Without taking anyone, Ding Changsheng drove to Li Erque's house alone. It seemed that Li Erque's family was not very good. The three bungalows looked dilapidated, and there were many people in the yard, but there was no crying. Only in the main room, there was a whimper from time to time.

When people in the courtyard saw Ding Changsheng come in, they were all hostile. It seems that someone has recognized who Ding Changsheng is. What worries Ding Changsheng is that after the town government held a meeting, those reporters did not leave immediately. Some of them have transferred their positions to Li Erque's home for interview. For reporters, this is their right, but this is the place for things There is no doubt that reason has no help. On the contrary, it will give the Li family invisible help and make them put forward higher conditions to solve the problem.

"Oh, isn't this mayor Ding? How can we have time to come to our poor family? Please go out. You are not welcome here. ". A young man stood up and walked up to Ding Changsheng and said that he should be a younger generation of Li Erque from the filial piety clothes he wore, but it was definitely not a direct younger generation, because the filial piety clothes he wore were not filial piety.

"What are you, please?"

"Li Erque is my uncle. What can I do for you? Tell me. Said the young man haughtily.

"Tell you what you can do, Lord?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I can do it. Tell me.". The young man is still very arrogant said, did not put Ding Changsheng in the eye at all.

"Yongxin, come back, what are you doing? This is?" At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties left the crowd, while the others looked at Ding Changsheng with hostility in their eyes.

"Oh, uncle, I'm Ding Changsheng, the mayor of Linshan town. I'm from bangziyu village. I'm from bangziyu village. I'd like to offer my condolence to Comrade Li Erque. Don't know where the Lingtang is?"

"Spirit hall? Well, mayor Ding, to tell you the truth, we are not going to mourn, but the people are in the house, but not in the coffin, but in the freezer. We are waiting for Erque's son. When they come back, we will go to Beijing. If the city doesn't care, we will go to Beijing. Anyway, the two children of Erque are studying in Beijing. They are familiar with Beijing Well, I don't believe there's no place for reasoning? " This guy looks no better than that young man just now. No matter it's a threat or a talk, it's an absolute event. If he really takes the coffin to the city, he will not only be unable to wear his hat, but also the county's books and county magistrate will not want to have good fruit to eat. How big an event is that?

"Uncle, can I have a word?"

"Yes, go ahead. I'll see what you want."

, uncle, now the government does not want to deal with this matter, but you have no one who has the final say to negotiate with the government. In other words, even if you go to the city of Beijing, do you still have to solve the problem? Well, since you want to solve this problem, you can talk about your conditions. I can be the master, I promise. If I can't, I can report to the superior. Is that ok? "

"Is that true?"

"of course, I am the mayor, has the final say."

"Well, He Fei in your government is also the mayor of the town. Why don't you talk about people and do nothing about human affairs?"

"Uncle, everyone has their own way of working. Since I'm here, let's talk about your requirements, so that we can solve the problem. Isn't it? Since there is no funeral hall yet, can I go inside and have a look?"

"Yongxin, take the mayor to the house to see your uncle.". The middle-aged man turned back and yelled at the young man just now.

The man named Yongxin took Ding Changsheng into the main room. The custom of Linshan town is that if the family dies, it should be placed in the middle of the main room. Moreover, the head should be facing the door of the main room. The filial son kneels on both sides to guard the filial piety. Since Li Erque's two sons have not come back, it is the children of the younger generation of Li Erque family and the wife of Li Erque.

Lift up the straw curtain hanging at the door, head-on is a big freezer. It seems that the middle-aged man was right just now. This is really going to be a protracted war. If so, it seems that although it is right today, it is impossible to calm down this matter today.

When Ding Changsheng entered the house, all the people in the room stopped crying. Of course, some of them didn't mean to cry at all, they just gathered a number of people.

Li Erque lies quietly in the freezer, covered with a quilt. His face is badly hurt. He can hardly tell who it is. He is bloody and frightening. However, in order to show his respect for the dead, Ding Changsheng still looks at it.

At this time, not only people from Li Erque family, but also reporters followed. They photographed the expression of Ding Changsheng's visit to Li Erque. Of course, Li Erque's expression at this time was extremely painful, even with deep sadness. In any case, anyone who saw such a scene would not be without sadness, not to mention Ding Changsheng's experience The pain of losing one's relatives, so the feelings of the family members of the deceased at this time can be imagined.

Ding Changsheng looked at it and turned around. When everyone thought he was going out, he didn't follow the way that everyone let him out. Instead, he went to the front of the freezer. Without any sign, he knelt down, put his hands on the ground, kowtowed four heads and made a bow. Then he stood up and took the incense on the ground and gave Li Erque a incense stick.It can be said that when Ding Changsheng kneels on the ground kowtow, all the flash lights are aimed at the young mayor.

When Ding Changsheng came out again, the reporter had blocked his way and blocked him at the door.

"Everybody, please get out of the way. Let's go out and say, this is the place where the dead rest. How can you make him rest in peace like this?" At last, Ding Changsheng was released from the hall.

"Mayor Ding, can I understand your behavior just now as apology?"

"Thanks? Is that a bit out of place? I'm here to tell you that when I came to visit Comrade Li Erque's family as the mayor of the town, but when I knelt down and kowtowed, my identity was not the mayor of the town, but as a fellow townsman. I was from bangziyu village, less than ten miles away from here. If we have a thorough inquiry, maybe we still have relatives with Li Erque's family. Besides, Li Erque is one An elder, I am a younger generation, a younger generation kowtow to a deceased elder, do you need so much attention? "

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