Seeing Ding Changsheng cry like a child, Tian E Ru was a little reluctant to give up. It was at the corner of the street. It was a dead corner. No one could see it. Tian E Ru took out a paper towel and wiped his eyes for Ding Changsheng.

"I believe you won't talk nonsense. As long as you don't say it, I won't care about you in the future. You are still a joint defense team member, not a formal job. As long as I have the opportunity, I will help you to become official. This matter is only known to the two of us. Don't tell others, OK?". Tian E Ru's move scared Ding Changsheng, and quickly left and right to see if there is anyone.

"OK, I don't talk nonsense, I don't say anybody.".

He went home with Tian E Ru and had a meal. Although the cooked meal was very rich, Ding Changsheng did not dare to say anything. His taste was the same as that of chewing vinegar. He was very uncomfortable.

"Hello, you boy, in the unit is not full mouth running train, you can blow, today is what is the matter, shy?" Huo Lvmao's director was very sarcastic.

"Director, ha ha, the food you cooked is so delicious. I have been eating it all the time. Since my parents died, I have never had such a delicious meal. If it hadn't been for finding the distant cousin, the township head, I would not have known where to look for today's meal.". Although Ding Changsheng said it with ease, Huo Lvmao and Tian E Ru heard it with sadness.

"Bunny, I know what you mean. If you have nothing to do, come home for dinner. But you have to chop all the firewood in the yard for me. Oh, the water in the water tank must be filled for me. What we eat is mountain spring water. Go to the spring hole in the opposite gully to pick it.".

"Ah, good, director, I can do it all.".

Tian E Ru murmured in his heart. What's the matter? Why did he return to Zhao's home? Originally, he wanted to give some small favor to stabilize him. Unexpectedly, he invited him to his home. What can we do? At this time, we can't say anything against it.

After dinner, Ding Changsheng went back to the police station dormitory and went to sleep. He was very satisfied with the food and living life here. He took the initiative to go to the duty room and chat with Zhang Qiang for a while.

"Huo Lvmao, what do you mean? I mean to invite Ding Changsheng to dinner, to show that we will take care of Kou Dapeng's relatives. Why do you want him to come home for a long time? What do you mean? He is not a man. You are often not at home. How can he deal with things when he comes here?" When this sentence comes to the point, what is the relationship between Ding Changsheng and Kou Dapeng? She is very clear in her mind. What kind of relatives of the township head, fart, it's all exchange. If the relationship between Ding Changsheng and Huo Lvmao gets better over a long period of time, Ding Changsheng will disclose his own affairs to Huo Lvmao. Isn't it to bring disaster to himself.

"What's the matter with you? He's still a child. What can he do?"

"What do you mean, what he can't do, what other men can do, right, what do you mean, Horatio?" Tian E Ru was not forgiven.

Horumo bowed his head to eat, and no longer quarreled with the woman.

At night, Tian E Ru lies quietly on the bed, sulking, while Huo Lvmao cleanly gets into the bed, and reaches out to hold Tian E Ru in his arms.

"What are you doing? I'm tired and not interested.".

"Hey, wife, if you don't have interest, you have to create interest. I'm living. These two days are your key days. You can't waste them.".

"What's the key day?" Tian E Ru asked.

"Of course, it's the critical day of pregnancy. I was worried last night that I couldn't come back today, or I would have to wait until next month, and I don't know when I can get pregnant.".

"What do you say, these two days?"

"Yes, you can't remember your own days. Come on, I'm very hard now.". Huo Lvmao stripped Tian E Ru's pajamas off, but Tian E Ru didn't feel at all. She was thinking about last night. Kou Dapeng, the son of a bitch, never wore a condom for his own enjoyment, so he came back to take contraceptives.

Both of them stopped talking, and Huo Lvmao lay in the bed and kept tossing about, hoping that it could be stronger, but in the end, there was a sigh in the dark.

Huo Lvmao was injured on duty and had a kidney removed. From then on, the quality of their husband and wife's life could not be described. It can be said that they could not meet the minimum satisfaction. This is the feeling of Tian E Ru.

In the light of the day, Huo Lvmao was awakened by the jingle of iron buckets in the yard, and then the sound of pouring water into the VAT. He could not help but stand up and look out. He saw Ding Changsheng, with bare arms and wearing shorts, poured the second bucket of water into the water tank.

"This kid, it's quite real.". Huo Lvmao lay down again and went to bed, while Tian E Ru got up and opened the door to see Ding Changsheng, who was full of tendons, turned away and continued to carry water.

The morning sun shines on Ding Changsheng. Except for the shoulder which is a little red and swollen by the shoulder pole, other places are full of gullies, muscles and muscles. Tian E Ru suddenly has a little dry in his mouth. At this time, it seems that he has a sense. Ding Changsheng looks back at Tian E Ru, smiles and goes out of the house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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