The three people stopped at the roadside and talked for a long time. Li Qiang originally wanted to invite Ding Changsheng to have dinner together in the evening. However, Ding Changsheng has just come back and there are still several places to run around. So there must be no time at night.

"Well, I know you've just come back. Call me when you leave. Let's find a place to drink some wine. It's like seeing you off. What's more, I have to give you face.". Li Qiang beat Ding Changsheng again and said.

"OK, no problem. When I was in the police station, brother Qiang took good care of me. I must squeeze out time to have a good chat with brother Qiang.".

"Well, how can I hear that so sour? OK, I'll contact you later.". Li Qiang and Ding Changsheng shake hands, get on the car and drive away.

Looking at Li Qiang's police car, Ding Changsheng said with a smile: "this boy, now it's really grown-up, bureau seat, hehe, interesting.".

"Yes, you don't know. Li Qiang is very good now, but he is polite to you. He also knows to catch up with you and have a conversation with you. I heard that he took the thigh of a leader in the county. I don't know whether it is true or not.". Du shankui thought about it and said to Ding Changsheng.

"County leaders? Which leader? "

"It seems that Lin Chunxiao, the Secretary of the county Party committee, appreciated it very much. All in all, the boy is very good now.". Said Du shankui.

"Why, Dogo, is he angry with you?" Ding Chang frowned and said.

"That's not true. I don't have much contact with him. I can't fight with him.".

"Oh, how can Lin Chunxiao, a party secretary of the county Party committee, take a fancy to him

"No, it seems that at the beginning of the establishment of the Development Zone, the security situation in Linshan town was not good, and it was also associated with the land acquisition. There were a lot of petty thieves, local ruffians, and many children. Secretary Lin was very angry. He told Chen Junwei, the director of public security, for many times. Moreover, many enterprises in the Development Zone complained to Lin Chunxiao's office, which made him very angry So he called the Development Zone sub Bureau directly. As a result, Li Qiang was also a tough guy. In less than a month, he arrested more than 70 people, and the basic public security situation in the development zone has been improved. I said that this boy is ruthless here. Even the teenage children have been detained for a week, and their families have to pay a fine to redeem them. ". Du shankui seems to say relaxed, but Ding Changsheng felt that the situation at that time was definitely not like this.

"Hey, I'm bored. What's Chen Junwei's brain? He doesn't know that Lin Chunxiao is the Secretary of the county Party committee. He doesn't listen to the Secretary of the county Party committee. Does he want to retire early?" Ding Changsheng didn't understand why Chen Junwei was so counselled this time.

"After you left, the pattern of the county has been in chaos for several times. Before that, Lin Chunxiao came from the city, which can be said to be under the influence of the emperor. Moreover, she is also a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Therefore, all the cadres in the county are afraid of him. However, in the past six months, how can the county magistrate be willing to go on like this? He is bigger than secretary Lin himself. If we want to go further, we should not only do this To leave Haiyang county is to squeeze out Secretary Lin. as a result, the local cadres in the county gradually united around the whole party. Chen Junwei is one of them. ".

"Oh, it's so complicated. It seems that foreign monks are not good at reciting scriptures. Lin Chunxiao is not a winner, and he certainly won't give up easily.".

"Yes, but I don't know what's in it. It's also hearsay from one of them at the dinner table. It's hard to count. We don't know so much about the neighbors.". Du shankui said with a smile. In fact, what he said was not all right. Sometimes the rumors on the wine table are based, and the holes may not come.

When Ding Changsheng left Haiyang County, he never thought of coming back. However, after returning this time, he found that he was so strange to his former base area. His foundation was here, and all his sources of income were also here. However, it seemed that he only paid attention to his business and did not notice the great changes in the officialdom.

Originally, I had a Hu Jiajia in the county government and a Luo Xiangyue in the county Party committee. But these days, these relationships have been left behind. You should know that interpersonal relationships need to be maintained. If there is no such communication for a long time, the strangeness between them will gradually strengthen after a long time. Moreover, there is no common living environment and common official feeling, The common language will be less and less, until one day become unfamiliar acquaintances.

Ding Changsheng was thinking about these problems while driving. Du shankui saw Ding Changsheng in deep meditation without disturbing him. His master, Taoist Yizhuo, said that Ding Changsheng was not simple. He was young and courageous. Moreover, Taoist Yizhuo secretly showed Ding Changsheng a picture. He made Du shankui follow Ding Changsheng closely no matter what time he was You'll have no worries about food and clothing.

Du shankui, who had been a soldier and had been educated by the party, didn't believe in his life. However, when he left as a soldier, the old Taoist priest gave him all his life, so he couldn't believe it.

As expected, as Du shankui said, Chen Lihong, a female doctor in Haiyang county hospital, was squatting on a small platform in the courtyard in her white coat to pound herbs. Besides, there was a small chopper beside her. Ding Changsheng knew that it was for medicinal purposes. Wang Jiashan commanded Chen Lihong to stamp herbs while cutting herbs."Why, how did you come back?" The old man heard the sound of parking at the door. He looked up and saw Ding Changsheng come in with a big bag and a small bag.

"Come to see you, ah, you look good, and you are recovering well. I have time these days. Come with me to the provincial capital for examination and check. Check it again. Don't relapse again at that time."

When Wang Jiashan saw Ding Changsheng come in, he immediately put down everything in his hand and welcomed him. He took over what Ding Changsheng had in his hand. People's hearts are full of flesh and blood. To put it bluntly, Ding Changsheng saved him twice. The first time was on the way to petition. If there was no Ding Changsheng, it would be hard to say whether Wang Jiashan could go back to his hometown. The second time was this move If Ding Changsheng hadn't insisted on the operation, it was estimated that Wang Jiashan might have extended his life for several years, but it could not be so complete. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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