In fact, Qiao Yang is Shi Aiguo's best recommender, but Qiao Yang no longer wants to be involved in it, which makes Shi Aiguo's biggest hope disillusioned. Without the recommender, a stranger reveals his heart to another stranger. Even if you are real, the effect can be imagined.

Zhou Huqing is right. Department level cadres like Shi Aiguo should always report their work to their leaders, but no one guides them. Even if Shi Aiguo really sticks it up with his own hot face, who can guarantee that he will not encounter an Rushan's cold butt, so this bridge is very important.

This bridge does not need to be a senior official, but it must be the confidant of an Rushan, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, or someone who is very close to him. Only in this way can he have weight in an Rushan's heart, and he has to say something from time to time. He can't see the Secretary of the provincial Party Committee for ten days and a half months.

In fact, there are not many such people, but they are not without them.

"You mean Secretary an's secretary, do you know him?" Listening to Zhou Hongqi's remarks, Ding Changsheng also felt that it was a good way. If the Secretary could help introduce him or meet him when the leader was in a good mood, he could get unexpected results.

People are gradually familiar with each other after contact. You can't see a person's true face by looking at the resume and past experience on the paper. Therefore, Shi Aiguo must go to an Rushan in person and let an Rushan see with his own eyes what kind of talent he is.

"Yes, what a big place the provincial capital can be, and we usually eat, drink and drink together. However, he and I are not very familiar with him. I am familiar with his wife. My wife and I are comrades in arms, but she is a female military doctor. I am from the operations Department, but we have no less contact with each other. Moreover, we are very close friends and can be regarded as girlfriends.".

"How about di Kuncheng? Is he the kind of person who is very difficult to deal with. The Secretary of a leader is generally difficult to deal with. He is superior to others.". Ding Changsheng said a little worried.

Not necessarily. You are not the Secretary of the leader. I don't think it is difficult for you to deal with. Zhou Hongqi said with a smile that they were walking in a small garden in the courtyard of the provincial Party committee. At this time, they saw a beautiful woman coming quickly.

"Here comes your sister-in-law.". Ding Changsheng nuzui said.

"Well, why does she come? She seldom comes.". Zhou Hongqi frowned and said.

"Your brother still doesn't come back often?" Ding Changsheng took his eyes from Xiao Han and asked.

"Well, it's not only that they don't come back often, but they never come back. They are dead in name.". Zhou Hongqi sighed.

"So the stalemate goes on like this. Since there is no emotion, why don't you divorce?" Ding Changsheng said strangely.

"It's easy for you to say that my father has a reputation in central and southern province, and so are her parents. What a suitable couple they were at that time. If they were divorced, where would you put their faces away?".

"Is face important or life important? In this case, is it necessary?" Ding Changsheng said puzzled.

"Go, mind your own business. Look, I'm looking for you.". Zhou Hongqi nuzui said.

"Sister in law, why are you here? Do you want me or the red flag

"Looking for you, I just received the materials from you. It seems that I know the inside situation of flood fighting and disaster relief. Although they are all copies, they are detailed and accurate. It is not only about the death toll, but also about some favoritism and malpractice in flood relief. It's not a common problem. It's shocking.". Xiao Han breathlessly said, that plump chest fell together, just like two steamed bread.

At present, this woman is so attractive. She has a lot of beautiful eyebrows and eyes, peach cheeks, Yao nose, skin Shengxue, Lanzhi white jade, and her delicate body is bound to be curvilinear and concave and convex in a black corset sweater. A pair of plump and round breasts are bulging and bulging like breaking out of clothes. Her abdomen is smooth as jade, her waist is slim, her hips are plump and her powder is long and greasy The legs are plump and round, wrapped in meat colored silk stockings, which is more charming and attractive.

The skirt, which is about 20 cm above the knee, is tightly wrapped with graceful convex and concave jade body. The transparent warm silk stockings set off the plump and round jade legs, and the beautiful buttocks with rich and fleshy feeling. It is indistinct that the black sexy underwear can not cover the plump and high-rise chest, full of elasticity. The black three inch stiletto heels under her feet make her round and soft ankles and the instep of her feet wearing warm silk stockings delicate and delicate. It's killing to watch!

"What are you looking at When Ding Changsheng looks at Xiao Han's mind wandering in the sky, he is suddenly kicked by Zhou Hongqi on his buttocks, which is extremely embarrassing.

"I wonder, who is this, and why does this person know your contact information?" Ding Changsheng looks thoughtful.

"Now I want to check whether the reporting materials are true. If it is, Huzhou will set off a storm, which is hard to imagine.".

"Sister in law, when are you going Ding Changsheng nodded and asked.

"I didn't come here to find you. I was going to drive by myself, but my car was wrongly operated by the workers and hit the wall. It can't be repaired for a while. So I came to you and asked when you would leave. I want to take your car. I'm afraid of a long night's dream. By the way, how can you get through the phone?".Ding Changsheng took it out and found out that there was no electricity.

"Hongqi, otherwise, I'll go back with my sister-in-law first. You can handle your business these days. Don't wait for the old man to regret it. There's something about di Kuncheng. You can contact me. It's up to you to decide whether this is a success or not.". Ding Changsheng ordered.

"Hum, Ding Changsheng, come here and I'll have a word with you.". Zhou Hongqi hooked his finger to Ding Changsheng and said.

Xiao Han is very sensible, a look at his sister-in-law's appearance, automatically to the distance to walk a few steps, do not see what happened here.

"What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng pretended to be stupid.

"Ding Changsheng, you should be careful. You can't touch anything you shouldn't touch, you know? If you let me know, be careful of your life. Zhou Hongqi said viciously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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