Ge Hu was sitting on the co driver of the Jinbei minivan, smoking and staring at the gate of Longgang Street office. His boss, Jiang Haiyang, told him that there was a female reporter from the provincial capital to cover the story. He would take this man back anyway.

As for where this man came from and who he was, he did not ask. In his eyes, only Jiang Haiyang was alone.

But these people are not such outlaws as GE Hu. The bareheaded driver of the car looked at GE Hu and said, "brother tiger, where is this man from? Do you want to ask the brothers first? It's not ordinary people who dare to come to Huzhou to interview at this time. Should we be careful?".

"What are you afraid of? If something goes wrong, boss Jiang is against you. Don't worry about it. Don't be like a girl, chirping and crooked.". Gehu said impatiently.

Bareheaded no longer spoke, but his heart still made a murmur, but he always followed Ge Hu. Since the boss said it was ok, he didn't go into it.

Although Xiao Han is an old reporter and has been deputy editor in chief for so many years, she is still unable to cope with the bureaucratic cliches at the grass-roots level, and she thinks that she can open a breakthrough if she has the information in her hand. However, these people in Longgang Street office have made a clear distinction between the heavy and the heavy. If it is the city that allows the report of casualties, they must report it truthfully For this time without their responsibility, this is a universal disaster.

However, if we report this situation to reporters, as long as their brains are not pig brains, they will definitely obstruct Xiao Han's interview, and Huang Yousheng, Secretary of Longgang Street office, immediately reported the matter to the district.

"Secretary Huang, do you think I can't investigate the real situation if you don't tell me? Do you know that it is dereliction of duty to conceal the death of so many people? " Xiao Han said angrily.

"Reporter Xiao, it's not that we don't want to tell you, but this is the fact. As for what you said, I really don't know where you got these news. Anyway, we don't know. I'm the Secretary of Longgang Street office. I can guarantee with my party spirit that these situations do not exist.". Huang Yousheng swore.

Xiao Han said with a smile, "Secretary Huang, please remember what you said today. I believe someone will test your party spirit to you one day.". Xiao Han felt that he was no longer meaningful here. He might as well go to the family home of the dead and investigate by himself.

Du shankui was an investigator in the army. Although he was not as alert as Ding Changsheng as a policeman, Ding Changsheng repeatedly told him to protect Xiao Han. If she had any mistakes, he could not afford to.

Therefore, when Du shankui found that the golden cup car had been parked near the gate of Longgang Street office, he felt that there was something wrong with him. What's more, a guy in the car actually came down and smoked a cigarette. Although it was far away, he recognized the man as Gehu at the first sight, because he had tracked this man in Weihuang manor.

This situation is very important, so quickly call Ding Changsheng.

"What's the matter, Dogo, are you with reporter Xiao?" At this time, Ding Changsheng was sorting out the speech materials of Shi Aiguo when he had just held a meeting. These materials should be written as soon as possible and distributed to all bureaus and branches. I don't know when. The following leaders also like to collect their speeches and distribute them to their subordinate units.

"Ding, we may be in trouble. I saw Ge Hu. He has been stopping at the gate of Longgang Street office, and reporter Xiao is covering in it.". Du shankui said softly.

"Oh? Did Gehu find you

"May not have, how to do, I drive in directly will Xiao reporter take away.". Du shankui suggested.

Don't wait for a minute. I'll think about it.

Ding Changsheng hung up the phone and pushed the door into Shi Aiguo's office. Shi Aiguo was writing something, which was interrupted by Ding Changsheng's fierce entrance. Moreover, it seemed that Ding Changsheng was in a hurry and even forgot to knock on the door.

"Xiaoding, what's the matter?"

"Mayor, something is going to happen.".

"What's the matter? Say it.". Shi Aiguo said anxiously, now there is nothing to let him stop. Seeing Ding Changsheng's appearance, it is not a good thing, so he is a little upset and irritable.

"I found a female reporter from the provincial capital and asked her to cover up the flood casualties in Huzhou, but now I am being watched by a local ruffian. In addition, I have to go and have a look.".

Let the public security bureau go. It's not appropriate for you to go.

"Mayor, the person in the public security bureau is not reliable at all, and his background is very complicated. If something happens, I can't explain it.".

"Oh, who?"

"Who else, Xiao Han, the daughter-in-law of commander Zhou of the provincial military region, is the deputy editor in chief of the Central South legal newspaper. If something happens in Huzhou, I can't bear it.".

"Oh, well, hurry up, that what, where the local ruffian, can you cope with it? Call someone from the Public Security Bureau. " Shi Aiguo worried.

"This is a complicated matter. This man's name is Ge Hu. He is a small leader of the newly rising underworld in Huzhou. He is looking at reporter Xiao, and this Ge Hu is under Jiang Haiyang's command. So, since Jiang Haiyang knows this matter and knows what reporter Xiao is doing, he must have known it. Can't he do it well It's hard to say what he gave me. Ding Changsheng said implicitly."Oh? Oh, what else? In this case, it's still a good opportunity, Xiao Ding, have you thought about it? " Shi Aiguo said that he did not answer the question.

"Opportunity?" Ding Changsheng did not know why, he looked at Shi Aiguo's eyes, but these eyes were unfathomable and could not see to the end.

"Well, commander Zhou has always been ambiguous. It seems that he does not ask about political affairs. But if this matter concerns his family, will he come out and say something?" Shi Aiguo stood up and walked in front of Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng seemed to understand the opportunity Shi Aiguo said in an instant. His face changed and said, "mayor, this is too risky. In case something really happens, we can't explain it.".

"Therefore, this method is either not used, or it is absolutely safe. I believe you. You can handle this matter yourself. Remember, you must be infallible. Don't fight an uncertain battle. Go ahead.". Shi Aiguo said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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