"Dad, I think you really drink too much. OK, don't drink any more.". Gu Xiaomeng was the first to react. She stood up and snatched Gu Qingshan's wine cup from her hand and landed it heavily on the table. She really didn't know what her father wanted to do.

"Girl, do you think I drink too much? Besides, is this something you can say after drinking too much Gu Qingshan's face changed and he scolded seriously.

Yang Xiao can see that her husband is serious. She was worried that her husband would tell her about the marriage of his daughter to Ding Changsheng after drinking. Now, she has recognized a dry son for her. However, she does not reject this idea, because there are no more people in Ding Changsheng's family, so it will not bring them much trouble The most frightening thing is that there are a large group of poor relatives in my family. If they come today or tomorrow, they will either do this or that. Therefore, Ding Changsheng is a suitable person.

There is another point, that is, Ding Changsheng is very difficult to do. He is not a mediocre relying on his husband. He has become the Secretary of the mayor by his own ability. Although it is a job of serving people now, it is only temporary. It is not sure what he will do in the future.

She is such a daughter. No one dares to say who she will marry in the future. Just in front of her eyes, the girl doesn't even dare to go out of the door. Gu Qingshan tells her more than once that Xiaomeng will definitely suffer from depression if she goes on like this, and she will be in trouble at that time. With such a partner, her daughter will probably get better in the future, which is also the second reason she thinks for a while.

"Old lady, do you agree or disagree?" Gu Qingshan didn't ask for Ding Changsheng's opinions any more. He had to unify the opinions of his family first, so that Ding Changsheng would have less pressure.

"Lao Gu, you have said that. I agree with what I can say.". Yang Xiao replied happily.

"Mom, what do you mean? Do you think I am not filial to you, or do you think that I will not be able to support you in the future? " Gu Xiaomeng quit. What is it? She didn't inform her in advance. She had a younger brother after dinner, and she was still the most annoying person.

"Don't you agree?" Gu Qingshan frowned and asked.

"I don't disagree, I'm firmly against it.". Gu Xiaomeng said word by word, then stood up and left.

"Where are you going? I haven't eaten yet Yang Xiao asked.

"I'm not going to eat. You and your son will eat.". Gu Xiaomeng left this sentence and did not go back to her bedroom.

"Well, let's ignore her. Changsheng, tell me what you mean.". Gu Qingshan asked after adding a chopstick dish to Ding Changsheng.

"I, I don't have any other worries. I'm just worried about whether this will make your family discordant, because you also saw Xiaomeng's attitude just now, so I'm worried..."

"Changsheng, you don't have to worry about her. What's your attitude now? What is your opinion? " Although Gu Qingshan tried to calm down, he was still struggling in his heart. If Ding Changsheng refused, he really didn't know how to end up, and he didn't know how disappointed he would be. When he said that, he had already regarded Ding Changsheng as his own child.

"Minister, to tell you the truth, three years ago, my parents died in the debris flow disaster, and I have no home. At that time, I really envy those children who have families, but I also know that those children do not belong to me. Since then, I have no extravagant hope about home. But today, you two old people do not dislike it. You want to give me another home. I thank you two old people." 。 At this time, Ding Changsheng really moved his feelings, with tears in his eyes.

After that, he stood up and knelt on the ground with a plop: "godfather, godmother, son kowtow to you.". Ding Changsheng's knock is real. Gu Qingshan's wooden floor is pounded by him.

Gu Qingshan didn't move. Yang Xiao quickly left his seat and pulled Ding Changsheng up. But she couldn't pull him. Yang Xiao tried again. Ding Changsheng stood up and helped Yang Xiao sit on his seat. Then he sat back to his seat.

"Well, good, good, good, come, have a drink with Godfather.". Gu Qingshan even said that he was very relieved.

The rest of the time is Gu Qingshan holding Ding Changsheng to drink one cup after another. Yang Xiao accompanied him for a while, but still a little worried about his daughter, so he went upstairs and went into Gu Xiaomeng's bedroom.

"What are you doing without your son down here?" Gu Xiaomeng chews a biscuit while surfing the Internet, and says to Yang Xiao angrily.

"How can you be so ignorant? Look at how much your father has done for you, why don't you understand?" Yang Xiao sits next to her daughter, reaches for Gu Xiaomeng's shoulder, and attaches her face to her shoulder. Looking from the front, Yang Xiao is a pair of sister flowers. Yang Xiao, who was born as a dancer, takes care of herself. She is in her forties and is like a daughter-in-law. For decades, Gu Qingshan has been fascinated by her. When she was young, she had to toss and turn several times every night When she is older, she will toss about several times a week, which is probably one of the reasons why she looks young. Women need men to water them.

"I understand. What I understand is that he has found himself a dry son. Ah, mom, is my father more male than female? Does he really want a son? Otherwise, you can have another one.". Gu Xiaomeng laughed and joked."You are a child. Your father didn't do it for you. He was afraid that you would be bullied. I feel very upset when I think about that. Ding Changsheng is the Secretary of the mayor and will be promoted again in the future. Your father has reached the top of his position and offended many people. If he retires one day, who will buy our face? You are the daughter of the organization minister Someone dares to kidnap you. What if your father is not the organization Minister? So, your father is paving the road, paving the road behind us. Don't you understand your father? " Yang Xiao sighed and said his heart.

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