"What's up with director Shen?" Ding Changsheng asked. As soon as he saw Shen Mu's humble appearance, he knew that he was afraid that his story had been spread all over the city.

"I don't know if your sister-in-law bought some mandarin fish at night. I married your sister-in-law because she did a good job in mandarin fish. How about it? Do you have time to appreciate it?" Shen Mu did not mention anything to celebrate him. Instead, he invited him to a family dinner. This surprised Ding Ding Changsheng. In his impression, apart from having eaten several times at Kou Dapeng's house, he really did not have dinner with his colleagues or leaders.

"Well, as long as there is no leader pressing my neck, I'll go there at night. I'll thank my sister-in-law first.".

"You're welcome. All right, you should be busy first.". Shen Mu left with satisfaction. In his opinion, his guess and vision were right. When the boy came to Longgang Street office, he felt that he would not stay here for a long time. Now it seems that it is not surprising that he will work as secretary to the mayor. Although he is still at the section level, he is the Secretary of the municipal government. He must also be the section chief of the comprehensive section, and he will be released in a few years If you go out, you will be a cadre at the level of deputy department. Even though there is only one step between the level of deputy department and the level of chief section, it is often the dividing line of a cadre's political life.

Sitting in the office, Shen Mu is a bit dazed. To be honest, he is a little jealous, but he also knows that this kind of jealousy is useless. Although he is a college student, and this Ding Changsheng has never even been to a university, he has become the mayor's secretary with a flying leap. That is the position that many people are envious of, and all kinds of envy and jealousy hate are pouring in.

"Hongfeng, don't go to work in the afternoon. Go back early and get ready for dinner. I'll go back with him.".

"Oh? He agreed? "

"Well, we have a good relationship. We still have some face.".

"Husband, then get along well with others. Maybe you can help you one day. How long has it been? Your minor has not been solved yet.".

Shen Mu agreed and hung up the phone. His daughter-in-law was right. He had been in the position of director of the party and government office for seven years. Seven years. How many seven years can there be in life? So when he knew for the first time that Ding Changsheng would go to the municipal government to serve as the mayor's secretary, he aimed at Ding Changsheng.

Vice Mayor Tang Jian arranged Yang Fengqi and his entourage as if for his ancestors, and then he hurriedly reported it to Shi Shi Shi Shi Aiguo, because this is not only an investment problem. If ordinary investors are not so excited, the other side is rock investment. In the domestic and international Chinese world, it is a first-class investment institution, so Tang Jian is excited shows between the lines.

"Is that true?" Shi Aiguo asked Tang Jiandao a little incredulous.

"It's true. At first, I thought that Mr. Yang was just talking and playing, but later I observed that Mr. Yang seemed to have known Ding Changsheng for a long time. Moreover, I have investigated that Mr. Yang first came to Huzhou after Ding Changsheng came to work in Huzhou. It can be said that he has never been to Huzhou before. Therefore, as the boss of such a big company, she should not It's time to lie. ".

"How much do you think Ding Changsheng can play in this matter?" Shi Aiguo asked with great interest.

"It's really hard to say. In business, if they feel that the project is profitable, even if there is no Ding Changsheng, they will invest, but if they lose money, I think even if the company is Ding Changsheng, he may not invest money. Therefore, Ding Changsheng's role as a matchmaker is the premise, but the key lies in the planning of our project.".

"Well, Tang Jian, you are right, but don't neglect the role of Ding Changsheng. Forget it, I'll arrange it myself.". Shi Aiguo said lightly, this sentence let Tang Jian have a foot in the air feeling, he came to report this matter is to personally grasp the investment of this project, if not report, face can not be said, but report is not equal to let others pick peaches, and he will all bet on this project.

He has received reliable information. Wang forest has submitted his resignation to the provincial Party committee. The next step is to compete for the post of executive vice mayor vacated by Wang forest. If he can bring in investors such as Panshi investment and solve the stubborn disease of railway station square at one stroke, he will undoubtedly give him a lot of points, because he has made good plans Now he has been linked with Panshi investment. Ding Changsheng is no longer of any importance. The rest is definitely the choice of interests. As long as he can keep the investment in Panshi, it is worth sacrificing the government's interests. However, he did not calculate that Shi Aiguo would take a part in it. This is shameless.

Looking at Tang Jian reluctantly out of his office, Shi Aiguo picked up the phone with a smile and called his staunch supporter Tao Chengjun.

Because his secretary Chen Qinglong left has become a foregone conclusion, and basically arranged the position, so although Chen Qinglong is still on standby at any time in the external office, Shi Aiguo no longer uses him for many things. He would rather let Tao Chengjun, the secretary general, do it, because Chen Qinglong asked Tao Chengjun to find him at that time and told him that he wanted to go to exercise again Shi Aiguo is quite annoyed. He feels that his mind has not warmed the Secretary's heart all the time. The Secretary and the boss are not of the same mind. Any leader can't accept this. He can't let a person with a different mind wander in front of you all day. Moreover, he may go deep into the private life of the leader, so he needs a reliable person.It can be said that he asked Tao Chengjun to choose Ding Changsheng as his secretary, largely because of his one-sided friendship, which was the performance of Ding Changsheng at the scene of the hijacking. From this, he concluded that Ding Changsheng was a person who attached great importance to friendship and had a sense of love for his comrades. Would he have this kind of friendship with a leader who treated him well?

Thinking about the situation that day, Shi Aiguo still has lingering fear. He is the supreme leader on the scene. If there is a death accident that day, it will be a bad influence that can't be retrieved. What's more, the demolition is also related to the National Games. God knows how the media will write about it. So when it comes to this, choosing Ding Changsheng as secretary also has a compensation in it, but I don't know Will Ding Changsheng give him some surprise.

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