"Director Yang, are you ready to go?" Zhao Gang looked at Yang Danian, whose face was iron green.

"I'm not going. I'm still here for the Spring Festival?" Yang Danian said without a good breath.

"I think the customs should give an account to Weihuang group, isn't it?" Zhao Gang looked at Yang Danian, his face full of banter.

Looking at Zhao Gang's expression, Yang Danian seems to realize that today's incident seems to be a game. He is just a small chess piece in the game, but who is the layout? Is it the Commissioner? It's impossible. When he came, he said that he was gnashing his teeth. It didn't seem to be pretending. Now, Yang Danian was a little confused.

Seeing that the intersection of the highway opened, Ding Changsheng and other vehicles got on the highway. Although I felt that this incident was incredible, it also reflected a problem. The government departments of Huzhou City were not rotten, at least they were not completely bought by the Weihuang group, and there was someone to deal with the Weihuang group. Who would it be, Jiang Haiyang? Does a childe of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee who is about to close the curtain still have this courage?

"Wow, don't be so grand. Come here to meet me. I'm flattered.". Ding Changsheng's car just got out of the intersection of the highway, and saw a woman standing on the side of the road. It was not Zhou Hongqi who was. But what made Ding Changsheng a little confused was that she drove a police car.

Ding Chang got out of the car and looked at the woman who was still like Wang Ziwen. He thought about and realized all the past with her. He suddenly felt that she was no longer the strict teacher and became a lovely angel. However, the angel's temperament was not very good.

"I have nothing to do with my work. I'm very free, so I came to pick you up. How can I come here at this time?"

"Well, there is a traffic jam on the road. I've been stuck for an hour. Otherwise, I would have come here earlier. I'll tell you later.".

"Let's go and find a place to eat first. I'm hungry and I don't eat in the morning.". Zhou Hongqi opened the door and got into the car. Ding Changsheng laughed. She was really aggrieved to drive this police car of hanlanda.

Ding Changsheng followed her car, turning seven and eight to a mountain depression not far from the highway. Unexpectedly, it was a small reservoir. Beside the reservoir, there was a farmhouse, and it was the only one.

"It's a good place. How do you find it? The environment is good. Eating is just a place to eat. Other things really don't matter.". Ding Chang gave birth to the car, stretched, took a few breaths of fresh air, and said to Zhou Hongqi.

"I don't stop eating now. I drive the car of the unit, which makes people see that it's not good. It's a small car. It's better to be careful when you come to the province. Otherwise, I'll leave it in the parking lot and drive Xiao Han.". The flag of the long see Zhou Hongsheng.

"OK, I'll talk about it then.".

Ding Changsheng and Zhou Hongqi went into the innermost Pavilion. It was already winter, so the scenery outside was bleak, but the air was very good, and there was no fish activity on the water. It was very quiet. There were few people coming here in winter.

"It seems that you are demobilized to the public security bureau?" Ding Changsheng pointed to the police car outside and asked.

"Well, the public security department, the old man would not let me work in the army. I could only find a similar unit. But when I went in, I realized that it was so different from the army that I couldn't adapt to it for a while. Therefore, I had nothing to do all day. Ding Changsheng, do you know, when I asked me to train you police ruffians, I really looked down on you, But I didn't expect to end up as a policeman.

"What's wrong with the police? In fact, the contribution of the police is greater than that of the military. In which country there are wars every day, but the police maintain public order that happens every day. So, red flag, don't look down on the police. The police are still very active. You are just a beginner, so you are not used to it. You will gradually fall in love with the profession of police I will continue to be a police officer because of the circumstances at that time. ". Ding Changsheng said with regret.

"Maybe my ideal is different. I wanted to be a soldier since I was a child, so the police are not in the scope of my consideration, but now I can't help it. I'm in the wrong line.".

"Which department are you in?"

"I chose it by myself, Criminal Investigation Corps. I think this is more suitable for me. But after I went there, I found that everyone kept a distance from me. They didn't give me any work and gave me a special car. I was speechless.".

"Well, the place is not as simple as in the army. Even the police force has a lot of worldly sophistication. You have to figure it out by yourself. But you must have a heart of harming and defending people. That's good. If you are good to others, they will treat you well. What's more, you are the daughter of the commander. Who dares to provoke you and make trouble The leaders of the public security department think that you are here for gold plating, so you should take the initiative in your work, and don't always carry it. It's not good. ".

"I find that I'm really not fit to work in a place, so just mix it up.".

"No, I'm just about to ask you for help. You're from the Criminal Investigation Corps, and you can use it."."No, really?" Zhou Hongqi was excited. Since she was demobilized, she always felt like a disabled person. No one wants to use her, so she has been depressed.

Ding Changsheng actually has something to use for herself, which makes her very excited and feels that she is still useful. The most exciting thing in the world is not how much you have, but how useful you feel to others.

"As I said just now, the reason for the traffic jam is that..." Ding Changsheng analyzed the situation of Huzhou and told Zhou Hongqi.

"According to you, the Weihuang group is really not clean?"

"It may be very dirty. What I have never understood is why the bride named He Qing married the young owner of the Weihuang group less than a month after the death of her bridegroom. Alas, the public security system in Huzhou is rotten, and the powerful departments are out of control. This is very dangerous.". Ding Changsheng said anxiously.

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