Xia Hehui has been very busy recently. Ding Changsheng coordinated 300000 yuan from blueberry base and gave it to Xia Hehui. She was busy choosing shops and studying beauty. Ding Changsheng followed her to the address where she opened the shop. It should be said that this woman has a business mind, and it is a small business.

She chose to open a shop in a quiet community, but the people living in this community are basically white-collar elites. Although many people rent here, it doesn't matter much about beauty. For women, there are several people who don't love beauty. What's more, the second concern is that the next door to this quiet community is the family home of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, which can live in it There are a lot of housewives who are full and have nothing to do. Needless to say, Xia Hehui is also targeting these consumers. If she can, she would rather open the shop to the municipal government's family home. However, the security of the family home of the municipal government is very strict, let alone open a shop. Even if it is publicized, she can't get in.

"You live here?" As soon as she entered the room, Yang Fengqi saw not a messy home space, but a neat and orderly cleaning. Moreover, from the reality of the home, Ding Changsheng was not alone here. At the first glance, she found a pair of silk stockings hanging on a clothes hanger on the balcony through the door of her bedroom.

"Yes, it's a bit messy at home. You can make do with it.". Ding Changsheng said a little guilty, he also noticed Yang Fengqi's eyes.

"The eldest son, you just lie. I don't know when you become so hypocritical and insincere. The family is very clear, but it's a bit messy. I said you're hiring an hourly worker or a golden house. She won't come back tonight.".

"No, not..." Ding Changsheng did not finish his words, he found himself falling into the set of Yang Fengqi.

"Look, I'll tell you that you are not so honest.". Yang Fengqi, on the contrary, was not upset. He sat on the sofa and kicked her high-heeled shoes on the floor. Her black silk stockings wrapped her petite toes. In the limited time he had contacted Yang Fengqi, he remembered very clearly that Yang Fengqi had always preferred nature, and his body was rarely decorated. But this time he found that she had changed. As her feet stepped on the carpet in front of the sofa, he found her red The toenails, through the black stockings, appear dark color.

"Sister Yang, are you jealous?" Ding Changsheng poured a cup of tea to Yang Fengqi and asked with a smile.

"It's no use if I'm jealous. I'm a married woman. You're a bachelor. Can I interfere with your private life? So, elder sister, I'm open-minded. How many women do you have? That's your skill. Come on, this is a gift for you. It's not convenient to give it to you in the office. It's OK for you at home.". Yang Fengqi looked around.

"Ha ha, elder sister, you are very careful. Why, is this a bribe to me?"

Between you and me, do you still use bribes. Yang Fengqi handed a beautifully packed box to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng doesn't know anything, but it looks like a square box, like a watch or something like that.

"What's this? Isn't it a little expensive?" Ding Changsheng said as he opened the package.

Yang Fengqi smiles and doesn't speak. He looks at Ding Changsheng opening the package layer by layer. Ding Changsheng sees clearly that it is indeed a watch. Before Ding Changsheng says anything, Yang Fengqi reaches for the watch box, slowly takes out the watch, and then takes Ding Changsheng's hand and puts the watch on his wrist.

"I bought it for you when I went to Switzerland. I've bought it for a long time, but I haven't had time to find you. Now I finally put it on your hand. It's a complete credit.".

Ding Changsheng looked at the watch box. It was all in foreign language. However, in his limited knowledge of watch, he didn't know what brand the watch was. He was embarrassed to ask, but he asked foolishly, "sister, is this watch very expensive? "

" don't ask about the price, a man must have a good watch, not necessarily many, but must be classic. This is the classic style of the imperial camel. It's just right for me to wear. I'm really insightful. ".

Ding Changsheng didn't say anything, but he kept the brand firmly in his heart. He looked back to find out how much the watch cost. If it was expensive, it would be a time bomb to wear, and he might overturn himself to the ground at any time. Looking at Yang Fengqi's excited expression, he was embarrassed to say this, so he asked Yang Fengqi what he wanted to eat, and he was going to cook.

"It's good to do anything. As long as you do it, I love to eat it.". Yang Fengqi was a little girl at this time. Who could have imagined that the chairman of the board of directors of the famous Panshi group, a married woman, is now living with her lover in a community in Huzhou.

Houer er's taxi has been following Ding Changsheng to the gate of the community. Because the management of the community is quite strict, the taxi can't get in at all. So monkey 2 can only follow Ding Changsheng to the gate. If he knows where Ding Changsheng lives, it's hard to inquire about the rest.

"Listen to you, this boy is still a rich master. Bruce Lee was badly hurt by him this time. It is said that we are out to seek wealth and should not create extra troubles. But if we swallow this tone, it means that we have no prestige in the railway station. Let other guys laugh. Monkey 2, you don't have to do anything else these days. You just stare at this boy, It's better to go in and find out what this guy is doing, which building, which unit and which room he lives in. After that, we can calculate the bill for the day.The speaker is the guy who instructs his children to steal Yang Fengqi's mobile phone during the day. He is a serial criminal in a mixed railway station for a long time. However, this guy has the ability, that is, he is not only a mixed place, but also has gangs in cities all over the country. The only characteristic of this guy is that he specializes in mixing with railway stations, named Maqiao 3.

"Big brother, don't forget it. I'm fine. In case the boy doesn't get into trouble, I've heard that the boy has connections with the underground human organ dealers. It's all about splitting up and selling human organs. It's said that one person can sell millions of dollars. It's very frightening.". The tattooed youth in the daytime, that is, Bruce Lee says timidly.

"Fart your mother. He's scaring you. Wait a minute. What do you say? You say this kid is trading human organs?" Maqiao three in front of a bright asked.

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