Jiang Pinggui did not expect to receive a call from Ding Changsheng when he was about to leave work. In his impression, this person is good, but one is the Secretary of the mayor and the other is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. It seems that these two secretaries really become friends.

"Brother Jiang, are you free tonight? I'd like to invite you to dinner. Ding Changsheng asked tentatively. In fact, he didn't even think about a place to eat at this time.

"Xiao Ding, is there something wrong?" Jiang Pinggui frowned and asked.

"No, it's just that I personally want to have a meal with brother Jiang. There's nothing else.".


"Brother Jiang, you can't believe me like that. I have no other friends or women in Huzhou. I want to have a meal and drink with you. It's so simple.".

"Well, well, there are still ten minutes to get off work. Let's see if the Secretary has any plans for the evening. If not, I'll call you then.".

"OK, it's a deal.".

After hanging up Ding Changsheng's phone call, Jiang Pinggui habitually looked at the inner room and closed the door. He did not know what Jiang Wenshan was busy at this time. Recently, all Yamen in the city were very busy. It was not only about flood fighting and disaster relief, but also about cleaning up the Office space of his own unit. After the baptism of the flood, few units' courtyard was not invaded by the flood 。

However, Jiang Pinggui always feels that it is not so easy for Ding Changsheng to find his own food. If it was before the flood, Jiang Pinggui would never agree to see Ding Changsheng. The Secretary of a municipal Party committee secretary conceals the leader to see the Secretary of the mayor. No matter whether there is something fishy, as long as someone finds out, it is a big thing.

However, Jiang Wenshan's poor performance in the flood fighting, especially the concealment of the death toll in the flood, made Jiang Pinggui look down on Jiang Wenshan a lot. In his opinion, Jiang Wenshan's action in order to keep his black hat was justifiable. However, as an honest official, it was a total loss of conscience.

Moreover, Jiang Pinggui deeply realized that after this incident, Jiang Wenshan could not go up again. Moreover, the central meaning of Jiang Wenshan's telephone report to the provincial government these days was that he wanted to stay in Huzhou. Why there was such a report? This matter was considered in turn, that is, the provincial government has decided to transfer Jiang Wenshan, but Where are you going?

Jiang Pinggui is also thinking about his own way out these days. The first one is to follow Jiang Wenshan. From the current provincial attitude towards Jiang Wenshan, it is obvious that Jiang Wenshan can no longer be reused. He is likely to go to any idle post in a certain department. He will play the role of carrying bags and cups.

The second is that Jiang Wenshan found out his own conscience that before he left, Jiang Pinggui was promoted by surprise to find a better position. However, in his position, he arranged a higher position. Now there is not such a high position. I'm afraid it is better not to arrange it. This is the contradiction.

So when Ding Changsheng called, his heart suddenly brightened a lot. If he stayed, the next secretary or mayor would have to choose one. If he did not stand in line, he would only have two words, dead or mediocre.

Death is because where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights. The officialdom is an excellent place to gather the experts of human struggle. Those who come here are not idiots, and most of them are enthusiasts of power. However, there are so many power resources. How to deal with it? If you want to get the most resources, you have to go to the other side to grab and seize them. Officials in the middle are often the first targets to be attacked by both sides of the struggle.

Yong, if a neutral person is lucky not to be killed, it is because you are not qualified to die, either because you are stupid enough, or because you are a worker. If you kill all the workers, who will work?

It can be seen that Jiang Pinggui is very careful, and the location is also arranged by him, and Ding Changsheng took a taxi by himself. Since Jiang Pinggui is so careful, he has to be very careful to win his trust.

This is a very humble northeast stew restaurant, the brand of the hotel has been lost color, but still vaguely can see the font, Zhu Laosan stew restaurant.

"Brother Jiang, you are too good to save me money. If you find such a place to eat, aren't you embarrassing me?" As soon as he sat down, Ding Changsheng complained.

"Ha ha, Xiaoding, I invite you today. How can I compare with you? I am also a local villain. Although you and I are secretaries, I am also several years older than you. You call me brother Jiang. Is this jiangge Bai called me?".

"Oh, ha ha, OK, brother Jiang, I'm sorry to say anything more. It's called eating people's mouth short.".

"Well, you boy, in fact, you don't know. I live near here. My wife is from the northeast, and this stew restaurant is owned by my brother-in-law, so I'll treat you without spending money. Hee hee, I didn't expect it.". Jiang Pinggui said in a proud whisper, looking up at the outside.

Ding Changsheng didn't expect that Jiang Pinggui had such a humorous side that he didn't speak with a smile.

"You're a guest. Order what you want.". Jiang Pinggui said.

"I haven't eaten northeast food, so you'd better order it. Since sister-in-law is from Northeast China, you must be an expert on northeast food."."Experts can't talk about it. It's just that you don't eat less. Third, you can have a set of pig killing dishes. Make it well. It's my treat today. Don't lose my face.".

"Brother in law, I know. You can see.". Outside Zhu Laosan agreed.

The Northeast cuisine is mainly stewing, so we have to wait for a while. Jiang Pinggui picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea to Ding Changsheng: "Xiaoding, although you didn't say it on the phone, I also know you have something to do. You won't invite me to dinner for no reason. Although we have met twice, we haven't got to the level of having a meal and getting together at leisure "Yes. Jiang Pinggui has not been a Secretary for nothing these years. In front of him, Ding Changsheng's little tricks are really not enough.

"Powerful". Ding Changsheng took a cup of tea with his left hand, and shook his thumb to Jiang Pinggui with his right hand.

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