Ding Changsheng is also very angry when looking at Xiao Han being attacked by two bastards. However, Zhou Hongqi's rescuer has not come yet. I really don't know whether she is real or not. She is good to this sister-in-law.

Ding Changsheng gnaws his teeth and thinks, forget it, Xiao Han is his friend anyway. He has already made a mistake for his friend. If he allows Xiao Han to be bullied by hooligans for his own personal gain, is he too cold blooded? When did he begin to become so ruthless, he would like to give himself a slap in the face.

Finally, he made up his mind to save her, so he slipped quietly to the front door.

"Dugo, don't wait for the armed police, let's do it first, come in.". Ding Changsheng hiding in a corner, while looking around, looking for a convenient tool, while quietly communicating with Du shankui.

For Ding Changsheng's orders, Du shankui was unconditionally obedient. He didn't ask why, because he believed that Ding Changsheng was a reliable person and believed that he would not harm himself. Therefore, Du shankui also quietly touched into the yard of the warehouse.

He can only find a piece of weapon from the wood when he throws it from the wood.

"Well, how many people are there?" Du shankui also quietly touched Ding Changsheng's hiding place and asked.

"Three people, I think there will be weapons, but if we suddenly burst in and hit them one by surprise, there should be no problem. If we bring out one of them, it will be better. Here you are. Let's see if it's easy.". Ding Changsheng handed a plank to Du shankui.

"I have.". Du Shankui said, in Ding Changsheng's awesome eyes, Duan Shan Qu took out a wire whip from his waist, and the hardness and hardness were suitable, but the strength on him was absolutely terrified.

"When did you get it? Why don't you get one for me?".

"Hey, you work. What do you do with this stuff? I'm just for self-defense. I walk around the society all day. What can I do without a self-defense thing? It's not easy to take a knife. It's not easy to check. It's convenient. If you don't use it, I'll use wood.". Du shankui said, seeing Ding Changsheng's envious eyes.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said: "forget it, I'm not used to it, and then hit myself, or wood to hate, go, we go.".

Two people quietly close to the wooden door closed by Xiao Han. Ding Changsheng winks at Du shankui. Du shankui retreats to the back. Ding Changsheng walks in front of the door. The shadow on the ground is reflected from the crack of the door to the room. That is to say, when the bald head blinks at the moment when they touch Xiao Han, his face changes.

"Shh, don't fuckin 'play. Someone's coming.". Growled the bald head.

So the room immediately quieted down. Sure enough, they had something in their hands, but their bare heads and their hands were blowers, which were self-made muskets. Although they were only half a meter long, they had great power and great lethality. If they were shot once, they would be seriously injured or even killed.

Ding Changsheng completed the role of the bait, and continued to retreat, until he reached the back of a wall buttress on the wall. However, the wall stack was too narrow to cover the whole body. However, it could also resist for a while, so as not to block the eye with his body.

Bareheaded looking at the spray, he quietly opened a crack in the door. He could see clearly that the shadow ran to the door on the right, followed by the two hooligans with three edged swords in their hands. It is said that this kind of bloodletting is very good. However, these two goods usually bully the common people with flat heads, but they have never seen a knife or a gun. So when the bald head takes out the nozzle, the two boys have legs It's a little soft.

Du shankui tried his best to stick his body close to the wall, so that his shadow was reflected on the wall, so that people in the room would not notice that there was someone behind him. That would be troublesome. When he saw a black muzzle pointing to Ding Changsheng first, it was meaningless to warn Ding Changsheng. So his pupil shrank and all the strength in his hand was grasped On the wire whip.

However, the bald head did not see anyone in the crack of the opened door, but saw a dark shadow beside the wall in front of him, so he rushed out and pointed the gun at Ding Changsheng's direction. He saw clearly that it was a man, but before he could relax his tension, he felt a fierce wind coming from behind his head, shaking his hands and pulling the trigger.

Then, bareheaded screamed, and the sprayer took off his hands and flew. At this time, Du shankui did not care about other things. He kicked his left face. Although the wire whip just pulled on the bare head's arm, it was more thick in this season, and its lethality was greatly reduced.

The flying foot was a fatal blow. His bald head fell directly on the ground and fainted. Du shankui kicked the nozzle far away. Ding Changsheng also rushed into the house with a board. A boy in the room was caught off guard and was hit by a board on the forehead in the middle of the room.

"Are you going to be like him? Put down your knife. Damn it, you dare to attack the police. Do you know that the crime of assaulting the police is more serious. ". Ding Changsheng threatened the last one. It's not that he doesn't want to go up and give this guy a few sticks, because his left arm really hurts.

"What's the matter? Is it OK. Du shankui ran over and asked.

"It's all right. Put this guy down for me. It's better to call me that I can't take care of myself. Damn it, you dare to attack the police.". Ding Changsheng continues to pose as a policeman.Xiao Han heard Ding Changsheng's voice, excitedly only yelled, but his eyes could not see, so he needed Ding Changsheng's help at this time.

Ding Changsheng said and ran to Xiao Han, completely ignoring that his left arm had fallen down, and he kept dripping blood. Fortunately, the last guy was a counsellor. Under Du shankui's bluff, he knelt on the ground.

Du shankui drew his belt from the waist of the three guys, tied it tightly, and dragged his bald head into the house.

"How are you? Are you all right?" Xiao Han looked at Ding Changsheng for she was injured, and she had heard the gunshot just now. It was likely that she had been injured. Her resentment suddenly disappeared. If it had not been for Du shankui's presence, she would have hugged Ding him and had a good hug.

For nothing else, it's because the man gave up his life to save himself, but now he can't. just as Ding Changsheng wanted to say a few words of apology, the sound of a car came from outside the door.

Du shankui looked at Ding Changsheng and said, "it's possible that GE Hu has come back. What should I do? If you go through the window, I will resist for a while.".

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