"Well, Changsheng, your growth in recent years is far beyond my expectation. At the beginning, I was really worried about whether you were suitable for this treacherous road, but you didn't disappoint me, and gave me many unexpected surprises. I hope you will continue to work hard, don't be proud, and don't be disheartened. Such things as politics need tough people Play, people without toughness can only be played by it, understand? " Zhonghua said earnestly.

He told Chang Hua that he didn't want to do anything else because he didn't want to do anything else.

"Thank you for your leadership. No matter what step I take, Ding Changsheng can't leave the starting point where you brought me out of Liyuan Village. Therefore, there is no leadership for you..."

"Stop it," Zhong Hua waved his hand and said, "in the future, don't always talk about these words. Opportunities are grasped by individuals. I brought you out of Liyuan Village for the sake of work. Your performance in the future is all your own ability, which has nothing to do with me. You should remember that politics is cruel, and people need support and support to go further, but politically There are no forever friends, only permanent interests. Although you and I have known each other early, and you have always respected me, I know in my heart that you have always regarded me as your benefactor. In fact, it is unnecessary for me to ask you to come from Baishan again. I hope we can become friends and support each other politically. I believe that your future will be very great... "

It is not easy for Zhonghua to say this. If it was yesterday, he would not have said so. But today, the impression that Ding Changsheng gave to him made him realize that he can no longer instruct Ding Changsheng as he used to instruct his subordinates, because Ding Changsheng has gradually matured. For people like Ding Changsheng, he should be treated with the same treatment earlier than anything else Can buy off his heart more.

This means that Zhonghua has given up the attitude of benefactor when treating Ding Changsheng. They are now in an equal position. Although in many aspects, Ding Changsheng is far from being comparable with Zhonghua, or even comparable, Zhonghua still does so. The purpose is obvious: you and I are cooperative, and the bond is no longer kindness, but interest.

Although Ding Changsheng can't say anything, he is also deeply aware that Zhong Hua is right. In any matter in the world, only interests are linked together is the most stable. This is because there are too many people and too few interests. If you want to share, you must form an alliance, which has existed since ancient times.

What's more, I came to Zhonghua today to seek the support of Zhong Fengyang's network. Isn't it for your own benefit? Zhong Fengyang's people support Shi Aiguo, and Shi Aiguo supports Zhonghua in turn. Ding Changsheng is indirectly appreciated by Shi Aiguo in the middle, and it can also strengthen the relationship between him and Zhonghua. It's hard to say that in this process, who has gratitude to whom, not all of them are caused by interests?

"Leader, I don't have the bottom of my heart when you say this. I always take you as my umbrella. You don't want me anymore?" Even so, there must be some attitude. As we have said before, political people who pull out all are good actors. If these people are allowed to act, they will not worry that Chinese films will not win the Oscar because their own experience is to live in the play, rather than to act deliberately. Ding Changsheng has already got his marrow.

"Changsheng, you are wrong. I have never been your umbrella. You should learn to judge one thing by yourself and learn how to survive in it. It has been proved that those who live under the umbrella do not need to experience the wind and rain, but they will never grow up. That's why, although you have such a mentality, you have always lived in the wind and rain What you've achieved today, understand? "

It was late at night when Ding Changsheng left Zhonghua's house. The cold wind surrounded him from all directions, making him feel the cold in the world for the first time. Zhong Hua's words were true, but he still had a deep sense of loss in his heart. Although he understood the meaning of Zhonghua's words today, that is, they no longer need to be supported by kindness. They are now friends and brothers 。

But in Ding Changsheng's heart, he never thought about it like this. He always regarded Zhonghua as his last home. What is home? It's a place to hold the bottom. That is to say, even if you lose everything outside, even if you are stripped of your pants, as long as you have a home, everything at home can make him rise again. This is the foundation, but now, in his heart The family is no longer there, the foundation is not, which makes him feel insecure.

Looking up, he had already arrived at his home downstairs. The light was still on upstairs. His heart was warm and he walked upstairs.

Before his key was inserted into the keyhole, the door opened. A tired but excited face appeared inside. Xia Hehui looked at him with a smile, just like a husband waiting for his wife to come back late at night.

"Is it cold outside?" Let him into the door, bow his head to help him untie the laces of his shoes, and put on warm slippers.

"Why not sleep?"

"Didn't you say you'd like to come back tonight? It's almost time. I squinted on the sofa just now.".

"And they?" Ding Changsheng asked.

I'm here waiting for you to come back. Xia Hehui said she took off Ding Changsheng's coat and hung it in the cloakroom behind the door."I don't have a point when I come back. Don't wait for me in the future. It's bad for women to stay up late.".

"I do beauty salon, I do not know, but you do not come back, the heart is not solid, if you love me, come back early, don't let me worry, this is my pain.". Xia Hehui complained without trace.

"Well, I will go home early in the future.". With that, Ding Changsheng hugged Xia Hehui from the back, and put his cold chin against Xia Hehui's warm neck. The icy Xia Hehui kept laughing. Just as she couldn't stand the itching, she suddenly felt a drop of water in her neck, followed by two drops, three drops, until countless.

Xia Hehui was shocked. She realized that Ding Changsheng was crying, and it was a kind of aggrieved cry. She wanted to turn around to see what happened to her man, but it was impossible for her body to turn around.

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