Looking at Jiang Wenshan's appearance, Luo Mingjiang was filled with disappointment. He had never imagined that a cadre at the principal office level should be so disrespectful in the face of power.

Luo Mingjiang can't think of it as normal, because he hasn't come to this day. In a sense, power is more terrible than drug addiction, because drug addiction is still possible to quit. But there is only one way to quit power, that is, death. It is not difficult to explain why it has been so at least for 5000 years to actively abdicate the throne.

"Governor, I'm sorry, I lost my temper.". Jiang Wenshan is worthy of being a veteran in the officialdom for decades. From Luo Mingjiang's eyes, he soon realized his appearance. As a mature political official, he should not.

"It can be understood that Wenshan, you and I are all people who have worked for the revolutionary work for a lifetime. The more like this, the more you need to have a good attitude. I remember Shi's patriotic affairs, but you should keep a good attitude. After all, this is your last post in Huzhou, and I don't want to have any fork.".

"Governor, I remember, I went back first.". Jiang Wenshan said.

Luo Mingjiang nodded and didn't speak. However, he stood up and sent Jiang Wenshan to the elevator. This is not everyone's treatment. Usually, it's good to send him to the door. It can be seen that Luo Mingjiang also feels a little sorry for Jiang Wenshan. After all, Jiang Wenshan has been keeping up with his own pace in recent years and has given him great support in the local area Don't forget.

Although Ding Changsheng has met the biggest official is Zhong Fengyang, he was accompanied by Zhong Hua. In general, Zhong Fengyang is very amiable, especially for small yamen servants like Ding Changsheng. However, when he knew that Zhou Huqing promised to see him, he was always very nervous.

"Well, what did I say your legs were shaking and you were holding your urine?" Zhou Hongqi takes a look at Ding Changsheng standing behind him and suddenly finds that Ding Changsheng's legs are shaking a little.

"Ah? Did you shake? It's too cold today. I'm a little cold. I haven't put on my pants yet.

"it's okay. It's warm when I go in, but I can tell you that my father doesn't love pustules. Don't make yourself look like a woodlouse. You must be a little manly. Otherwise, my father may let me break up with you."

"Is it so serious? I said, can you not scare me? You scared me all the way, and you still want me to go? "

"It's your own business to go or not. If you don't go, you can turn back and get out at once.".

"OK, I'll go, I'll go.".

Zhou Hongqi is walking in front of him. Ding Changsheng is following behind. He is still holding a gift for Zhou Huqing. Although he doesn't know whether he will accept it or not, he bought it according to Zhou Hongqi's intention, which should be correct.

The courtyard of the Zhou family is no different from that of the other leaders of the provincial Party committee. The only difference is that the house of the Zhou family is very discordant. It is located in the innermost corner of the courtyard of the provincial Party committee. It seems to be out of harmony.

"Auntie, is my father back?" Zhou Hongqi asked the nanny.

"The chief has been back for a while. He is in the study.".

"Oh, Ding Changsheng, Lizheng, you can wait here now. I'll go to my study and have no time to meet you. Of course, you can also choose to sit down and wait.". Zhou Hongqi laughs playfully and turns to go upstairs to study.

Looking around the big living room, Ding Changsheng couldn't help sighing that it was just like a marquis, as deep as the sea. He was not interested in such a family. Seeing the individual was so complicated, it was really bureaucratic. When I thought about it, his awe just faded a lot. What could I be nervous about? He couldn't give me an official, nor could he give me money Two things, I still need him to give me something. Even if I want to get some support, it is for others. If it is done well, it will make a great contribution. If it is not done well, there is no reason to blame.

Thinking of this, Ding Changsheng couldn't help but relax and look at the furnishings in the room. He had to say that Zhou Hongqi still had antiques in his house, but he didn't understand it. He just looked at it and studied a porcelain vase placed on the antique shelf in the guest room according to the so-called expert's knowledge on identifying antiques on TV.

"Dad, what are you doing? You also practiced calligraphy. You can practice everything in vain. Zhou Hongqi didn't even knock on the door. He went in directly and saw Zhou Huqing practicing calligraphy. He couldn't help being ridiculed.

"How about in the public security department?" Ignoring her daughter's sarcasm, Zhou Huqing asked about her work.

"It's not fun. They all know who I am, so they all take me as their ancestor's offering, so they can't get in touch with the actual work. I think, since I want to work in a local place, I can't eat like this and wait to die. I'm going to work.".

"Down? Where are you going? "

"Huzhou, you help me and our leaders say, I go down to temporary post training for two years, grounded gas, always floating like this for a lifetime.". Zhou Hongqi said it was just and awe inspiring. Obviously, she knew what the old man liked to hear.

"Well, Huzhou is OK, but it's not far.".

"By the way, I've brought a man here. How about showing it?" Zhou Hongqi completely takes Ding Changsheng as something, just like a new antique, and gives it to people."Who is it?" Zhou Huqing stopped his pen and asked.

"Didn't I tell you that I saved my life in Thailand last time, and then we got in touch with each other, and we can still talk about it.".

"What do you mean? A boyfriend? " Zhou Huqing was very happy. It was the first time that her old girl brought a man to her home.

"Cut, what kind of boyfriend can I take a fancy to him? It's just a little secretary. My man must be at least a major general.

"Major general, do you want me to? I don't want to. Major generals all over the country are about the same age as me. If you want to marry an old man, where will my face go?"

"All right, what do you want to do? If you don't see me, I'll let him go.". Zhou Hongqi frowned and said impatiently.

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