"Changsheng, what you said today is too much.". Luo Xiangyue accompanied Ding Changsheng to the downstairs. She didn't want to say this, but in the end she couldn't help it. No wonder her interests are now tied up with Lin Chunxiao, which inevitably inclines to Lin Chunxiao in her heart, so she wants to defend Lin Chunxiao.

"Sister Luo, I know, but if it goes on like this, Haiyang county's economic development will not make any progress. This is also for her good. As a county Party committee secretary, although not directly responsible for economic construction, but this responsibility is not small, compared with the time when she just came, she is really much softer.".

"People are in different positions, of course, they have different considerations. After the Secretary of the Department left, secretary Lin's energy in the city dropped sharply, which you should understand. Therefore, even if He Fei has something out of the ordinary, considering the face of minister he, secretary Lin can't do it too clearly.".

"Hehe, yes, the world is prosperous. Profits and profits are normal. Well, let's not talk about it. I'm leaving. You'd better give secretary Lin a wake-up call about blueberry base at the right time. Linshan town is not away from He Fei, and minister he doesn't have other leaders. Maybe we can't see each other at the end of the day. I'm afraid we'll meet at that time It's hard to talk. Ding Changsheng smiles and turns away.

Luo Xiangyue stood in the entrance hall of the county Party committee building, until Ding Changsheng's police car disappeared outside the gate, she turned to go upstairs.

At this time, there was another person who was watching Ding Changsheng leave, that is Lin Chunxiao. Although Ding Changsheng's words were ugly, they were not meaningless, but she was in a very difficult situation. Although Secretary of the Department and Tang Bingkun, Secretary of the Baishan municipal Party committee, had a good relationship, it did not mean that Tang Bingkun appreciated her, so far, her situation in the city It was very difficult, but this Ding Changsheng brought her a big trouble.

"Gone?" Seeing Luo Xiangyue come in, Lin Chunxiao asked.

"Well, I left. It seems that this guy's anger still hasn't come down. It's really revenge.". Luo Xiangyue said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter to bear a grudge, but what about this difficult problem at the moment?" Lin Chunxiao rubbed his face and asked.

"Secretary Lin, I think you should talk to people in Linshan town about this matter. If you don't say anything else, I've heard that Wang Baili has almost become an ornament in Linshan Town, and a mayor controls a town. It's really rare. Moreover, I think the blueberry base has nothing to do with Wang Baili, and the rest is hard to do.".

"That is to say, if Ding Changsheng doesn't talk about it, I can pretend that I don't know, but since he comes to talk about it, I can't ignore it. Well, I'll talk to He Fei first. If it doesn't work, I'll report it to minister he in Baishan and let him make up his mind. If he lets him continue to do it, we can't do it. If not, then We will adjust He Fei's post, but we have to ask minister he's advice on this matter first. ".

"Well, I think so.". Luo Xiangyue also feels very helpless to say.

As soon as Ding Changsheng and Luo Xiangyue went downstairs, Miao Miao's eyes had been staring at Luo Xiangyue. It was not until they left the courtyard of the county Party committee that Miao Miao's eyes gathered again on Ding Changsheng.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Ding Changsheng drives the car and notices Miao Miao is staring at him all the time.

"Don't you want to give me an explanation? Let me stay in the car and you meet your old sweetheart. Miao Miao said without any affection.

"Hey, I said little girl film, talk to have evidence ah, what is my old lover, this is not right, people will sue you to damage your reputation.".

"Who was that woman just now


"What else? Is it that simple? " The seedlings do not believe.

"Oh, former colleague, I used to work in Haiyang County, you know that.". Ding explained.

"But I don't think you are so simple. That woman doesn't look at you right. Uncle, I'm a little girl, don't you?"

Yes, you are a little girl. What's the matter.

"Can you tell me the truth without lying to me?" Miao Miao said, holding her cheek.

"What's the truth?" Ding Changsheng said strangely.

"How many women do you have besides my mother?". Miao Miao smiles, but the playfulness and teasing are obvious.

"Did you ask for your mother, or did you want to know?"

"Well, even if I want to know, she is not so boring.". Miao Miao said.

"Look, I'll tell you, since you think it's a boring topic, forget it. Besides, it's boring to discuss men and women with children like you.".

"Well, this is a man. I dare not to be a man. Uncle, I can see you clearly. In fact, although I am only 15 years old, my psychological age must be at least 25 years old. Don't underestimate me. I know much more than you think. You'd better not cheat me.".

"When did I cheat you? By the way, I have to go back to Huzhou tonight. You haven't said what car you want, what kind of car your mother likes. I should go back when I buy it later."."Well, this is the fate of a mistress. You can come and go as soon as you are called, and make this a hotel completely. My mother will be very sad if you are like this. You know, sometimes there are spiritual defects and money can't be replaced.".

"Well, don't talk nonsense. What kind of person do you call me?" Although Ding Changsheng protested on his lips, his heart was really empty.

"Although you are like this, my mother still likes you very much, so do I. So, I thank you. No man is so kind to me except my father. Uncle, thank you. In that case, I'll give you something.".

"What?" Ding Changsheng said strangely.

"You stop the car, I'll tell you.". Miao Miao's face is a little red, but Ding Changsheng didn't care. He thought it was the warm wind in the car, so he slowly stopped by the side of the road.

"Uncle, please close your eyes.". Miao Miao pretends to be mysterious.

"Mysterious. What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng muttered, but still obediently closed his eyes.

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