now there are a lot of merchants coming to huangshuiwan village. A few days ago, a Japanese businessman ordered 50000 pots before the Spring Festival. Now, they are rushing to make this order.".

"Oh? What's more, Changsheng, you have done a good job. If you leave your post, you can still come back to help them. This is not what ordinary people can do. You are very good. This is a good thing. ".

"Well, secretary Lin, you're flattering me. In fact, it's all my own business. Since I've taken care of it, I have to do it.". Ding Changsheng's modesty won the favor of Lin Chunxiao again.

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