In the end, Shi Meizhen failed to keep Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng was very prudent. Even if she was a smart person, she would not rush to make trouble in the house of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. If Xiao Hong knew about it, she might make a complaint.

After leaving the family house of the municipal Party committee, he rushed to the Finance Bureau without stopping. Because Kang Mingde died so suddenly, although he made some preparations for leaving office, he had to hide and transfer, but there were still many places where his horse could be found.

Ding Changsheng rushed back to the Finance Bureau because he received a call from Chen Dong, saying that there was another new harvest. It seems that Shi Aiguo's decision to start with the financial bureau is still a wise move. Otherwise, it will be transferred and swallowed up by these people.

"Ouch, what's the matter with the exhibition?" As soon as Ding Changsheng entered the conference room, he saw that there were all kinds of famous cigarettes and wine on the table. There was also a special box with several high-end watches and some gold jewelry. Of course, the most striking thing was the dozens of piles of cash placed next to the box. According to the preliminary estimate, it was more than 100000.

"Exhibition, hum, yes, I don't know. Xiaoding, these are all found in Kang Mingde's office. Can you see how to report to Secretary Shi?" Wang Minghao said that he was very clear about what Shi Aiguo sent Ding Changsheng to do, so as long as it was related to Shi Aiguo, he would not interfere. If people did not investigate the case, they would not let anyone report it. What did they do here, isn't it obvious?

"Secretary Wang, this matter is too big, how these things should be worth a million yuan. I think it is also related to Kang Mingde. Although he is dead, I am not very clear about the organization procedure, but I know that this is under the jurisdiction of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Therefore, it is better for Secretary Wang to report in person, I am afraid it is not clear.". Ding Changsheng said that what he thought was just the opposite of Wang Minghao. Although he was a liaison officer, he did not need to report everything by himself. For example, although Kang Mingde was dead, if he did not die, he would go through the organizational procedures and ask shi Aiguo's consent to move Kang Mingde. This is a hard lever.

Wang Minghao looked at Ding Changsheng, did not say anything else, picked up the phone out of the conference room, to Shi Aiguo called.

At this time, Ding Changsheng noticed that there was still a man standing in the meeting room, who was the temporary head of the Finance Bureau, Lin Zhanshan, the executive deputy director. However, when Ding Changsheng looked at it, Lin Zhanshan subconsciously avoided Ding Changsheng's eyes. Moreover, he could see that director Lin's face was very bad, and there was a faint sense of sweat.

In fact, at the beginning, the Commission for Discipline Inspection didn't really want to go to kangmingde's office. Instead, after Ding Changsheng left, Zhou Hongqi brought the people from the criminal police team to open kangmingde's office, saying that he was looking for clues to solve the case. In this way, the people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection followed him into Kang Mingde's office. At the beginning, all we saw was the luxurious decoration of the office And luxury, but with the people of the criminal police team flipping around, this just focused on these financial.

It can be seen that kangmingde has prepared a lot of things in his office. The criminal police team also found a box of condoms in his inner lounge. There is no doubt that it has something to do with which woman in the Bureau in case of emergency.

"It seems that the financial bureau is going to have a big earthquake this time.". Chen Dong went to Ding Changsheng and said.

"Well, it seems that it is, but I don't know how many people will be killed and how many black hats will be shaken off. The situation of the Financial Bureau can be seen from the director. If we dig deeply, we don't know whether there will be any left.". Ding Changsheng and Chen Dong murmured in a low voice, but the murmur was so clear in Lin Zhanshan's ears, even though the voice was really small. Moreover, these words were just like a heavy hammer pounding on his heart, which made him feel that he was gradually difficult to breathe, and his hands covered his heart, which was very painful.

If Wang Minghao didn't come in, no one would have noticed that Lin Zhanshan was ill.

"Lao Lin, what's wrong? This is medicine. Is there any medicine?" Wang Minghao shouts, holding Lin Zhanshan's tottering body.

But at this time, Lin Zhanshan's breathing was very short. Ding Changsheng called 120 as soon as he saw that the situation was wrong, so everyone did not dare to move him. He helped him to a chair and then called him. But gradually his eyes closed, and no one woke up. When the ambulance arrived, he was rescued on the spot. Unfortunately, Lin Zhan Shan is still dead.

For a moment, Wang Minghao felt that his head was as big as a fight. What should he do? At this time, only Ding Changsheng, Chen Dong and Wang Minghao were left in the room. The matter had just been reported to the municipal Party committee. The municipal Party committee was also very surprised, saying that it was necessary to hold a standing committee to discuss the next work of the Financial Bureau.

"Secretary Wang, I have a suggestion. I don't know if it is appropriate or not?" Ding Changsheng broke the silence and said.

"Xiaoding, say it.". Wang Minghao didn't know how to end it, but it was obvious that he was the group leader. The fact that he was the leader should not have happened. The Commission for Discipline Inspection did not control Lin Zhanshan, nor did he know what caused Lin Zhanshan's sudden myocardial infarction.

"Secretary Wang, I suggest that Lin Zhanshan's office should be searched immediately. If Lin Zhanshan is OK, there will be no myocardial infarction. When I came in just now, I saw that his face was not good-looking, but his expression was always on the things found in kangmingde's office. I think it was because of fright and worry that he caused the heart disease. He said a bad word That's what scared me to death. To see if there are these things in his office, then the situation is obvious. It's better to report to the municipal Party committee."What's your opinion, Chen Dong?" Wang Minghao nodded, but asked Chen Dong again. After all, the procuratorate has a share in this matter.

"I agree with Secretary Cheng Ding's suggestion and search immediately. Moreover, I suggest that Secretary Wang report to the municipal Party committee and that leading cadres at or above the section level of the financial bureau should be examined. Only in this way can we really avoid leaving any fish missing the net. The big fish of the Financial Bureau should not only be these bureau level leading cadres.". Chen Dong is even more ruthless, and he has to uproot even the division level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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