Walking in the university campus, Ding Changsheng feels as if he has returned to his student days. It looks so clean here. There is no cheating and no pit after pit. However, there is competition here, and in such a small circle, the competition is more intense.

watched a pair of lovers walking under the Wutong tree and treading on the yellow leaves. Ding Changsheng realized that this autumn has arrived. Autumn is a harvest season. But Ding Changsheng lost everything in this autumn, and he fought for it.

He put the cigarette butt on the soles of his shoes, slowly put out the fire, stood up and went to the classroom. There is an open class tonight. It is said that a law expert from Beijing will give a lecture. He is a self-taught law expert. Although he doesn't usually use it well, he also wants to listen carefully. Maybe one day he will resign and become a lawyer or something.

"Dad, I heard that Ding Changsheng was removed from office?" Si Jiayi sat at the table and asked Sinan Xiadao.

"How do you know? Who told you that? "

"Well, who else can tell me? It has been reported on the Internet that both the Secretary and the mayor of Linshan town have resigned. Now, those who really should be responsible are at large, while those who should not be responsible are easily removed by you. Is this fair? No wonder people say that officials are black. It seems that they are right. I am not in politics. Otherwise, I would have been gnawed to the bone. ". Si Jiayi said in front of Sinan.

"You child, what are you talking about? Nonsense.". Sinan Xia was run by his daughter.

"Am I talking nonsense? Don't say that Lin Chunxiao didn't get your approval. Dad, you can't do this. In fact, Ding Changsheng is a good person and has strong ability. You can see, he can make some achievements wherever he works. At least he is not a muddler. Moreover, I heard that the responsibility is not in him this time. He can also share the responsibility for sister Lin. such a righteous person is in the officialdom It's not much, but good people don't pay off well. Who dares to work with you in the future? " In front of her father, Scarlett never drafts her words. This is also the difference between those outside the administrative field and those in the officialdom. People in the officialdom should not weigh what they say and pour them back and forth in their mouths and stomachs.

"You don't understand. Don't talk nonsense. I have a sense of propriety. In a few days, there will be a training class in the Party School of the provincial Party committee. I asked for a quota to let the boy study and avoid the limelight. The higher the profile, the better. Which high-profile official you have seen has a good future. He has made a taboo. Take a fall and learn from it.".

"Really? It's about the same. It's not too chilling. ".

"Don't talk about other people. How about the postdoctor who went on a blind date a few days ago? Have you contacted me again? " Said Sinan Xia.

"Contact, contact, Dad, you don't care about my business. I can't get married. What's the matter?"

"Hum, this can't be said. You said you want to study abroad, I also sent you out, you want to run a company, I also let you, but you always procrastinate, we have no bottom in this heart, you don't say, now the left women and men, listen to be upset, I can warn you, you give me a little tight, don't let your mother worry.".

"I see. There's so much to eat.".

Well, we won't see you until dinner. Sinan said with a curl of his mouth.

Sitting at the back of the ladder classroom, Ding Changsheng listened to a young professor from Beijing talking about the power of the rule of law. He said that there is no rule of law in China. At least, there is no rule of law at present. All laws are operated under the control of the rule of man. This is not the real rule of law.

"Do you really listen?" At this time, a gust of fragrant wind skimmed over the nose. In a twinkling of an eye, a woman sat beside her.

"How did you get here?" Ding Changsheng looked at Zhou Hongqi and asked.

"What do I do? It's not easy to find someone? " Zhou Hongqi said with a smile.

"Yes, it's true that you have the ability to track and locate me.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"I've come to see you because I have something to do with you. Let's go out and have a chat.". Zhou Hongqi said.

"This good class has been disturbed by you. Can't you do it another day?"

"What's the level of this man? If you listen with interest, I can tell you that these people are very eloquent and good at complicating simple problems, so as to show their importance. Therefore, I suggest that you should have a little discernment when listening, and don't be taken into the pit by others. ".

"Well, well, let's go out and talk. I've convinced you.". Ding Changsheng admitted defeat, so he became the first person to quit the class tonight.

"I hear you're not official now?" Zhou Hongqi does not have the taste of sympathy at all, on the contrary, appears a little schadenfreude.

"I am only temporarily demoted. Chiang Kai Shek still announces his resignation from time to time. It is normal for me to have such small setbacks. I am still very confident in my future. Why do I want to recruit me?" Ding Changsheng immediately exposed the purpose of Zhou Hongqi's coming.

"I didn't expect you to be such an official fan. I didn't mean to solicit you. This time, I wanted to ask you to do me a favor. Since you don't have a job in this period of time, do you mind helping me?". Zhou Hongqi came to recruit Ding Changsheng."Drillmaster Zhou, forget it. I'm not interested. You'd better spare me.".

"This time it's just to help. I won't force you to join this profession. I know that I'm working with my head in my hand. But this time I'm going, so I'm going to take someone I can trust. Do you understand what I mean?"

"This..." Ding Changsheng himself still has a strong hero complex, so when Zhou Hongqi said that, his heart suddenly softened.

"You don't have to promise me right away. I'll give you time. Is that enough time?".

"Well, I'll think about it.". Ding Changsheng just left a living word, did not dare to promise.

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