"Everyone is here. Let's have a meeting now. Due to the lack of time, I'd like to make a short story short. Three months ago, a fire broke out in lujialing. After the investigation, the county criminal police found that it was a man-made arson with unknown motive. The fire led to the serious burn of Li Jianshe, the former village secretary, and the house was also burned to the ground. After the incident, the criminal suspect Wang tiger absconded We have been organizing the arrest, but there has been no result. Now we have been reported that someone has seen Wang Hu come back. The purpose is unknown. We should work hard and we must bring him to justice. This is a death order from the Bureau. Because the impact of this case is very bad in our Linshan town. If we don't get a conclusion, we will feel embarrassed to look up when we go out Director, please say something. As soon as Huo Lvmao opened his mouth, he said so passionately.

"Just now the director has made it very clear the importance of this matter. Let me just say that we should pay attention to the safety of the arrest. All right, we should prepare separately. We will gather here in ten minutes and go to lujialing with the comrades of the county criminal police team.". Chen Bing simply arranged the task and sat down.

So everyone went to work separately and prepared for it. Although Wang tiger is not a criminal of great crimes, he should be prepared well.

"Boss, I'll go there in the evening. I've been there, and I'm familiar with lujialing.". Ding Changsheng volunteered to be on the night shift.

"OK, but learn to be smart. Don't be a hero. Your family is left with yourself. At least you have to leave a root. Otherwise, how can you meet your parents in the future?". Huo Lvmao said that he was a little sad. Staying up late these days has made him lose his temper. Although Li Jianshe's still building, he has been to the original place. Now it seems that he is still in fear. He has a good relationship with Li Jianshe, so he must seize Wang Hu.

"Boss, I see. I'll get ready and go with them.". Ding Changsheng's heart is warm, but at the same time, the heart is also a burst of guilt.

Tian E Ru sat in the hall of household administration and looked at the pair of policemen and joint defense team members standing in the yard from a distance. Ding Changsheng was also in the line. She wanted to go out and have a look. Even if she said a word, she couldn't, bit her lip and sent a message: "are you hiding from me?"

Ding Changsheng turns around with the team and gets on the car, leaving Tian E Ru with a figure of her back, which makes her feel lost.

"At this moment, no one can stay out of it.". Ding Changsheng stealthily sends a message back to Tian E Ru. This woman is too sensitive. Now he feels more and more that this woman is very tired of him. Although Li fengni also wants to, Li fengni will not be so tired. She will only wait silently, just like a pile of dry wood. Only when Ding Changsheng ignites the fire, will she burn vigorously, otherwise she will just wait silently.

In fact, Ding Changsheng felt that it was broad daylight now, and they entered lujialing with great fanfare. Isn't it that Wang Hu didn't notice?

"Brother Zhang, if we go through like this, Tiger Wang knows what to do and has to run away.". Ding Changsheng asked Zhang Qiang around him.

"The boss means to let him run so that we can see it. Otherwise, we can't find any place to hide. Look at the wild mountains and mountains. Besides, the periphery is well arranged and can't run away.".

It suddenly dawned on Ding Changsheng that what he was doing was to drive out rabbits, and people did not expect him to catch Tiger Wang.

Chen er'dan really regards himself as a contractor. With the money given by Ding Changsheng, Chen Er'an has built an impregnable fortress in lujialing. Before, it was burned because of fire. Therefore, the importance of fire prevention was fully considered in this building. The courtyard wall is three meters high, and the top of the wall is densely covered with glass debris, and he has applied to the state It has a large glass window. It takes full account of the lighting and heating. Under the whole house, the floor is warm. The boiler room is in the kitchen outside. The windows of seven bungalows are very clear. Now the interior decoration is in progress. It is estimated that we will be able to live in the house a year ago.

"Er Dan, how do I feel that your house is built like a prison?" Seeing the big red iron gate and barbed wire, Ding Changsheng complained a little. He didn't design the barbed wire at the beginning.

The main consideration is safety. I tell you, the barbed wire can still be electrified at night. If anyone wants to come in, he has to think about it.

"What? You also pulled the power grid. You don't know it's against the law to pull the power grid privately. Ding Changsheng was surprised.

"Cough, if you don't supply power, it's over. Besides, I don't know what you're thinking. If I don't make this place more solid, you can rest assured when you're working outside. I'm not sure if there's such a beautiful woman at home.". Chen er'dan tamped Ding Ding Changsheng with his elbow, looking like a passer-by.

"What nonsense? You, I am..."

"OK, I understand. By the way, there is one more thing I have to ask you. What's the matter with you and Ling Shan?"

"What's going on?" Ding Changsheng pretended to be stupid.

"Don't pretend. I'll ask if you've done anything to her. I've been asking Zihan about your family from time to time in the past few months. This little girl has never been like this before. I think something is wrong. I can warn you that I don't want to beat you. My cousin is so cool and Wang Jie. You're also a mangy dog."."Here, this is your reward, 50000 yuan. Look at what you said. She is your cousin, not my cousin. We two don't have the problem of getting married by close relatives. Besides, it's not that I want to pursue her, but she pursues me.".

"I bah, chasing you, who believes it.".

"Come on, I'll tell you about it. I met her in the street that day. She was very happy to see me. She talked about your marriage that day I'm grateful for my saving my life, so I insist on making a promise by myself... "

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