Ding Changsheng cut a pear into peanuts size pieces with a fruit knife, and then put it into a small plate. With a small stainless steel fork, one piece was sent to Shi Aiguo's mouth.

This action seems extremely simple, but if it is not done with heart, it is difficult to make people satisfied. First of all, Ding Changsheng bought apples in the supermarket himself. These days, Huzhou is flooded, and there is a shortage of materials. These pears are still the products of the flooded. They are authentic Laiyang pears. It is said that this kind of pear has a good effect on clearing lung and relieving cough, so Ding Changsheng is on duty every night In class, he would prepare a plate of such pears for Shi Aiguo.

"Well, don't eat, Xiaoding. You sit down and talk. You've been working hard these days. Pay attention to rest outside and inside. You're not made of iron. Don't burn yourself up because of me.". Shi Aiguo's words are completely out of sincerity, so they are also sincere.

It has to be said that Shi Aiguo still has a set of methods in persuading people. Some leaders regard their subordinates as efforts. No matter how hard you try to finish the work of leadership, you have to help the leaders at home. But sometimes these leaders turn a blind eye to these things. They think that this is what the subordinates should do. In fact, they regard the service of their subordinates as officials That's all.

Say a few words to warm the heart will die? can't.

Do you get more sincere loyalty by saying a few words of thanks and expressing your gratitude? meeting.

Obviously, Ding Changsheng was moved.

"Mayor, I'm not tired. I'm young and OK. In fact, there are not many opportunities for me. For my family, there is no chance. So, mayor, I will do more for you and feel more comfortable.". When he said this, Ding Changsheng felt a burst of pain, and his tears whirled in his eyes. However, he took advantage of the opportunity of turning around to put the fruit dish, and threw his tears out of his eyes.

Shi Aiguo of course understood the meaning of Ding Changsheng's words. For a while, he was full of mixed feelings. He didn't know what to say to comfort his little secretary.

Xiao Hong stayed in the hospital for the first two nights. Since then, she no longer wanted to live here. She said that she couldn't stand the soda smell and allergy in the hospital.

Her daughter, Shi Meizhen, did not accompany her for one night. Therefore, Ding Changsheng and Hu Haijun worked in shifts at night, which made Shi Aiguo embarrassed and annoyed.

"Mayor, I have a few things I want to report. Do you know if it's appropriate now?"

"Say it, anyway, sleep all day long, sleep a bit confused.". Shi Aiguo said to himself.

"Well, I'll talk about it briefly. I won't delay your rest.".

"Come on, it's OK.". Shi Aiguo encouraged.

"Mayor, I have to confess to you the first thing. After I became your secretary, a big event happened to me personally, that is, I recognized Mr. Gu Qingshan as godfather. I wanted to talk to you several times, but I don't know how to say it. Mayor, don't blame me.".

"Is Gu Qingshan your godfather? Hehe, Xiaoding, you are not kidding.

"Mayor, it's not a joke, it's like this..." The consequences of the long-term understanding of Ding Shan.

Shi Aiguo frequently went to the other end. He believed that since Ding Changsheng confessed to himself, these things were basically true, and the stories made up could not stand scrutiny. Therefore, he accepted Ding Changsheng's words.

"Well, Gu Qingshan has more vision than me, and he has more courage than me. Xiaoding, I dare say that Gu Qingshan took you as his son, not just because you saved his daughter, but because he took a fancy to you. Well, Xiaoding, Minister Gu is an open and aboveboard person. Even if you recognize him as a godfather, I also use you as my secretary, although I don't associate with Gu Qingshan Many, but all said that this person is a person worthy of association, so I am at ease. ".

"Thank you, mayor.". Ding Changsheng is very grateful for Shi Aiguo's generosity.

"Well, there is another thing that I can't make up my mind, and I dare not make my own decisions, because it involves too many people and is too big. I just got the news yesterday. To be honest, the news has been overwhelming me.".

Looking at Ding Changsheng's dignified expression, Shi Aiguo was also a little uneasy, because he always thought that his secretary would not talk freely, let alone alarmist.

"Say, what's the matter?"

"Mayor, Jiang Pinggui called on me yesterday.". Ding Changsheng turned and looked at the closed ward door behind him and whispered.

"Jiang Pinggui, isn't he Secretary of Secretary Jiang? What are you looking for? "

"He told me a big secret, and now the whole Huzhou is working to hide the secret. I don't know whether what he said is true or not. I didn't dare to promise him.".

"Secret? What's the secret? " Shi Aiguo narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Jiang Pinggui said that in fact, the death toll of this flood was close to 700, but the number reported was mostly reduced by Secretary Jiang, and only a fraction was reported. Many families were broken down and people died. I was also shocked when I heard this. I couldn't figure out what he meant and what he wanted to do with it?""What? Seven hundred. What evidence does he have? " Shi Aiguo asked quietly.

"I asked him the same thing, but he put forward the condition at this time, which made me feel that he had too much appetite.". Ding Changsheng looks at Shi Aiguo's face and gradually leads him to his own thinking.

"Oh? What does he want? "

"Director of the Development Zone, he is quite the director of the development zone.". Although Ding Changsheng's voice was low, he felt indignant.

"Director of the Development Zone, alas, I don't know what's good about this location. Chen Qinglong is willing to go, and jiangpinggui also takes a fancy to this place.". With that, Shi Aiguo fell in love with his eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep.

For a long time, Shi Aiguo opened his eyes and asked, "did minister Gu know about this?"

"He knew about the concealment of the death toll, but I haven't told him about Jiang Pinggui's search for me.". When Ding Changsheng said this, he looked at Shi Aiguo, but he was not guilty at all. Shi Aiguo only looked at Ding Changsheng and thought that it was not important to tell or not to tell him. The key is whether Gu Qingshan supports his decision. The answer is yes. Gu Qingshan has always wanted to squeeze Jiang Wenshan away. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although there have been rumors that Jiang Wenshan will leave Huzhou, there is still a lack of such a thunderbolt.

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