If the fact that the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection mentioned by an Qiang has sent people to Huzhou has shocked Jiang and his son, then Zhou Hongqi's temporary appointment as deputy director of the Public Security Bureau in Huzhou is a fatal threat to Jiang Haiyang.

Not only Jiang Haiyang, but Jiang Wenshan also smelled a trace of different questions. It seems that the provincial government is trying to uproot some forces that they can't stand in Huzhou. It can be predicted that the arrival of Zhou Hongqi will not be the end.

"So, brother, we've all got to this point. We should stop. If we don't like it, the ocean has made a lot of money these years. Go out and find a place where we can't support ourselves. We should be content to be a man.". Anqiang's words can no longer be understood.

At the meeting with Shi Aiguo, he warned Shi Aiguo to take into account the overall situation and understand the general situation. However, when he arrived at Jiang Wenshan, he urged him to stop. Otherwise, the governor might not be able to save him. A director of the provincial government office should say this in person. The weight is not heavy. Now, Jiang Wenshan needs to weigh it carefully.

Although the post disaster reconstruction work is very busy, Shi Aiguo still has not changed his living habits. He still leaves work and goes home on time. At home, his little wife has cooked porridge and cooked food for him to eat.

"Just yourself? Where's ah Zhen, isn't she? " After entering the house, Shi Aiguo didn't see his daughter Shi Meizhen, so he asked the little daughter-in-law who helped him take off his coat.

"Oh, she said she had something to do and would not come back for dinner.".

"This girl doesn't know what to do all day long. Forget it. Let's eat it by ourselves. By the way, Xiao Hong, go and bring me the Maotai liquor I have saved. I'll have a drink tonight. I'll be happy.". Shi Aiguo ordered.

"Ouch, you haven't drunk for a long time. What's the matter? If you have something to be happy about, let me hear it.". Xiao Hong brings the wine to Shi Aiguo, but after pouring the wine, she no longer returns to her seat. Instead, she sits on Shi Aiguo's lap, one hand around Shi Aiguo's neck, and the other hand pours wine and vegetables for him.

"It's useless to talk to you about work if you don't understand it.".

"It's said that you are going to be the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. Is it true?"

"How do you know, who told you?" Although Shi Aiguo was questioning, he was not angry.

"Oh, I also listen to the beauty salon Miss said, that is, ordinary people, since everyone has been so preached, then there can be fake?"

"Don't talk about it. It's not settled yet. Do you understand?"

"Well, I know, I never said I was the mayor's wife, so I can help you to visit in private, you have to thank me.". Xiao Hong hugs Shi Aiguo's neck and whispers.

"Well, well, how would you like me to thank you?"

"Well, I, I think, patriotic, let's have a child of our own.". Xiao Hong hesitated for a moment, or said her own request.

"Oh, why, didn't you always dislike children? Why do you suddenly think of it? Isn't it good for us to do this? " Shi Aiguo is open-minded, because he has a daughter, so the heart does not want children.

"I am a woman. If a woman doesn't become a mother in her life, it will be an incomplete life. So I need a complete life. Besides, I also need to have my own dependence. You think, you are more than 20 years older than me. If you die one day, do you want me to marry someone else again? If we have a child of our own, I can raise him seriously. I'm not too lonely, don't you think? " Xiao Hong asked.

It can be said that Xiao Hong's words are not excessive. One's life may be full of love and love, which may be a smooth road. Therefore, it is very necessary to reserve a proper way for ourselves. We do not seek to be vigorous all the time, but at least after the vigorous and powerful, we can find the fire of life's continuous progress from the ashes of passion.

Two people lie on the bed. To tell the truth, Shi Aiguo is very tired, so Xiao Hong tries his best to make Shi Aiguo strong, but after a long time, it is in vain. Xiao Hong let out her breath and lay beside Shi Aiguo, panting for breath. She was very angry when she heard about it. Shi Aiguo was also very puzzled. What's wrong with her today? When it comes to having children, she can't do it.

"Why don't I take a pill and try it tonight?" Shi Aiguo put his hand on his wife.

"Tonight is the most critical time, I used the test paper in the afternoon, today is ovulation period". Xiao Hong angrily pushes Shi Aiguo's hand away and turns to the bed.

Unfortunately, when I opened the lamp in the bottom of the cupboard, I found out why the most small pill fell into the bottom of the cupboard.

No way, Shi Aiguo had to get up and put on his slippers and lie on the ground looking for the small pill that could not be found everywhere. After a long time of tossing, he finally found the small pill at the bottom corner of the cabinet. He was afraid that it would disappear again, and he could not wipe off the dust on it. He put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it almost without water.To tell you the truth, Xiao Hong is also a little bit distressed, but when she thinks of her children, she is still cruel to let Shi Aiguo drink some water, waiting for the effect to break out.

Xiao Hong's beautiful, refined and charming jade face, her beautiful, pliable and crystal clear jade neck, and her white and delicate jade peak with warm and smooth fragrance under her round shoulders have greatly increased her alluring power, which makes people willing to sink and indulge in it, and do not want to extricate themselves.

In the face of Xiao Hong, who is enough to make any man in the world lose their hearts and minds, Shi Aiguo is no exception trapped in it, unable to extricate himself.

Although she was deeply familiar with her body, she was still infatuated with every inch of her body.

Looking at Xiao Hong's delicate body revolving around her body, Shi Aiguo can't help but start an untimely fantasy, and his heart is beating vigorously.

Shi Aiguo clearly heard the "Dong Dong" loud sound from the heart. The blood exchange between the heart and blood vessels was frequent. The blood flow accelerated and the meridians expanded. A stream of blood rose slowly from the abdomen again, and the blood was congested below. There was a strong physiological change.

Half an hour later, Xiao Hong wakes up and opens her beautiful eyes. Shi Aiguo is lying on her body, tired and sleeping. The corners of her mouth rise slightly, brimming with satisfaction and happiness after passion. Xiao Hong stares for a moment, sighs, reaches out and gently pushes away Shi's patriotic body.

Pull a pillow under your buttocks and put your lower body high, which is said to increase the chance of conception.

This is Xiao Hong's last chance to get rid of her classmate and daughter Shi Meizhen at a moment. Otherwise, once Shi Aiguo dies, she won't get anything, and this is not Xiao Hong's last step, because she finds that as the mayor's wife, she can use a lot of resources, but she has never tried, so having children is just the first step, There is still a long way to go in the future, and Shi Aiguo has at least 10 years of political life, so this is his future road, step by step, step by step.

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