If you go to Thailand and don't see the Banshee performance, it means that you haven't been to Thailand. Very simply, the Banshee has become a symbol of tourism in Thailand.

The dim light is obviously different from the noisy scene, but this is indeed a bar in Thailand. However, the enchanting and charming women on the stage are not real women, but human demons. With the cheers from the audience, the performance of the banshee is also more intense. The steel pipe dance is the most exciting. At this time, every spectator shouts loudly with a glass of wine The Banshee twisted his ass and turned around.

"Are you sure the man you're looking for is performing the Banshee dance here?" Ding Changsheng looked at the environment and asked Zhou Hongqi in his ear. Because it was too noisy, he could only put his mouth to Zhou Hongqi's ear before she could hear what he said.

That's what our news says, but I don't think I've seen that guy yet. Wait a minute.

As a result, the two and many Chinese tourists drank wine and watched the Banshee show on the stage. At this time, Zhou Hongqi's earphone sounded such a voice: "hurry up, this is a trap.". Then there was no sound.

Zhou Hongqi recognized that it was the voice of a colleague who came to carry out the task at the same time. It seemed that something unexpected had happened to him, so he had no time to explain the situation in detail. Zhou Hongqi took Ding Changsheng and walked out.

"Oh, what's the matter? Don't you watch it?" Ding Changsheng was excited to see Zhou Hongqi's look, which was very abnormal. He stopped talking and walked out of the bar.

"What's the matter?"

"Let's go. There's an accident. This is a trap. Let's go.". As soon as they got out of the bar, they boarded the most popular motorcycle tricycle in Thailand. This thing was almost extinct in China's big cities, but it was booming in Thailand. Moreover, Thai drivers seemed to be killed, sometimes faster than taxis. At least, the probability of traffic jam was much smaller.

"What shall we do now?" Ding Changsheng asked in a low voice.

"Go ahead and find a hotel.". Zhou Hongqi didn't look back, but he had been observing the situation behind him from the driver's rearview mirror and saw that no one was catching up with him, which made him feel relieved.

Although the original hotel didn't check out, they didn't plan to go back again when they came out, so they had to find another hotel. After arriving at the room, Zhou Hongqi reported the situation to the country.

Intelligence work pays attention to the fact that each of them is in charge of their own business, so everyone has his or her own expertise. Soon, the specific situation of this incident will be fed back to China. Despite Zhou Hongqi's presence on the scene, the real situation is not as clear as that in China.

Ji Zhantao's meaning is very clear. The failure of this operation is that there is something wrong with the intelligence department, and a double-sided spy defected. So people set a trap for us to drill. Thanks to the fact that we were divided into two groups and operated separately, Zhou Hongqi was able to escape in time. However, it was obvious that the mission failed and Ji Zhantao asked Zhou Hongqi to withdraw immediately.

This made Zhou Hongqi feel extremely depressed. Originally, the task was inevitable, but now it seems that it is very difficult to end.

"What? Shall we go back like this? " Zhou Hongqi looked up and asked Ding Changsheng.

"You are the commander-in-chief, I listen to you, but if there is an intelligence problem, then we are blind and deaf here, so if we stay to continue this operation, it is obviously impossible to complete the task.".

"But..." When Zhou Hongqi wants to say something, the phone in the room rings. Zhou Hongqi picks up the phone and after listening to a few words, he looks at Ding Changsheng in doubt.

"What's the matter? Is something really wrong? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"No, the front desk said someone was waiting for me in the coffee shop downstairs. Who do you think this would be? Can I go?"

"Is it a trap?" Ding Changsheng pondered.

In fact, Zhou Hongqi didn't tell the truth. The first sentence from the front desk told her that there was a man named Jiang binghuai waiting for her downstairs, which made her feel very strange. But in her heart, there was a huge wave. Didn't he die? If he didn't die, why didn't he contact the organization? He didn't hear that the man had returned to the team.

In any case, it has become a knot in her heart, so she must go down and have a look. Even if it is a trap, as long as the truth is clear, even if it is dead, it is worth it.

I don't think so. You wait here. I'll go down and have a look. I'll be back in a minute. Zhou Hongqi decided that no matter what, she would have to go down to see the situation, and if it was really the enemy, she would have attacked without so much trouble.

"Well, be careful. I'll wait for you here.".

After Zhou Hongqi left, Ding Changsheng lifted a corner of the curtain and looked out. At this position, he saw the situation of the parking lot outside. Soon, he found something wrong, because there were several people sitting in a Mercedes Benz, and he could see a guy on the copilot looking at the store with a telescope, and he also glanced at the window where Ding Changsheng was from time to time, Although he is not a trained agent, he still has his due vigilance."Is it really him?" In a chair by the window, she saw the man she thought about day and night. Yes, it was him, Jiang binghuai. He was not dead.

"Red flag, I didn't expect it was me, ha ha.". Jiang binghuai stands up and laughs and holds Zhou Hongqi's hand, which makes Zhou Hongqi a little uneasy. His present style is not like a well-trained agent. This way of meeting is more like a meeting of two old friends.

"I didn't expect, really did not expect, how can you be here, is it a mission?"

"No, I'm out of the organization.".

"Why? Everyone thinks you're dead. If you go back now, they don't know how happy they are.

"Well, it's hard to say. After I was injured last time, I was saved by a Thai man. Now I'm in charge of several companies for him. To be honest, I'm tired of my previous life, so I don't want to go back to the past. When I saw you on the street today, I followed you all the way.".


"Red flag, there's no more red flag. But I came here today to see you. I didn't say something before. But I think if I don't say it now, I may not have a chance in the future. So I ask you to meet in order to say what I have in my heart for several years. I don't think I can see you in my life Think, God has given me such a chance.

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