"No, I don't want it. I don't dare to wear it. People can't laugh at them when they see them.". Li fengni said coyly.

"Really don't, then I bought also useless, then throw away.". So Ding Changsheng picked up the underwear and went to the window and opened the curtain to throw it down.

"Oh, you, how can you be such a person?". Seeing that Ding Changsheng really wants to throw it down, after all, she has not been in contact with Ding Changsheng for a long time, and has not thoroughly understood his temperament. Therefore, she thinks that Ding Changsheng will really throw it down and can't help but stop him.

"If you want or not, give me a good word, or I'll throw it away.".

"Either, or, you put it here first.". It's like making up your mind, Li fengni said in a low voice.

Ding Changsheng spared the end of the bed, came to the bathroom, let go of the shower water, adjust the temperature to the best temperature, and moved a chair to the bathroom. Li fengni looked at Ding Changsheng's busy time and didn't know what he was going to do. Until Ding Changsheng came out and bent down to pick her up, she realized that it was to take a bath.

"No, I don't, two dogs, you let me go, I can't wash now, there's a wound on my arm.".

It doesn't matter. I'll wash it for you. I promise I won't touch your wound. I'm not willing to.

"But, but, you, I can't, I wash myself.". It took me a long time to express myself clearly.

"Sister fengni, I like you, you just take me as your husband, I love you, I will cherish you all my life, OK?". Ding Changsheng put Li fengni on the chair, and then took the slippers to Li fengni.

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