"Secretary general, what can I do for you?" Although Zhang hechen is very amorous and amorous, it is obviously not the right time. After a few eyes, Ding Changsheng quickly enters Tao Chengjun's office.

"Do you hear anything?"

"Well, I'm afraid the levee of Luoma Lake can't be preserved.".

"But so far, we have not received any such notice. We just want people in low-lying areas to move to higher places. But if we don't understand the seriousness of this incident, how can the common people be willing to abandon their homes and property?" Tao Chengjun said with iron on his face.

"The city may be afraid of causing panic.". Ding Changsheng said.

"It's better to cause panic than to be flooded. I've already called the mayor. The mayor said that we should ensure the safety of children and the elderly when we go to schools and homes for the aged.".

"Well, where am I going?" Ding Changsheng was shocked and looked at Tao Chengjun. Now the mayor is not in, but the municipal government can't be silent. This matter should have been led by Shi Aiguo, but at the last moment, it fell on Jiang Wenshan.

"You go to Huzhou No.1 middle school. I go to the municipal welfare home, where there are many children. When they arrive, tell them to transfer in time, especially to take care of the students who live in the city. If they are at home in the city, try to transfer them to their homes.".

As a city of millions of people, the streets are noisy and there is no sign of flood coming. Although propaganda vehicles have begun to shout, few people seem to notice these things.

"Hello, it's me. I'm going to Huzhou No.1 middle school now. Are there any students there?" As soon as he went out, Ding Changsheng called Zheng Xiaoai.

"Yes, I'm going there, too. If Jiang Wenshan knows that the levee can't be kept, why didn't he inform him in advance, and only now did he inform him? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to Huzhou No.1 middle school. Can I help you?" Ding Changsheng said.

Well, see you later. Zheng Xiaoai calls all the schools and kindergartens in Xinhu District in the office. All classes are suspended. Stay at home. If classes have already taken place, please take a holiday and inform the parents to take the children back. I hope it will be too late, Zheng Xiaoai prayed.

Ding Changsheng hung up the phone and called Xia Hehui and Zhao Xinya, telling them to stay in high places and not to run around, so as not to encounter floods. Xia Hehui is better and has been in Huzhou for a long time, but Zhao Xinya has not been here for a few days. She has not finished the procedure of arranging to be a teacher in Xinhu No.1 middle school. She lives with Xia Hehui now 。

"You should also be careful, things are the country's business, the body is their own.". Xia Hehui asked.

"Well, I know, you too.".

"Well, since you became the Secretary, you have been so busy that you haven't seen people all day. When sister Yang left, she said that it was more difficult to see you than to see the governor. It seems that you are angry. You can call her when you have time.".

"OK, I'll call, but not now. No more. There's a call coming in.".

"Secretary general? What's the matter? " When Ding Changsheng saw that it was Tao Chengjun, he couldn't help wondering. What happened when he just separated?

"Changsheng, hurry to the school. The first levee of Luoma Lake has burst, and the second one is said to be useless. You should remember it for me to ensure that no student can die from the flood, understand?"

I see. I'll be there soon.

Hearing the meaning of Tao Chengjun's words, Ding Changsheng immediately felt a chill on his back. He couldn't help worrying. He didn't know how long the second dike could last. At this time, there was a traffic jam ahead. Ding Changsheng pushed open the taxi door and strode to Huzhou No.1 middle school.

When Ding Changsheng ran to Huzhou No. 1 middle school, he happened to see Zheng Xiaoai's car also arrived.

"Get in the car, let's go in.". Exclaimed Zheng Xiaoai.

Huzhou No. 1 middle school has been informed, so most of the students have begun to gather in the school playground.

"What's going on?" Ding asked, pointing to the students in the school playground.

"Gather together and move together.". Zheng Xiaoai said.

"I don't know when the flood will come over. Can it be transferred like this? I don't mean that parents should take their children back. How come there is no parent to take the children back?" Ding Changsheng has a fire.

"Why are you angry? I can't help it. There's a lot of chaos everywhere. Some of these students live in school or live in the city. But are they safe to go back? If it's not safe to go back, it's better to stay in school. Zheng Xiaoai exclaimed.

"I know, but have you ever thought about it? If there is a flood, it will be the social death toll. If you drown in your school or there are other safety accidents, you, the director of education, should be held responsible.". Ding Changsheng roared in a low voice.

Zheng Xiaoai was stunned. She didn't expect Ding Changsheng to say such a thing, which made her very disappointed with Ding Changsheng. She moved her lips and finally didn't say anything. She pushed the door open and got out of the car.

The angry Ding Changsheng slapped his hand on the car door, and Jiang Wenshan commanded the flood fighting. However, he did not tell the public the truth before the beginning of the flood fighting. After the levee burst, the public was informed of the transfer. How could it be transferred? It can be said that dead people are certain, just the number. Ding Changsheng doesn't want Zheng Xiaoai to carry this black pot.As long as the child is on holiday and is taken away by the parents, the statistical results will be recorded in the society and have nothing to do with the school. However, if it happens in the school, the computer record will clearly record how many students died.

The lack of preparation for flood fighting led to ineffective flood fighting, and finally led to a breach in the city. All these things are enough for Jiang Wenshan to drink. But some things are true, but you can't tell them, because they are conspiracy. There is no intention of conspiracy, so you can't pick them out.

It's like this time that Shi Aiguo fell into the river. It's hard to say that he didn't have any acting elements. This is what Ding Changsheng thought later. But at present, the most important thing is to transfer these students to safety.

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