"Today, after drinking a little wine, he actually talked about our director. Originally, I didn't believe it, but after thinking about it, it was possible that Zheng Xiaoai could become a district director at a young age. If there was no one to support her, I would not believe that she had climbed to this position by her own ability.". When Ding Changsheng talks about serious things, he is really serious.

"Oh? What did he say? "

"He said that behind our director Zheng stood Jiang Wenshan, Secretary of the municipal Party committee. He also said that there were not many people who knew about this matter. He was just the one.". Ding Changsheng said with some consideration.

"It's normal. In the officialdom, no one has a relative or a supporter. Although this is not allowed, who really gets rid of this hidden rule? It's not surprising that what you say is Jiang Wenshan standing behind her.". Zhonghua seems to have realized.

There are so many things going on in the officialdom. Ding Changsheng's news can't help but distract him. He thinks that Xinhu district has always been the territory of Jiang Wenshan, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. It is impossible for every Secretary of the District Committee to nod his head. Sometimes, both the Secretary and the head of the District Committee will be in his hands, but this time Different. Although the Secretary of the district Party committee is still a member of Jiang Wenshan, the head of the district is recommended by Shi Aiguo, the mayor of Huzhou City. This makes the struggle between the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the mayor clearer.

"Leader, what I said is not what you think. I heard Yang Huacheng mean that Zheng Xiaoai was Secretary Jiang's lover.". Ding Changsheng never discusses the privacy of another leader in front of one leader, because it will alert the leader who listens to you. Since you can talk about another leader in front of him, it is difficult to guarantee that you don't discuss the leader in front of others. There are still some leaders who are defensive.

"What do you say, Ding Changsheng, this is not a joke. Is there any evidence for him to say so?" Zhong Hua's face was a little ugly. Although he knew that Ding Changsheng would not talk freely and that Ding Changsheng reported this matter to himself in order to make a good choice in his future work, he still did not like to talk about the private life of the leader behind his back.

"He did not say, I did not ask him, I did not specifically ask him about this matter, it was his own initiative to talk to me, I think this is related to his failure to run for office director, it is likely to be behind the damage to Zheng Xiaoai's reputation, or there is no such thing at all.". With that, Ding Changsheng had no confidence.

"Have you seen the resume of your director?"

"After careful study, she is still only 31 years old. She was 26 years old when she graduated from the master's degree. After graduation, she went to Huzhou No.1 middle school to teach English. Later, it became clear that Huzhou No.1 middle school was the place where she made her fortune. She passed through five passes and cut six generals. She became the director of the Education Bureau of Xinhu District in five years. To say that the level is not very high, which is similar to mine, but Xinhu district is a The big district is the eldest son of Huzhou City, so although the education bureau is not a very important unit, it is also a vassal after all. ".

I think Yang Huacheng has a problem. You'd better be careful in the future. Don't let people use you as a gunshot.

"I know, leader, I also want to do my work. I can't really just read the newspaper, drink tea, and finish the work in vain. I have to do something. When I do my work, I will have to say something when you promote me, so that people will not say that you are pulling the mountain.".

"Son of a bitch, when did I say to promote you? OK, your work is your business. I'm too busy here all day. How can I manage your broken things? You can do them by yourself. You're not a new recruit. You know what can and can't be done. You can weigh it by yourself. OK, I'm going to have a rest. You should get out of here Eggs.

If someone is watching Ding Changsheng, he will surely find that this guy returns to his rented home, takes off his clothes, takes a bath, sits on the sofa and drinks some water, then goes to bed in the bedroom, pulls up the thick curtain, and can't see anything outside. But after the light is turned off, the boy sneaks into his house door in his slippers and knocks it with the key Open the opposite door, a door was a warm hot body tightly hugged, instantly two people began to melt each other, want to melt each other into their own body.

"Waiting for me so late?"

"You know it's late, too? When I come back, I'll come to you if you don't come back. "

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