Although very angry, but Yang Fengqi is a smart woman, immediately opened the door, pretending nothing happened.

I've been waiting for you for a long time. Today's Yang Fengqi and the woman who used to nurse children in lujialing are really different from each other, but one thing always makes Ding Changsheng feel a little uncomfortable, that is, Yang Fengqi's attitude towards the child. Anyway, the child is the flesh from her after all.

Chen Biao is hateful again, but the child is innocent, so this has always been a thorn in Ding Changsheng's heart, which is also a very important reason why he has always been on guard against Yang Fengqi's heart. They all say that he loves Wu and Wu. She now hates Wu and Wu.

"I met a robber on the way. I lost time.".

"Oh? Was it a woman who was robbed and you played a hero? " Yang Fengqi asked with a smile. The temperature in the room was very high and warm. She wore a knee length home skirt. She only saw her feet on the heavy carpet. Her white feet were spotless. But there was a scar on her right foot. She knew that was the trace left by tie Lian during her imprisonment for more than a year.

"How do you know that?" Ding Changsheng is a little surprised. He doubts whether Yang Fengqi sent someone to hijack Si Jiayi.

"If you want people not to know, unless you don't do something about it, you will carry them upstairs. I think you are more and more courageous.".

"Well, I've always had a good way to tie people up. I didn't tie you out at the beginning. To tell you the truth, you don't want to thank me. It's fate between us. Without me, you may have to escape for a long time. But if you don't have you, I'll be a poor man, and I won't have this kind of life. So, you don't owe me, I don't owe you either Of "of".

"No, it's what I owe you. What I can buy with money is not expensive. Freedom is not dispensable to people. Once lost, we will know how luxurious it is.". Yang Fengqi sighed, sitting on the chair that Ding Changsheng opened.

"Let's eat first. For the sake of the big meal you mentioned, I've eaten five steamed stuffed buns in the evening.".

"Five less buns? Are you a pig

"Do you talk to your benefactor like that?" Ding Changsheng white her one eye, not good gas said.

"You have finally admitted that you are my benefactor, but what's the matter with which I asked you to help? Have you paid attention to it? Yang Fengqi brought up the old story again. With a bright fork in his hand, he put a piece of foie gras in his mouth and chewed it slowly. But his eyes were always fixed on Ding Changsheng. In that way, we should have more and more resentment.

"Sister Yang, this caviar is good. Come on, for the meeting in the middle of the night, two in one cup," Ding Changsheng ignored her remarks. He simply took a sip of dry red wine and tasted it slowly. The freshness of caviar and the slight astringency of red wine made people feel a little bit of the flavor of the past.

"Meeting, what kind of meeting do you think it is, between men and women, or between friends?" Yang Fengqi seemed to have taken a bath, because her hair had not dried. After drinking a little wine, two blush appeared on her cheek. If the woman had made a good gesture to a man, she would have been unable to stand it. But Ding Changsheng was not the first brother. Although she was feeling a bit depressed recently, she had not been able to get to the point where she was hungry.

I'm afraid you didn't come to me today to discuss this issue alone. Ding Changsheng said.

"No energy, no sentiment at all.". Yang Fengqi picked up a paper towel to wipe the greasy edge of his mouth. He put down his knife and fork. He even lit a lady's cigarette, took a puff, and then sprayed it on Ding Changsheng.

Although Ding Changsheng also smokes, he is disgusted by women's smoking and thinks it is intolerable.

Ding Changsheng frowned, "when did you learn to smoke?" It's displeased. It's clear.

"You care about me?" Yang Fengqi also saw Ding Changsheng's displeasure, so he dug the cigarette to death in front of the plate.

"Sometimes I am very upset. I live in the shadow all the time. Although I know that lujialing is backward, I can't guarantee whether he will come to visit one day. One of the reasons why I want you is that you are my benefactor and you will not harm me. If I look for someone else, there will be more people who will know about this, and there is another reason, that is me Trust you, I believe that someone who saved me won't hurt me.

"I know what you mean," Ding Changsheng put the knife and fork on the plate. "You know, if this matter is not planned better, I'm afraid neither of us can run away.".

"So you promised me?"

"I just think that the rare earth mine project should be implemented more quickly, perhaps with more opportunities. But there is one thing I haven't asked you. What about the child? Are you going to leave it alone?"

"Well, I can't care so much. You can do it as you like.".

"What do you mean? What do you mean? I'll do it as I see it. It's your child.".

"She's not my child, I won't let this stain affect my life, so I'll never admit to this child."."Well, Yang Fengqi, you are too selfish. I have nothing to say. It seems that our whole life can only be a cooperative relationship. I hope that for the sake of interests, we can spare each other and not make such a deal with others in the future.".

"Changsheng, I'm not what you think. Would you listen to me?" Yang Fengqi was worried. She began to realize that she really shouldn't say that sentence. Even if she didn't want to take care of the child, she couldn't say it in such a naked way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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