Hong Feng arrived on schedule just like the superior notice received by the headquarters. Jiang Wenshan did not come to the front line as Shi Aiguo did. But he also lived in the headquarters for several days and didn't go home. His eyes were full of blood. It seems that this powerful Secretary of the municipal Party committee is also a person who can do things.

Jiang Wenshan had just drunk a bowl of noodles. It was midnight again last night, so even after eating a little rice, he was still in a low spirits. At this time, the telephone rang harsh and Jiang Pinggui rushed to pick it up.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Director Jiang, please inform Jiang Wenshan as soon as possible that Luoma Lake has overtopped the levee. According to the scheduled plan, the site will be cleared for the last time. It is likely that the levee of Luoma Lake will not be able to be preserved.". Yang Hua'an cried out with unusual fatigue.

"Vice Mayor Yang, I will report to the Secretary immediately.". Jiang Pinggui quickly hung up the phone and looked at Jiang Wenshan. Needless to say, Yang Hua'an's voice was loud enough, and Jiang Wenshan heard it clearly.

"Ah, Luoma Lake, Luoma Lake, it is true that the words, Luofeng slope dead chicken, Luoma Lake do not know who will let the horse? If Luoma Lake burst, the second dike has never experienced water. I don't know what will happen. The second dike is the last barrier of Huzhou. In case of breach, not only the urban area will be flooded, but the entire development zone will also be submerged. This consequence is too serious. ".

"Secretary, do you want to report this to the provincial government?"

"The report is positive. Let's call commander Yang and ask for military support. In addition, he told Yang Hua'an that Luoma Lake levee must be strictly guarded. If people are on the levee, if the levee is not, people will not come back. I will go to the dike immediately. In addition, I will mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized and keep a dike.". Jiang Wenshan threw his coat on the sofa, picked up the red telephone on the desk and dialed the provincial telephone.

"Hello, Wenshan?" A man's low voice came from the phone. Although it was low, it gave people a sense of authority from a superior position. Even Jiang Wenshan could not help but straighten up.

"Old leader, it's me. I have something important to report. I'm sorry to disturb you so early.".

"Wenshan, don't say anything like this. Just say it. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with flood fighting? "

"Well, the Luoma Lake levee has just overflowed. I'm worried that the second levee can't hold back such floods at all? Can you ask the governor to coordinate and let us close the gate of Luoma Lake, even if it is closed for one morning. ". Jiang Wenshan said carefully.

Luo Mingjiang is the old leader of Jiang Wenshan, which is right. Without Luo Mingjiang's support in the province, Jiang Wenshan, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, would not be able to do it today. There are millions of Huzhou citizens behind him. At this time, he can only ask for the old leader. I hope you can close the gate all morning and let the flood peak flow down When the levee is overtopped, Huzhou can digest the water from Luoma Lake.

"Wenshan, I understand your feelings very well, but you also know that Luoma Lake is originally a flood discharge lake, and its function is to store flood. If you close the gate, soon, the flood peak will rush to the river. At that time, the pressure of the provincial capital will be the same as mine. The population of the provincial capital is more than 7 million. You know the benefits Does it matter? " Although Luo Mingjiang did not deliberately reprimand him, his tone still made Jiang Wenshan feel great pressure.

"Old leader, I understand that I will focus on the overall situation and ensure the completion of the task.".

"Well, Wenshan, when the flood fighting is over, you come to the province and I need to talk to you about some things.".

"OK, old leader, the weather is getting fast these days. Take care of yourself.".

"Thank you, Wenshan. You're not too young. Pay attention.".

"OK, thank the old leader, then I won't disturb the old leader.". Jiang Wenshan hung up the phone, but his brow wrinkled into a pimple, how should this be done?

Luo Mingjiang's meaning is very obvious. If necessary, Huzhou City can be sacrificed, but the provincial capital can't have an accident. However, this is only his understanding of Jiang Wenshan. In case of an accident, the board still has to hit Jiang Wenshan. Luo Mingjiang has not given him any commitment. The so-called "take the overall situation into consideration" is to let the leader go ashore first. Even if you drown in the water, you have to use your corpse Lead the camel.

"Secretary, what to do?"

"What did commander Yang say?" Asked Jiang Wenshan.

"All of commander Yang's men have been sent out. It is said that it is the order of the provincial military area command to fully assist the local flood fighting and ensure that Huzhou is not lost.".

"Well, how many people can ensure Huzhou? Forget it. Let's go. Get on the levee.

Jiang Wenshan is a short stature, and he has lived a superior life in recent years. He is very fat. In the process of going up the dike, if he hadn't been surrounded by Jiang Pinggui, he would have fallen several times, but finally he came up.

"Hua'an, how are you?" Looking at the clay monkey like Yang Hua'an, Jiang Wenshan asked in the temporary command post on the dike.

Secretary, the situation is not optimistic. If we can close the gate for a few hours, we can take a breath.

"Don't think about it. I reported to the provincial government, and the provincial government disagreed. If that happens, Jiangdu will be in danger."."There is no way out. Now we are using plastic bags to build the water-proof dike on the embankment. What I am most worried about is that this dike will cross over, which will cause trouble.". Yang Huaan said in a depressed mood that as the vice mayor in charge of water conservancy, flood control and drought relief, Yang Huaan is under pressure.

"Hua'an, as the saying goes, people are in the dike, and behind them are millions of Huzhou citizens. If this dike breaks down, the whole urban area will be flooded. Tell everyone involved in the flood fighting that their homes are behind them. Step back, even their homes are gone.". Jiang Wenshan's sentence to the point, all the people present were moved.

"And who is in charge of logistics now?" Jiang Wenshan then asked.

"Secretary Kang of the Finance Bureau.".

"Is he here?"

"No, planning logistics materials in the city.".

"Call him and tell him that's what I said. The money for flood fighting must be in place in time, the materials must be in place in time, the reserve personnel must be in place in time, and every cadre must be in place in time. Those who should not be in place will be removed from office on the spot, and they will be dealt with according to law after the flood fighting is over.".

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