Ding Changsheng is very tangled, and Cao Bing is also entangled. Ding Changsheng is her classmate Lingshan's boyfriend. She knows it, and it was Ling Shan who called Ding Changsheng. However, after Lingshan went to Beijing to go to university, Ling Shan never mentioned Ding Changsheng again in their contact, which made Cao Bing very puzzled. She also asked Lingshan several times, but Ling Shan skilfully avoided it This is the topic.

She wanted to invite Ding Changsheng to dinner, but she also took into account the friendship of her classmates. To be honest, she was envious of Ling Shan at that time. She envied Ling Shan for having such a promising young boyfriend. Especially when she was in trouble, it was the man who saved her own life. So she hated her bad luck. Why didn't she meet such a man 。

It can be said that now the opportunity has come. At the moment when she saw Ding Changsheng from the new Lake Park, she seemed to know what she wanted at last, and the feeling that she had been holding back for a long time was finally waiting for the opportunity to vent.

After work, Zheng Xiaoai didn't give Ding Changsheng a specific address, but asked Ding Changsheng to drive with her car. Yu Shi was far behind Zheng Xiaoai's car, driving farther and farther. I really don't know why they would run so far after a meal. As the road got worse, they finally drove into a small town. Ding Changsheng vaguely remembered that this town belongs to Huzhou hi tech The technology development zone is 30 or 40 kilometers away from Huzhou City, but Zheng Xiaoai's car did not stop in the town, but went to a farmyard not far from the town.

Ding Changsheng saw in the car that this is a high courtyard wall courtyard, and it is a small two-story building. From the outside, the courtyard should be not small, and the difference is that the gate adopts the style of garage gate. Before Zheng Xiaoai's car reaches the gate, the gate has opened slowly. She drives the car into the courtyard and waves back a hand, indicating Ding Changsheng to drive the car Into the yard.

"What is this place? It's a good place. Ding Changsheng gets out of the car and looks at the yard. There are still some trees in the yard. The late autumn has arrived. The leaves on the trees have almost fallen. The courtyard on the cement field is covered with yellow leaves.

"I just bought this one recently. The owner is an old man and an old lady. I went to America to work with my children. I saw that it was not bad here. I bought it for leisure. I cleaned it a few days ago. How about it? Look around and see the fruits of my labor.".

Ding Changsheng looked around and found that the two meter high wall almost blocked everything outside, and the top of the wall was filled with glass debris. Moreover, the wall was covered with cement, which was very smooth. It was much harder to climb than the head of the village's wall.

There are no high-rise buildings around here, all of them are bungalows, so there is no need for someone to peep from a distance.

Walking into the main room, I found that although there were floor tiles, the furniture was some ancient Ming and Qing furniture styles, but I don't know whether it was true. Especially exaggerated, sitting on the chair in the living room, you can see the carved dragon bed in the bedroom. This bed should not be too long. There was no such big bed in ancient times, but the style was very old and only one A bed leg is more than ten centimeters thick, which is very solid.

"Zheng's purchase of such a courtyard is not a matter of trying to hide her beauty in a golden house?" Ding Changsheng put his mobile phone on the case beside the imperial chair and looked at Zheng Xiaoai with a playful look.

Zheng Xiaoai smiles and doesn't speak. She reaches out and picks up the remote control on the table and turns on the air conditioner. She takes off her coat, which is just a purplish red sweater. It can be seen that this dress should be very warm, very thin, but very slim. After the coat is removed, almost every line on her body is very delicate.

Looking at Ding Changsheng's eyes and approaching him, he reached out and put his arm around Ding Changsheng's neck. With a slight yawn on his buttocks, he sat down on Ding Changsheng's legs. He was afraid that she would fall down, so he put his arm around her waist.

"What do you say? I'll hide you, will you?"

"Hide me? Can you afford it? Although I like sister Zheng very much, especially in bed, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I have to say that your ability to seduce men is really extraordinary, but since ancient times, there has been a saying that people die under peonies. I don't want to be a romantic ghost. What should I do

"Bah, who makes you a ghost? If you want to be a ghost, you are also a lecher.". Zheng Xiaoai's woolen clothes have no collar, and her whole white and smooth neck is exposed in the air. She looks back for Ding Changsheng's excitement. Her delicate red lips cling to Ding Changsheng's ears and murmurs to herself.

"I'm talking about Jiang Wenshan. If he knows about this, he will not only harm you, even I will not have a good end. Have you considered this?" Ding Changsheng thought that the villain first followed by the gentleman. Jiang Wenshan was a time bomb between the two. Maybe when he found out, it would be completely destroyed. So although he knew that the feeling of stealing was very exciting, how did it end after the stimulation.

"Are you afraid of him?" Zheng Xiaoai was shocked, put her hands around Ding Changsheng's neck, looked at him face to face, and asked.

"Of course you are? When Zhu Hongjun died, I was on the street. I can see clearly that Zhu Hongjun seems unwilling, but he still died in Jiang Wenshan's hands. Now I have a little regret that I should call you. No matter how bad Zhu Hongjun is, it is a life after all.

"I asked Jiang Wenshan, and he said that he did not know who killed the Red Army. I think he would not cheat me, so the death of Zhu Hongjun should have nothing to do with him.". Zheng Xiaoai said very definitely."But what about me, if he wants to kill you and me, what are you going to do?" Ding Changsheng asked again.

No, he won't know. Let's be careful.

"There is no airtight wall in the world, and, my woman, I can't think about your scene under that old man's crotch. Do you understand that a man's jealousy is not worse than a woman's at all. If he wants to follow me, he will be cut off, otherwise, we will not meet.". Ding Changsheng put his arm around Zheng Xiaoai's waist and pulled her deeply to his side, as if he wanted to embed her deeply into his own flesh.

"Ha ha, are you jealous?" Zheng Xiaoai smiles instead of anger.

"What I'm saying is true. If I can't, I'll go now.". Ding Changsheng made a gesture to get up, but was grabbed by Zheng Xiaoai.

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