Dingchangsheng returned to the car, his face was very ugly. Cheng Qianqian also Huang Haomin looked at the situation and did not dare to ask anything again. As soon as he looked at that, he knew that there must be no good words heard from those who were demolished. Therefore, neither of them would like to touch the mould.

When dingchangsheng arrived, Tang JianZheng, director of the command department of "two axes and two lines", stood in front of the map, and was unable to show up. He had not been home for a week. He slept in the command department after he was sleepy. He was hungry and ate some noodles in the canteen behind him. He asked him to eat for a long time. However, he just didn't have time to go out. The whole command department had a lot of things, everything was all over the place He was asked to make the final decision, so he was in a mess all day.

Moreover, the time is so tight, unfortunately, the demolition of various places is not smooth, the central government has regulations, can not implement forced demolition, so it is difficult to realize the demolition in a peaceful environment.

"You took over the old Xu and took charge of the demolition?" Tang Jianyi is not convinced. What can this kid do? It is not as good as the experience of demolition than the female comrade around him. Fortunately, he has dealt with the fat lesbian several times. But the young man, alas, also does not know whether the leader of Longgang Street office has been kicked by the donkey.

"Yes, director Tang, my name is dingchangsheng. I just took office. I just made clear my responsibilities in the morning. No, I came to Director Tang to report when I was scattered. But I went to gonggu lane and talked with the demolition households for a long time, so I came late.".

According to Tang Jian, such a young man must have come to be a dead ghost or to gilt him up. So he didn't plan to take care of him. After that, he began to look down at the map and think about how to arrange his work tomorrow. But when dingchangsheng explained why he had come late, and then said that when he was still in gonggu lane, his mind was in mind Finally, dingchangsheng's words were dragged back.

"You said you went to gonggu lane?" Tang Jian asked Ding Changsheng.

"Yes, I went to see it. I want to know the situation first.".

"What's the matter?" Tang Jian looks a little better, but he still doesn't have any expression.

"The situation is very bad. The rest of the demolition households have a lot of emotions, which can be said that the families have their own reasons, but there are several reasons. One is the attitude of our cadres, the other is the fairness and justice in the demolition measurement, the third is that we have all the problems in one size, and there are no specific problems In specific analysis, the comrades in specific work have not been patient in making policies and laws clear, in short, there are problems in implementation. ". Ding Changsheng string these things on his way to come, but the basic reason is that.

Chengqianqian and Huang Haomin looked at each other. They thought that the director of Ding was forced to face the two of them when they were being forced to remove the house. It doesn't seem that way. On the other hand, dingchangsheng said that these things exist and are common. Surprised, they are surprised here. In fact, almost every leader knows the existence of these problems But no one has broken the window paper, because these words are equal to wipe out all the previous demolition work results, at least those achievements are not so glorious.

Dingchangsheng is also on the matter. When the demolition is carried out, hundreds of armed police are called to help. The police are in charge of public security. What's more ridiculous is that sometimes, the government should use rogue gangsters in demolition work. I don't know whether the government is fighting its own face or the government has no confidence and face to face with the demolition households.

"You two go out first.". Tang Jian said to Cheng Qianqian and Huang Haomin.

They were stunned, but they still nodded and left the door, and closed the door consciously. But they had started to feel a little different in their hearts. This little Dean was the first time they contacted him today. They didn't know much about him. But the director of Tang Jian actually drove them out. Would you like to discuss with dingchangsheng what can't be seen What about getting people? No, it's not a matter of no one, it should be important.

"Ah, I can't see. Heroes have been young since ancient times. That's exactly what you are. How old are you this year, Xiao Ding?"

"Director Tang, I am 25 years old. I dare not call the hero. You have won the prize.". Dingchangsheng said with a modest smile.

"Twenty five, well, can't you see, didn't the two comrades tell you that there is no way to go in gonggu lane, and are those people unreasonable?" Tang Jian smiled and asked dingchangsheng to the sofa area. When he was about to pour a glass of water for dingchangsheng, dingchangsheng robbed it by himself, and then filled the tea cup of Tang Jian with water.

"They said, in fact, as they said. I was warned by a child knocking on the basin just after I got off the car. I came around and got everything, but nothing. Although I didn't say what I was doing, I believe they could guess it, because they also saw chengqianqian and Huang Haomin, but I was not right How am I? They are not so terrible. ".

"What did you talk to them?" Tang Jian asked with great interest, and he wanted to know what the demolition households had talked to dingchangsheng when they saw the demolition office."There are a lot of contents, but I didn't remember what you said and what I said. I summarized the existing problems. In fact, these people also know that their arms can't twist their thighs. Therefore, there should be no objection to the demolition. The difference lies in the issue of compensation.".

"You're right, which demolition is not the last to focus on this issue, all want to take advantage of demolition overnight to become rich. How can there be such a good thing? The money of the state is also money, and those money is also the tax paid by people in other places, so there is no solution to this problem.".

"Well, I say so, but I think the work can still be done. I plan to take a walk around Luogu Lane tomorrow to see if there is a solution to the problem and how to achieve a win-win result.".

"Well, OK, it's good that you have this determination. Originally, Luogu lane is a tough nut. I plan to give up the place first, and then the easy one, and then the difficult one. When I take down all the surrounding areas and organize a forced demolition, you can try it first, but not again.". Tang Jian said cautiously. To tell the truth, he did not believe that Ding Changsheng could solve such a century problem.

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