Different from di Kuncheng's taking office, it was much easier for him to take office, and the person who came to see him off was not the organization Minister of the provincial Party committee, but a vice minister who ranked very low. He just came to announce the appointment, and even the cadre meeting was not held. Everything was so simple that people were surprised that the cadres in Huzhou could not guess what the above really meant.

"Comrade Nanxia, have you arranged your place of residence?" Shi Aiguo and a group of cadres from Huzhou sent off the deputy director of the Organization Department of the provincial Party committee under the building of the municipal Party committee, and then turned to Si Nan and asked.

"Well, almost. It's all the family members cleaning up. The comrades of the municipal Party committee have also helped a lot. Thank you for the arrangement of secretary Shi.". Sinan down the passenger airway.

"Comrade Nanxia, you are welcome. If so, Kuncheng, or we will open a standing committee this morning. Although Comrade Nanxia has met with you just now, we may not know all of them. Let's have a meeting. Let's get to know each other well.".

"Good, Secretary Shi, Secretary Secretary of the Department, I think after the meeting, or in the small canteen to meet comrades southward, sooner or later.". Di Kuncheng said with a smile, but when he called the two secretaries just now, it was really an unusual tongue twister.

"Well, good, Kuncheng's suggestion is good. We should not go out and eat some in the small canteen.".

So the party returned to the meeting room again. The appointment was over. Sinan Xia was already one of the two deputy secretaries of Huzhou City. He was only in charge of party affairs, but he also had the right to supervise other matters. It can be said that as the third leader of Huzhou, he will be a very important force. In the future, di Kuncheng and Shi Aiguo will compete for each other.

Listen to Shi Aiguo introduce himself to the Standing Committee members in front of him. Although he has read some public files before coming, they are only written materials seen on the Internet. There is still a big gap in face-to-face communication, but there is no exception. In addition to being a new comer and a mayor's residence Kuncheng, others are the original Huzhou Besides, among the original members, Shi Aiguo was to be kicked out. The rest was the group of former municipal Party Secretary Jiang Wenshan.

Before he came, they all said that Jiang Wenshan was domineering and Shi Aiguo was cowardly. But today, it seems that Shi Aiguo is not a coward. It is just that these standing committee members left by Jiang Wenshan are in good condition. However, in the sense of Si Nanxia, he feels a deep hostility. Although he is not sure where the hostility comes from, it is very uncomfortable.

before he took office, the provincial Party Secretary, such as the awesome mountain, summoned him personally, and the two men talked for nearly two hours. From the white hills, they talked about Huzhou, and from Huzhou about the current situation of the province. As an example, the mountain was very clear to the South of the province. The reason why it was transferred to Huzhou was to help the weak Di Kuncheng.

He also told him that the current economic situation of Huzhou was unsatisfactory, but in the view of secretary an, Shi Aiguo was not a suitable leader in economic development, so he was transferred to Huzhou, which made him think for a long time.

This may mean that the province does not think that Shi Aiguo has the ability to bring Huzhou's economy out, so he needs Sinan to take over. However, it is not necessarily him who will take over. If di Kuncheng can have a set of economic development, he may be the successor.

So this sentence gives him infinite reverie, but this reverie has no basis, and no one promises to you.

The Standing Committee has only 10 minutes. In fact, the purpose of the Standing Committee is to introduce everyone to the south. However, although the Standing Committee was broken up, Shi Aiguo called in Si Xiaxia, di Kuncheng, Gu Qingshan, and Secretary General Tao Chengjun.

"As you can see, the members I have left are the members of the Secretary's meeting. The reason why I left you is that the new year is coming. In order not to affect the work after the new year, the adjustment of some cadres should have been completed before the new year. Originally, this matter could have been carried out for a long time, but in order to wait for the superior to complete our team, so Delay, today, comrade southward to the post, so our team can be said to be temporarily equipped, oh, there is a executive vice mayor has not been on duty, so we do not wait. Comrade Qingshan has worked out the post that needs to be adjusted, and now we will send it to everyone. We will work out a plan in the shortest time and hold a meeting to study it. OK, I've finished Is there anything else you can do

Although everyone felt very sudden, it was not a sudden attack. It was just a greeting and gave you time to prepare. It can be said that Shi Aiguo was very righteous. The only thing that felt a little sudden was that Sinan came down. At the first meeting, he put forward the issue of personnel adjustment, which made him feel a bit blind. He had just arrived, and all the cadres had just arrived I'm not familiar with them. It seems that I can only go back to study.

Di Kuncheng results list a look, blood gushed to the head.

It's not because of other things, because the first one in the list of cadres to be adjusted is Kang Mingde. Although he has been in Huzhou for a short time, rumors have been circulating that the financial secretary Kang Mingde and the new municipal Party Secretary Shi Aiguo are at odds. Kang Mingde is listed first. It seems that this adjustment is imperative.

The importance of the financial secretary is self-evident. It's a money bag. However, he has been here for such a short time, and there is no suitable person under his hand. It seems that Shi Aiguo, the financial secretary, is bound to win. When he thinks of this, di Kuncheng can't help feeling bitter."Secretary Shi, do the positions on these lists need to be adjusted?" Di Kun Cheng is still young, can not help but ask a sentence.

"Well, at present, it seems that the adjustment of these positions is imperative, which has seriously hindered the economic development. If not, these departments are still so dead and still hard to change even if they continue.". "Said Shi patriotic after drinking a sip of tea.

"I don't mean this, I mean the formulation of this list. Who made it. Is it the meeting of the secretary?" Di Kun Cheng can't help but ask shipatriotic in a questioning tone. Although the tone is polite, the meaning contained in it is obvious. He is questioning the legitimacy of this list.

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