"What's going on?" It's easy to wait for Kou Yingying's mood to stabilize. Ding Changsheng asks in a hurry.

Fu pinqian saw that Ding Chang was born, and Kou Yingying only had him in his eyes, so he pointed to the outside and left.

"It's not because of my father. They divorced and my mother was cheated by MLM. She has nothing now. A few days ago, she said that Baishan came on a business trip and came back to see me. Originally, I was very happy, but I didn't expect that she came to Baishan to find her MLM gang. She was blocked by the police and released for several days. Then she realized that she really was I was cheated, so I called me and cut my wrist. Fortunately, I was discovered early. Otherwise, I really don't know what the final result will be. ". Kou Yingying has a backbone at this time, so she doesn't cry, but she still looks very sad and has unspeakable sadness.

"Now, are you better? Can I go in and see her? "

"She hasn't woken up yet, elder brother. She won't have anything to do with it?"

"It's OK. Listen to me. It's OK. There's me. By the way, when will your father come back?"

"I don't know. He said he had bought a ticket and asked me to take good care of my mother in the hospital.". Kou Yingying said.

"Yingying, have you eaten yet?"

"No, I can't eat it.".

"How can I do without eating? Well, you wait here. I'll buy some rice and let your mother eat together later. She needs to eat more.". Said he will Kou Yingying press in the corridor chair, and then downstairs out of the hospital building.

Fu pinqian looked at Ding Changsheng who came out. He laughed and pushed an electric car in his hand. The weather was already very cold. Fu pinqian wore a sweater and outlined her figure clearly. If in normal times, he would not be able to resist her temptation, but not tonight. Kou Yingying is still in the hospital, and it seems that she mainly depends on him now He couldn't let go of the little girl to enjoy the night with the woman.

"Are you all right?" Fu pinqian asked Ding Changsheng first.

"OK, but I'm very tired. I've just changed my job recently, so I'm more busy. I'll come here tonight and have to go back early tomorrow morning.".

"I changed my job again. Where have I been? I'm so busy. I need to pay attention to my health and don't get tired.". Fu pinqian whispered.

"I know, don't you know my body? There may be no time today. In a few days, you and Miao Miao will go to Huzhou to play. It's no fun to stay here all the time.

"Really, do you really want me to take Miao Miao?" Fu pinqian asked with his head askew.

"What? Doubting my sincerity, I take her as my daughter, don't you believe it? "

"Letter, letter, she has not seen you for a long time. She always talks about you. By the way, what kind of work have you changed and are so busy?"

"In fact, I'm not very busy with my work, but I'm not free in time. I'm working as a secretary to the mayor, and I have to ask for leave. So I won't go to you tonight. You and Miao Miao will go to Huzhou in a few days' time. Yingying is a helpless girl now. I have to comfort her.". Ding Changsheng said helplessly.

"I know, but I don't feel the same about Yingying. I'm her head teacher. I feel that she's too mature. Sometimes her ideas are not what a child of her age should have. But when I saw her see you just now, I realized that she was a child. You and she were nothing, right?" Fu pinqian asked with a pair of sharp eyes staring at Ding Changsheng.

"Dear Mr. Fu, what's your idea? What can she and I have? It's a wild idea. Ding Changsheng was surprised and quickly denied.

"Well, nothing's good, but women's intuition is still very smart. I always feel that the child's feelings for you are not general. She is now an adolescent, or a ignorant child, but you can't make such a mistake. Otherwise, let me know, I can't spare you.". Fu pinqian changed his gentle and kind expression and waved his fist.

"Well, I see. You can go back quickly, slow down on the road, and still ride an electric car. If you want to change a car for a while, do you have a driver's license?"

"No, I'm timid. I dare not drive. Take care of yourself.".

Seeing Fu pinqian leave, Ding Changsheng hurried to the fast food restaurant opposite the hospital, packed several meals and took them back to the hospital.

"Are you hungry? Come on, have a mat first.

"Elder brother Changsheng, why did you go so long? My mother woke up.". Kou Yingying said anxiously.

"Oh, it's OK. How's your mood?"

"It's very bad. I scolded me just now. It's terrible. I don't know how to persuade her.".

"Let me come. You eat out first. I'll go in and see her.". Ding Changsheng handed the food to Kou YingYing and pushed the door into the ward.

This is a collective ward with three beds, but the other two beds have no patients, so it is similar to a single room. Zhao Xinya lies alone in the hospital bed, her hands are bandaged on the bed railing, her right hand drips, her face is gray, without a trace of blood. It seems that her beautiful face has also lost its luster, but she seems to be a complete person, but the anger of being cheated has made her lose her former vitality."Aunt, would you like something to eat?" Ding Changsheng sat down on the chair and asked softly.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Zhao Xinya instinctively twisted her head to the inside. She thought it was Kou Yingying who came in, but she didn't expect that it was Ding Changsheng. Once the voice was very familiar, but since he nearly lost his life in his own house that night, she didn't give him a good face, so this voice has not been heard for a long time, but now, he is surprised In front of themselves.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Xinya asked suspiciously.

"Come and see you. Do you feel better?"

"Who told you, did you come to see my jokes?"

"Auntie, no matter what you say, I'm still the same as I was, or the same, not a bit changed.". In spite of Zhao Xinya's feelings, Ding Changsheng helps her to untie the bandage.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I just feel that it's unfair for Kou Yingying to do so. Your divorce has hurt her a lot. Now, she almost lost her mother again. You think, how should she face the future world when you die?"

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