"Sister Cheng, the time is too tight. Let's go separately. How many houses do you go and how many I can go? In this way, we can go more than a dozen. We can't do anything about the rest. Pay attention to safety and call if you have something to do.". Ding Changsheng to Cheng Qianqian said, see Ding Changsheng said so, Cheng Qianqian is not good to say what.

Thirty minutes is a short time. Ding Changsheng has just talked with one family. Moreover, it has to be said that Tang Jian's call for so many people today is still very deterrent. At least the second family who left has already indicated that they would sign an agreement. After all, the arm can't be twisted. The house will be demolished sooner or later. If it is demolished by force, more compensation can be given, I'm afraid it's impossible to get that reward.

But just when Ding Changsheng wanted to apply with Tang Jian for another hour, Zhao Tiegang, the former community director, stumbled in. Before he could get into the house, he yelled: "director Ding, something's wrong. Something's wrong.".

Ding Changsheng was disgusted and asked patiently, "what's the matter? What's the matter? "

"There's something wrong with director Cheng. She's been kidnapped. Now she's on the top of the house. Go and have a look.".

Ding Changsheng heard here a cool heart, Niang, really let Cheng Qianqian said right, really something happened, the woman's feeling is much better than men.

"What's going on?" Ding Changsheng hurried out and asked as he walked.

"Ouch, this family is the most difficult to deal with. I have talked about it many times before. It's just that oil and salt are not allowed to enter. Moreover, director Cheng went in to persuade him, but he was shut up and got on the roof. It seems that they are going to fight to the end, and

"And what? Say. Ding Changsheng yelled impatiently, and at the same time ran quickly to the spot of the accident.

"What's more, I saw Lao Ding and his son pouring gasoline all over their bodies just now. Director Cheng and director Cheng are also pouring gasoline on their bodies. I'm worried..." Ding Changsheng didn't hear what he said at all. When Ding Changsheng heard about gasoline, his heart was already cold. If Cheng Qianqian really had an accident, he would regret his whole life. Cheng Qianqian told him more than once that it was very dangerous to go at this time, but he didn't listen to it and went alone, which led to the current situation. He had known that he should be with her, but It's too late to say anything.

When Ding Changsheng arrived, people from the outside had already gathered around. Tang Jian stood at the gate of the Ding family and looked at the brothers on the roof next to the gate. They firmly controlled Cheng Qianqian. In one hand, they still held a lighter and the other still held a gasoline barrel. It can be seen that there is still half a barrel of gasoline in the plastic gasoline can.

"Xiaoding, what the hell is going on here? I want you to persuade you to sign the agreement. How can this be done?". As soon as Tang Jian saw the appearance of Ding Chang's life, he was furious and asked.

"Mayor Tang, this is not the time to get angry. Now let's discuss how to rescue the hostages.". Ding Changsheng is also full of anger, but now he can't get angry, first save Cheng Qianqian and say something else.

"It's still taught by you. If such a big thing happens, you'll be punished.". Tang Jian scolded loudly that he had forgotten who let Ding Changsheng and Ding Changsheng make the final mobilization for the relocated households.

"Mayor Tang, well, I'll go and talk to them and see what's going on?" Ding Changsheng is uneasy about staying here. After all, Cheng Qianqian is also a colleague of his own. Since he went to Longgang Street office, Cheng Qianqian has treated him fairly well. He can't stand here waiting in public or private.

"When you come back, it's useless for you to go there. There are negotiation experts. You don't need you. You stay here and reflect honestly.". Tang Jian said angrily that he was worried about Ding Changsheng's going and that the problem would become out of control. He found that the boy could really cause trouble.

At this time, the armed police are no longer in the periphery. They are in the innermost part, and they are working together with the police to deal with Cheng Qianqian's being taken hostage. However, the Urban Management Bureau has become the most peripheral person to maintain order.

However, there is one point, that is, it is impossible to hide the matter. Tang Jianli reported the incident to Jiang Wenshan and Shi Aiguo. After a while, Shi Aiguo drove to the scene, but Tang Jian did not report the matter clearly. Li Farui, the head of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Tan Daqing, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, also drove to the scene.

"Lao Tang, this matter must be dealt with properly. No one can be killed. If it happens, I guess you and I will have to move.". After listening to Tang Jian's report, Shi Aiguo said with a sigh. When he said this, Li Farui and Tan Daqing, who were listening to the report, showed the vicissitudes of life.

"Mayor, I will handle this matter well. The two directors, I will leave this matter to you.". Tang Jian shook hands with Li Farui and Tan Daqing.

"Mayor Shi and Mayor Tang, please rest assured that we will do our best to prevent accidents.". Li Farui is a mayor's assistant, but he is a neutral person. He doesn't participate in any faction's fight, so he is aloof in the city. However, Tan Daqing is Jiang Wenshan's person, which can be seen from the relationship between Tan Daqing and Jiang Wenshan's son Jiang Haiyang.

"Well, who is that? Who is that? Who is going up? Is it your people?" At this time, Shi Aiguo looked at the scene with a telescope. All of a sudden, he found a man climbing up the wall from the tree in front of the door. One step further ahead was the roof. Shi Aiguo asked Li Farui and Tan Daqing."Mayor, it's not our man. The negotiator hasn't arrived yet. He is..."

"Ouch, how did the boy get up? Hurry up and get someone to call him back. This bastard is going to kill people.". Tang Jian said angrily. He could see clearly that Ding Changsheng, who was still here just now, did not pay attention. The boy actually climbed up the wall. What did the armed police and police in the inner circle eat when they were doing? It was dereliction of duty.

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