"You have become a lot, as if you are mature a lot, how to say, more like a man.". Cao Bing smiles and says boldly.

"You mean I didn't look like a man before?" Ding Changsheng put a peeled lobster on the plate in front of Cao Bing.

"Hee hee, I don't mean that. I just feel it. Now I see you, I think you are no longer the little boy you used to look like. However, compared with you, it is still better now. People are getting better and better.".

"Can't see, you this mouth is really very able to say, by the way, your high school head teacher is also Fu pinqian?". Ding Changsheng suddenly thinks of her. The impression of this woman to Ding Changsheng is that she will never take the initiative to look for you. She is like a dandelion. She secretly hides in the corner, blossoms and withers. She can hardly ask for anything.

"Yes, Ling Shan and I are classmates, of course, a class teacher.".

"Have you seen her lately?"

"No, but I seem to hear that she moved. I don't know where she moved. I have been to the original home. In fact, Mr. Fu is very unfortunate. She has a child alone. Fortunately, Miao Miao is very competitive and studies very well. Mr. Fu should still teach in No. 1 middle school. Why, do you know her?"

"Well, we met and haven't been in touch for a long time?" Ding Changsheng said with a bit of melancholy that none of his women seemed to be his women. He had been to Huzhou for such a long time. Except Yang Fengqi, those women didn't even have a phone call. Liu Xiangli was also like this. I don't know how her child lives with Yang Fengqi. Is she still doing business with Xie Heyang? All of a sudden, he finds himself almost cut off from Baishan Contact, looked at the opposite of Cao Bing, he suddenly had an impulse to go back to see, but that place is where he vowed never to go back.

When Cao Dingbing came back to the hotel, he asked, "will we go back to Changbing for another meal when we have nothing to eat?" After saying this, she began to be nervous, but also a little shy, as long as men can hear the implication, Ding Changsheng is no exception.

"Maybe, who knows, maybe a long time, but maybe tomorrow, oh, well, it's late. Go back, goodbye.". Ding Changsheng got on the bus and drove away, while Cao Bing had been standing at the door of the hotel, watching his lights disappear in the distance of the darkness.

He didn't hate me, didn't look down on me, so I can continue to like him, continue to love him secretly, I don't care whether he knows or not, also don't care what he let me do, I just know that he is a man who can protect women, which is enough. Cao Bing interweaved his hands and walked back to his room.

The night life in Huzhou ended very early. There were not many cars on the road at 11:00 p.m. Ding Changsheng drove slowly and turned on the radio. Deng Lijun's provocative voice came from inside. Ding Changsheng glanced out of the window and found himself driving to the side of Huzhou No.1 middle school.

First, the car turned off the light and drove into a small alley next to the school with the help of the light of the street lamp. Passing through the lane is a wide road. After driving around for several times, Ding Changsheng finally decided to take advantage of the darkness to visit Zhu Hongjun's office. He wanted to know whether Zhu Hongjun's words before his death implied anything, and whether it implied that there was something wrong with the plaque, In fact, what Ding Changsheng thought was that Zhu Hongjun might have put something very important in the plaque. Although it was just a guess, Ding Changsheng believed that it was very likely, otherwise he would not talk about it before he died.

He hid the car and went to a place with woods. The two meter fence was a small thing for Ding Changsheng. After climbing over the wall, Ding Changsheng walked to the administrative building with a piece of clothes. He was afraid that he would be photographed by surveillance.

In fact, the guard didn't sleep at this time, but after a tour, he sat in the guard room of the school gate and drank tea. Ding Changsheng got close to the teaching building without hindrance. Standing under the wall, he looked around and found that there was no one. The headmaster's room was on the second floor. He jumped along the window on the first floor and climbed up to the windowsill, headmaster's room and other rooms on the second floor The difference is that the window outside the headmaster's room is the hall on the first floor. There is a protruding building, so as long as Ding Changsheng can open the window, he can enter the room.

Look at the gate guard, the lights are brilliant. However, when Ding Changsheng pushed the window, he found that the window was locked from the inside. Unless the glass was broken, he could not get in at all. This made Ding Changsheng very depressed. However, breaking the glass would immediately alarm the security guards, which was not feasible at all.

Just when he wanted to give up, he suddenly found the car key in his hand, so he put the key into the glass door frame, quietly worked hard, hoping to make the window slightly deformed, and then took the opportunity to open the window.

His kung fu paid off. Finally, after a chirp, the window was deformed, and the spring inside popped open. However, the sound was a little loud, which alarmed the dog kept by the security guard at the gate. The dog barked at the administrative building. Ding Changsheng did not dare to move at this time. He was lying on the protruding building, motionless. The security guard came out to have a look and took a flashlight After kicking the dog a few feet, he went back to tea.

Ding Changsheng slowly opened the window, and then used his clothes to wipe all the places he had just touched with his hands to avoid leaving fingerprints. After jumping into the window, he found that everything in the room was in good order. I wonder if the people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection have come.He didn't look at other things because they were not attractive to him. To be exact, he was not interested in anything of the Red Army. He just wanted to satisfy his curiosity and see if his guess was right or not. Whether Zhu Hongjun really had any East Tibet behind the plaque of "learning high as a teacher and being upright as a model" is all that matters.

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