Luo Dongqiu didn't care about Ding Changsheng, but the Zhou family. So Ding Changsheng just nodded, and the three left. The hall burst into a pot, and the onlookers didn't figure out how to return to the event. Who lost in the end and what to do with the bet?

"Where are you going? I'll see you off?" Zhou Hongqi asked as he drove. Xiao Han didn't speak. She was scared by Ding Changsheng. This guy was brave and could fight. Women worship strong men. This is the female's reverence and worship of male instinct.

"Find a place where I can get a taxi and put me down. I'll take a taxi back.".

"Why, can't I send you off?"

"I don't mean that. Wu Yuxing will not give up, so I'd better hide if I follow you with too big a goal.". Ding Changsheng joked.

"You're afraid he'll get back at you?"


"I can guarantee that he will not. If he dares to do so, I will let all the people in the army know his shamelessness. If he can't beat others, he won't dare.".

"Really? None of you is a fuel-efficient lamp. I'd better be careful. ".

"Look at you like that. Where did that courage go just now? Will you know that you are afraid?"

"Forget it. Let's talk about it later. By the way, when I heard you talking to Luo Dongqiu just now, he mentioned the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Investment Fair. Is there anything about it? I'm interested in it if you ask me.

"Well, he said this, OK, I'll ask you later.".

When they got back to the hospital, Wang Jiashan was already asleep, and Du shankui was still accompanying him. So they said a few words in the corridor of the hospital and arranged for Du shankui to go to the hotel to sleep. They also lay down on another bed in the ward. Unexpectedly, Wang Jiashan woke up just after lying down.

"Sir, I'm sorry to wake you up?"

"Well, in fact, I didn't sleep at all. I think Xiaodu was also very tired. He drove all the way and wanted him to go to bed early, but he refused. So I had to pretend to sleep. Why, he left?"

I'll let him sleep in the hotel and come back tomorrow morning.

"Oh, Xiaoding, I want to tell you something. You are busy. I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future.".

"Well, master, what are you talking about? Am I not here? We'll go home after curing the disease. Now that medicine is so developed, there are still diseases that can't be seen well? "

"I don't mean that. I mean, director Qin came to see me today. At first, I didn't understand what he meant. Later, I slowly guessed it out. Did you tell him about the medicine I prescribed for myself to treat lung disease?"

"Yes, what's the matter? You are going to see a doctor. Of course, I have to tell people about the medical history and so on.

"That's right. We are all doctors. Although I am a Chinese medicine doctor and he is a western medicine doctor, we are all doctors. Therefore, we are very sensitive to medicine. He asked me what medicine I took and what kind of herbal formula made me delay my illness. This made me alert. Do you think he came for the prescription? ”

"prescription? You mean the prescription? " Ding Changsheng sat up from the bed, pulled on the light, looked at the opposite Wang Jiashan and asked.

"Well, I think it is, which is understandable. After the doctor has a unique secret for the treatment of a certain disease, it is the real gold and silver of white flowers, so I feel that this prescription has been targeted.".

"But even if you are interested in it, this prescription can not fundamentally solve the problem, otherwise it will not be used for hospitalization for western medicine treatment.". Ding Changsheng frowned and said.

"How many years do you know I've been sick? For nearly ten years, I have been taking this medicine. If it had not been delayed, I would have died early. Therefore, for some people who can not be operated on, it is the best to take this medicine for conservative treatment. Do you think about how much profit there is in it, and can those people not be moved? "

"Master, that's what you said. But in treating a disease, it's not about the parents' heart of a doctor. Why don't you donate this prescription to cure more people?". Ding Changsheng asked in a low voice.

"It's not that I don't want to. I want to leave these prescriptions to you. I was busy with petitions a few years ago, and now I'm not in good health. I want to build a pharmaceutical factory if I have the ability to produce all these into Chinese patent medicines, which can be regarded as leaving some thoughts for us. But you are busy and I don't have the energy. You're right. It's good to donate, but I think once I donate In the hands of drug dealers, they have enough money, so they can produce Chinese patent medicines. The sufferers are still patients, because they still have to go to the hospital to buy medicine, which is more expensive. ". Wang Jiashan said anxiously.

"Is it not easy to build a pharmaceutical factory? Hey, old man, I will tell you that you can cooperate with the treatment. When you are well, I will build a pharmaceutical factory in Linshan Town, and you will always have to check the quality problems. You can't push at that time. ".

"Well, it's easy to say. It's not so easy to set up a pharmaceutical factory. First of all, it's hard to get the batch number. I'm afraid I won't live to that time."."It's very difficult to handle this matter. If you don't check it, I won't be able to use your old prescriptions. If ordinary people can't handle the procedures, it's not so easy for us. If we can't do this, you look down on people.". Ding Changsheng rolled his eyes and lay down to sleep.

"Well, you mean you can do it as soon as possible, son of a bitch?" This time, it was Wang Jiashan's turn to lie down. Every doctor took his own medicine to cure the disease and save the patient. Wang Jiashan was no exception. So when Ding Changsheng gave him this hope, his fighting spirit was immediately stimulated.

If you want to live a life with motivation, there is no greater motivation than not letting go of one thing. At present, what Wang Jiashan can't put down is the old prescriptions handed down by his own ancestors. If those prescriptions are improved and made into non prescription drugs like western medicine, this is his greatest wish, because it can make him have an account for the ancestors underground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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