"Ji, from the Commission for Discipline Inspection, what do you want me to do? I didn't do anything. Jiang Heping was too timid. When he heard that it was from the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he began to shiver in his heart. He was even more flustered when he came to find him. He did not think about it. As a director of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, could he use the people of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to check you? Are you at that level?

"Jiang Heping, you just said you could take out two million yuan. I want to know where you come from.".

"This, this, I this is nonsense. I didn't say I had money, I said I could borrow money.". Jiang Heping blushed and began to speak incoherently.

"Jiang Heping, let this matter go in advance. If you cooperate well in the next reply, maybe I don't know about it, it depends on your performance.". He Feng stopped at the right time, leaving a suspense of hope for Jiang Heping.

"What, what's the matter?"

"How many people died in the flood After he Feng finished, he Feng looked at Jiang Heping with bright eyes. Jiang Heping and he Feng's eyes just touched each other and then flashed away. He didn't dare to continue to look, because he Feng's eyes were just like a knife, which could point directly at people's hearts at any time.

"Well, I can't remember clearly. There may be more than a dozen people.". Although Jiang Heping took the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection as kidnappers because of his fear of death at the beginning, but now his mind is gradually sober up. As long as his life is not in danger for the time being, he can make a fool of himself with the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"A dozen? Jiang Heping, we came to Huzhou with indicators. That is to say, in Huzhou, whether it's big fish or shrimp, we should count them by number. You don't think you're a fly, so you don't care. We don't care. We don't care. I won't ask the same question twice because I don't have the time to play with you. ". He Feng finished, no longer talking, but the more so, the more depressed the atmosphere in the room.

Jiang Heping is thinking nervously about how to answer. It can be seen that the people from the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection are not aiming at themselves. It is impossible for them to play such a small role. However, if they don't answer or their answers are not accurate, they may become the targets of these people to vent their anger.

Moreover, since the people of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection have invited themselves, the people in other streets can't run away. This kind of thing is that the law does not blame the masses. No matter how powerful Secretary Jiang is, he can still confront the people of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. This time, the people of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection are obviously aiming at Secretary Jiang. So, what are they doing.

"We received 73 reports.".

He Feng frowned. There were 73 people in Longgang Street office alone, which exceeded the official death toll in Huzhou. What else can be said. "Is that true?"

"Well, they are all reported below. There should be no mistake. We also reported the number to the District, but soon the District issued a notice. The number of people killed in the flood in each street should be kept strictly confidential. No one is allowed to disclose it. This is the basic situation.". After Jiang Heping said the first sentence, he was no longer scrupulous. He poured beans out of the bamboo tube, and all the things done in Longgang street were ruined.

"Who are the dead?"

"Because there are old railway stations within the jurisdiction of Longgang Subdistrict Office, some of them are vagrants and beggars. These people usually sleep under bridges and culverts, so they didn't run out that night. Some of them are old people and children living alone. The street office has statistical details, so it's very clear to take a look.". Jiang Heping said with great cooperation.

In the early morning of the next day, some people saw the vehicles coming in and out of the guest house of the military division. These people of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were fighting like chicken blood. But in Jiang Wenshan's opinion, these people were like sharks who had smelled the smell of blood, and they opened their mouths to attack themselves.

There is no way to hide such a thing, and no one is willing to hide it. Therefore, it is well known that the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has been stationed in Huzhou. Originally, Wang Minghao, Secretary of Huzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection, pretended not to know about it, but Jiang Wenshan did not let him go, and called him to the office of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee by telephone.

"Ming Hao, what's going on? Is Huzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection already bankrupt or bankrupt? Why should the people of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection intervene in our own affairs? Do you have a look at the people they are looking for? Which one is up to the level that needs to be managed by the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? "

"Secretary Jiang, I don't want people to do whatever they want on our territory. Before I came, I talked to Secretary Li Tiegang and told him about it. But guess what Secretary Li said. Secretary Li told me not to meddle in our own affairs. Listen, Secretary Jiang. In our own territory, I have become a meddler. What can I do? The Discipline Inspection Commission is also the party Since Secretary Li has said so, I'm too lazy to take care of it. Wang Minghao simply pushed the matter to Li Tiegang, Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. If Jiang Wenshan has the courage, you can go to the Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to reason.

"Comrade Minghao, this is an irresponsible attitude. If you look at what Huzhou is like now, they don't even say hello and talk to people at will. What is this about? The main task of Huzhou now is to do a good job in post disaster reconstruction. The cadres are in panic. How can the work be carried out? What will the people think of us? Will this be more chaotic?" Wang Wenhao asked a few questions.Wang Minghao knew that Jiang Wenshan was venting his discontent, but it was useless for him to vent his discontent. He was just a secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of a prefecture level city. He could not go against the meaning of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Therefore, the best way is to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Now in Jiang Wenshan's office, Xu Shu enters Cao Ying without saying a word.

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