Zhou Hongqi looks at these people standing in front of her. After several days of training, she feels that these people are really poor, their foundation is too poor, and their temperament is not good. Even if they practice again, they can't produce the elite soldiers they are satisfied with. However, this is a task, so as long as they do it by themselves, it's their destiny to be what these people become. "

"Today, we are practicing catching and fighting. Drum Xu said that you have practiced it, but you still need to study what I have taught you. What you have learned before is all flowery. In case of emergency and clear situation, you may not know how to use it. But what I have taught today is a skill to defeat the enemy. If anyone is unconvinced, please do it now You can come out and compete with me alone. If I can't knock you down in one move, I'll leave here immediately. ". Zhou Hongqi looked at these men with a look of contempt. To tell the truth, she really didn't take these people seriously.

As soon as she said this, the team immediately exploded.

"It's too arrogant. Within one move, we're men. This woman really doesn't know the height of heaven and earth," Ke Zihua whispered.

Obviously, he was close to Ding Changsheng. This sentence was meant to listen to Ding Changsheng, but Ding Changsheng was not moved, as if he was not a man at all. Moreover, through the contact in recent days, he found that Ke Zihua was very rough on the surface and appeared not to be fine at all. In fact, this man was not only fine, but also very careful. Otherwise, he was very resourceful How could a gentleman like Gong have a close relationship with such a person? He drank too much last night, but he was not completely drunk. He saw that Ke Zihua and Chenggong were close together and whispered there. If these two people were not comrades, there must be other relations and unknown relations.

"How about I go to meet her?" Seeing that Ding Changsheng was not moved, Ke Zihua said again.

"Love to go or not.". Four words sent Ke Zihua away.

"Drillmaster, I want to try.". While the crowd was still whispering, Ke Zihua raised his right hand bravely.

"Well, no matter whether you can win me or not, I admire your spirit. Come on, I'll give you a move first.". Zhou Hongqi took a step back. Ke Zihua, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, still threw his fist to the team behind him. Ding Changsheng closed his eyes in pain. Ke Zihua asked for it this time. No wonder he always compared Zhou Hongqi to that little star Wang Ziwen. Now he finally had a chance to get close to him, even if he was beaten.

In fact, Zhou Hongqi really didn't lie. It was really a move. When everyone thought there was a good play to watch, the good play was over. Everyone saw that Zhou Hongqi raised his feet, and Ke Zihua had already protected his own file with both hands and howled.

This is a move that almost all women can do. It is invincible to lift the Yin leg. Unfortunately, Ke Zihua has to stand on it.

"Where is it?" Ding Changsheng did not see Zhou Hongqi, so he turned to ask the people next to him.

"Chicken chicken".

Seeing Ke Zihua rolling all over the ground again, Ding Changsheng is really lucky. If he gets caught, he may not be what he looks like. Big also does not have the benefit, in vain increased the stress area.

"This girl is insidious.". Ding Changsheng thought to himself that he had some ideas about the slim, slender and plump body, especially the two long legs. He often imagined the feeling of standing on his shoulders.

"When you are facing a man, this place is the easiest place to knock him down, but you must be careful. Otherwise, you may be disabled or dead. Get up, do you have that pain?" Zhou Hongqi turned to see Ke Zihua lying on the ground.

"Yes". Looking at pathetic said.

"But for women, the hitting place will change to another place. If you hit this place again, it will not work, but will arouse women's resistance.".

Zhou Hongqi said that here, just now the buzzing crowd immediately quieted down, and even Ke Zihua, who had been crying all the time, sat down on the ground and listened attentively, which made many people nearby wonder whether this guy was pretending.

"This part of a woman is the most vulnerable part. If it is hit, it is the most painful part. It can completely defeat the enemy with one move.". Zhou Hongqi's speech shocked everyone, not because of how good she said, but because the part she pointed to was more attractive. It was the part that every woman cared about, and it was exactly the part that every man yearned for. Although Zhou Hongqi was slim, the two groups of tender meat on the chest were still very real.

"Go back and ask your daughter-in-law and you will know that if this place is attacked, it will hurt like a needle, so this part is the biggest cover door for women.".

The men standing in the crowd didn't understand the meaning, but they all saw the meaning. On the thin military green underwear, there were two distinct circles printed on the brassiere. Everyone could see the binding of the circle to the meat mound. You can imagine what kind of visual impact it would be to release these two meat balls.

There are ten thousand ideas in ten thousand people. As for what the following people will think of those two balls of tender meat, it is all a personal matter.

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