The flood peak passed through Huzhou City overnight, which made Huzhou finally have time to breathe. Most of the old city area was flooded, and the specific casualties are still under statistics. However, because the whole urban area has been soaked in flood, the economic losses are incalculable.

"Do you have any figures?" Jiang Wenshan sat tired behind his desk, in front of him stood Secretary Jiang Pinggui.

"Well, secretary, it's not optimistic.".

"Come on, I can bear it.". Jiang Wenshan subconsciously propped up his waist.

"470 people". Jiang Pinggui spits out this number with difficulty.

"What? Why so many? Are the statistics accurate and have they been verified one by one? " Jiang Wenshan stood up and asked in a loud voice.

"It's been verified.". Jiang Pinggui knew that the result would be like this, implying that he still wanted to say it. It was up to Jiang Wenshan to decide the final figure. Everyone knew that there would be moisture in such a number, and it would only be more or less.

"Check again, I don't believe so many people will die. How can so many people die?" Jiang Wenshan roared:

Jiang Pinggui turned around and left without saying a word. Jiang Wenshan also knew that the number had been hidden layer by layer, but there were still so many hidden figures after concealment, which was unacceptable to him.

The final number was 70, which was decided by Jiang Wenshan himself and was finally released to the media. The original statistics are top secret and no one is allowed to disclose it to the public.

Therefore, the number published on TV on the newspaper network shows that the once-in-a-century flood caused 70 deaths in Huzhou, which is the largest natural disaster death toll in Huzhou history, and a painful lesson. We should conduct deep reflection on all aspects.

Perhaps to make up for his own mistakes or to cover up the huge losses caused by the flood to Huzhou, Jiang Wenshan Congress held a small meeting on the importance of post disaster reconstruction, and made successive speeches on TV stations, calling on enterprises and individuals with ability and love to actively donate money and materials to help the victims tide over the difficulties.

Under the strong propaganda of Jiang Wenshan, the social situation in Huzhou is relatively stable, but it is doomed that some things can not be concealed, and some people are also destined to try their best to find out this matter, because this is a rare opportunity, and there is no shop after this village.

"Godfather, this matter has to be opened from the inside, but the insiders know only a few, so it is not easy to open the mouth. If there is no big capital, no one will dare to do it.". Ding Changsheng and Gu Qingshan sat opposite each other, eating the fried peanuts Gu Xiaomeng had just brought up.

"Do you have a choice?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Well, I don't know if it's OK, but if you want to do this, you have to pay for it. Then you have to promise him to be the director and Secretary of the development zone. It's a bit of a door.".

"Well, the price is not small. I'm afraid Lao Shi disagrees.".

"Maybe, if he can be a secretary, he certainly agrees. If he can't, he certainly has no enthusiasm. He just doesn't know how the provincial government will arrange it. He will try to make a balance, and then Huzhou will be finished.".

"That's not what we are thinking about. What I'm thinking now is that as long as we get him out of Huzhou, that will be the biggest victory. Don't you say that you have found out who is the person who is tracking Xiaomeng?"

"Well, it's Jiang Haiyang's person. This can't be wrong. Zhao Gang also told me that the man was a despicable ruffian, and sooner or later he would find a way to kill him.". Ding Changsheng hate said.

"That's what will happen in the future. Since I want to move to him, I must have good materials in hand, so that I can go to the province and make it clear. Otherwise, it will be hard to say and no one will believe it.".

"No, no, godfather, you can't do it. It's too risky, and it's easy to hide open guns and hard to defend behind. We can't dare to do such thankless things. We'd better make use of the Internet. I'll find a reporter to focus on reporting, so as to attract the attention of the above, and naturally someone will investigate.".

"Are you sure?"

Mr. Chen Qinggui, the Deputy Secretary of the mayor, always envied Mr. Jiang Qinggui when he met with him for the first time? I don't think it's a good idea to give him a director of the development zone.

"Well, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. This guy must also understand that it is not easy for a person like him to betray himself if he wants to win the trust of others.".

"If you betray something in general, it must be looked down upon by others. But if it happens, I think he should have this sense of justice, even if it is to comfort himself. What he has done is good. Otherwise, those families who have died will be really unjust.".

"In a word, it's a secret thing to do. If we can't do it, we'd rather not say it. In case his work fails and Jiang Wenshan finds out, it will be troublesome. Jiang Wenshan's influence in Huzhou can't be underestimated. What's more, there is a son of mixed society, who doesn't know. It's enough to give us some trouble at will."."So, godfather, at the right time, you and Shi mayor can reach an agreement as far as possible. I think as long as you two give a promise, Jiang Pinggui can win it. I heard that he did not have a good time with Jiang Wenshan for so many years, but he always sent Jiang Wenshan to the door of his home, and the person he picked up was also at the door of his home, working as a cow and horse, even a chance to enter the house No, we can see how cool Jiang Wenshan is. ".

"How do you know these things?"

"Haha, after all, this is to rob people's mouth. It's not clear when he closed his mouth and where he cut his teeth.".

"Look what, you are fat, you are still panting, go to help my mother cook, every time you come, you wait to eat, after finishing a wipe of your butt, do you really think of yourself as a root onion?" Gu Xiaomeng brought a cup of tea to Gu Qingshan and scolded Ding Changsheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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