"You are a long life. What do you use? You, alas, are really angry with you.". Gu Xiaomeng pinches Ding Changsheng's ears all the time, but her voice is surprisingly low. At this time, her bedroom door is not closed. She is afraid that she will call up her mother once she speaks out loud.

"Ah, sister Xiaomeng, I really didn't notice. This paper doesn't work. I'm afraid it will get on your floor, so..." Ding Changsheng also noticed that the thing he was holding was not supposed to be. It was actually the bra that Gu Xiaomeng had replaced. No wonder it was so blood sucking. It was sponge.

Although Ding Changsheng was talking, the bra was still covered on his nose. Fortunately, the blood was no longer raging. Although it had its own smell of blood, the body odor of the girl on the bra was still clear and audible. Therefore, Ding Changsheng was not in a hurry to take it down. Instead, he just had to smell it once.

Gu Xiaomeng was so angry that she sat back on the bed again. She looked at the guy with her bra and breathed deeply. She seemed to be very intoxicated. She was really angry with him, but she just couldn't get angry.

Finally, Ding Changsheng put down Gu Xiaomeng's bra, wiped it with her towel, and then went to Gu Xiaomeng's bathroom to wash the remaining blood stains on her face. This time, he was so obedient that he ran faster than Ding Changsheng. He took the first step into the bathroom and collected all the things that should not be seen by men.

It's not like I haven't seen it before. Ding Changsheng murmured in a low voice that Gu Xiaomeng could not hear.

"Go in. Hurry up. I don't lend it to outsiders. Don't look around. Be careful of your head.". Gu Xiaomeng waved his fist and said.

Ding Changsheng didn't say a word, but he locked the door as soon as he entered.

"Well, wash your face and lock the door?" Gu Xiaomeng first closed her door and ran to the bathroom to listen to the movement inside.

"I need to go to the toilet and have diarrhea. Do you want to leave the door open?"

"Ah, you're a long life. You can't go down there. I'm addicted to cleanliness.". Gu Xiaomeng was angry and jumped outside, but there was nothing she could do. She leaned on the door and wanted to hear the sound inside, but she couldn't hear anything. She only heard the sound of the rushing water. It seemed that Ding Changsheng was still washing his face.

But in fact, Ding Changsheng had already washed his face. He was sitting on Gu Xiaomeng's toilet to go to the toilet. Maybe he had a little constipation because he had not eaten regularly recently. While waiting for his convenience, he looked at the layout of Gu Xiaomeng's toilet.

The place is not big, but the layout is very warm. A shower curtain divides the bathroom into two departments, but inside the curtain is a big bathtub. As you can imagine, Gu Xiaomeng is likely to lie in that bathtub to take a bath. On top of the bathtub is a bookshelf with several books.

However, not far from the toilet is a plastic storage cabinet. Ding Changsheng's curiosity is not so heavy, and he is not willing to peek at other people's things without the consent of others. However, Gu Xiaomeng does not know whether he is intentionally or really negligent. A thin belt is squeezed into the slot of the drawer of the cabinet, because the cabinet is white, and the belt is black It's really eye-catching.

Ding Changsheng hesitated for a moment. As soon as he bent down, he picked up the tape. With his pulling, the belt was actually very long, and it was getting thicker and thicker, until it could no longer be pulled. Ding Changsheng could not help his curiosity and opened the drawer.

Ding Changsheng pulled out one of the thin pieces of cloth and four belts. If it hadn't been for Ding Changsheng who had seen Xia Hehui have this thing, he really didn't know that there was such a small underpants in the world. Specifically, it was bound T-String pants.

The small piece of cloth is the shield to protect Gu Xiaomeng's peach garden. The rest is a few ropes. This shocked Ding Changsheng very much. Gu Xiaomeng looks like a very quiet and weak girl, but she has no idea that she has such a surging heart.

"I'll tell you, I've never had a man in my bathroom. It's very rude of you to use my bathroom to go to the bathroom. It's very kind of you.". Gu Xiaomeng said coldly.

"Well, the toilet is just for use. Otherwise, why do you need the toilet? What can I do for it? I wanted to go home and go to the bathroom. I deserve it when I was called up by you.". Ding Changsheng sat on the chair in front of her bed, took a banana and chewed it.

"I'm going to Jiangdu this weekend. If you're OK, go with me. I dare not go.".

"To the provincial capital, for what?" Ding Changsheng asked, gnawing at a banana.

"It's not a big deal. I've been staying at home all the time. I took part in a world architectural designer competition from the Internet. Although I didn't win the prize, a European villa group I designed was favored by a developer. I didn't dare to go there. I'm afraid it's a bad guy.".

"Didn't Gehu run away? What are you afraid of?"

"Well, he ran away, but he is not the mastermind. I heard that Jiang Haiyang is now in the provincial city, so I still dare not go out. Now I think of the past, it is like a nightmare."."Well, I'll go with you, sister Xiaomeng. Don't worry. I'll send these two bastards to prison sooner or later. Give me a little more time. What time will you call me then?".

"Well, OK, I'll let you know when it's settled.".

"Well, well, the bananas are good. Do you like bananas so much?" Ding Changsheng asked solemnly.

"Well, it's OK. Bananas can stimulate the brain to produce something called serotonin. It can stimulate brain nerves and produce happy feelings. I often eat them.".

"Yes, in fact, bananas have a function, but not necessarily through eating, can also make people happy, and the effect is very obvious.".

"Not by eating, then by what, how can I not know?" Looking at Ding Changsheng's bad smile, Gu Xiaomeng has a feeling of falling into the pit.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you another day, it's amazing, especially for girls.".

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