Huo Lvmao didn't get angry when he saw the imperial envoy from this bureau. However, he had to suppress his anger and cooperate with the other party's work. He couldn't help it. Who called him the chief criminal police officer of Haiyang county.

"Lao Huo, I know you are very angry about this, but it's better to find out. Now Wang Laohu insists that he went to kill Chen Biao because he listened to the dialogue between Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang. Otherwise, he would not commit a crime again when he was preparing to flee. Isn't this a trouble for himself?"

"Well, since it is the meaning of the Bureau, I have no words to say, but I would like to remind you that Zhang Qiang and Wang Hu Hu did not have a festival, but Ding Changsheng and Wang tiger had a festival. I believe you have also investigated this matter clearly. It was Ding Changsheng who was the front Secretary of lujialing and Li Jianshe when he was a joint defense team member that angered Wang Hu Hu Hu You must pay attention to this point. I know about Ding Changsheng. I can say that I brought him to the police. The investigation problem is the investigation problem. We can't extort confessions by torture. We can say that he is a comrade. ".

"Lao Huo, ha ha, where do you want to go? How can we do it to our own people?" Miao Zhendong, the chief of the criminal police, said with a smile.

"It won't be the best. I just want to remind you that the Bureau has decided to vigorously publicize Ding Changsheng, the main figure in the shooting incident in bangziyu a few months ago. Therefore, you should pay attention to your ways and methods"

"I know this, you can rest assured.". Miao Zhendong looks sluggish, guarantee way.

"Well, I have nothing to say. They haven't been together since last night. Ask one by one.". Horumo got up and left the office.

This matter Miao Zhendong is also very scratching his head. Last night, Wang tiger was suddenly interrogated and two of his own people were led out. What was originally very simple was complicated at once.

"Where were you last night?" Opposite Miao Zhendong is Zhang Qiang.

"Last night, I went to the village committee to sleep after I visited the village.

"What time did you go to the village committee?"

It's about eight o'clock.

"Who can prove it?"

"Old guard, I live next door with him, and in and out of the village committee, the key is in his hand, he does not sleep at night.".

"Well, did you see Ding Changsheng again after you broke up at eight o'clock?"


"What time?" Miao Zhendong's spirit was shocked.

"I was sleeping well in the evening when I got a call from Huosuo saying that Tiger Wang had caught him and killed Chen Biao. I got up quickly and went to Li Jianshe's new house to wake up Ding Changsheng. The guy and a migrant worker both came out in front of their pants to open the door. They met at that time, and then they were busy with each other. They have not met until now.". Zhang Qiang said it carefully and methodically, which made Miao Zhendong feel depressed.

"Well, first of all, you can think about it. If you have any new problems, please report to us at any time. We will verify what you said.". Miao Zhendong sent Zhang Qiang out.

"Captain, it's hard to deal with this matter. It's said that Chen Biao and Wang Hu Hu have no enmity. Moreover, they used to gamble on their hair, so they shouldn't hurt the killers. However, apart from Ding Changsheng and Wang Hu Hu, Ding Changsheng and Chen Biao have nothing to do with each other. Just as Wang Hu Hu said, he killed Chen Biao after listening to the dialogue between Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang Why did Ding Changsheng lead the disaster to Chen Biao? It doesn't make sense.

"You're right. Assuming that Chen Biao and Ding Changsheng have a quarrel, then it is likely that Ding Changsheng killed people with a knife, and he also had a hatred of robbing Wang Hu's wife. This is killing two birds with one stone. If this is the case, then Ding Changsheng is highly suspected.".

"However, the evidence, this is just our guess, there is no evidence, let alone we can not get through, even Huosuo there can not get through.".

"Yes, first ask Ding Changsheng to come in and see the situation.".

This time, hading Zhensheng is the mastermind of the murder case.

"Ding Changsheng, do you have a grudge against Chen Biao?"

"Chen Biao? No, Chen Biao and I know each other, and we gambled once. ".

"Was it the time when Tiger Wang gambled on his wife?" Miao Zhendong asked.

Yes, that's right.

"Well, do you know that Wang tiger and Chen Biao are enemies?"

"I haven't heard of this, but according to the people in lujialing village, Wang Laohu, Chen Biao and Liu Mazi are good gamblers. I really don't know if there is any hatred.".

"What did you wear when you opened the door to Zhang Qiang last night?"

"Last night, I thought about it. Oh, you said that, my mind was still a little confused. Last night, I heard a knock on the door, and then I came out. Oh, yes, I remember. It seems that I was wearing pants. Then Zhang Qiang said something important. I went back to my room to change clothes and followed him to Chen Biaozi's house. At that time, we were already there.".

Miao Zhendong's question is very jumping, which may make the subject appear. Moreover, if the other party answers fluently without any consideration, it is likely to have been planned in advance. If the other party thinks about it and can basically answer it, it can be confirmed that it is true.Miao Zhendong was very busy. When he was in the bangziyu shooting incident, he happened to be on a business trip to hunt down the escaped prisoners. He only heard about this, but did not hear about the follow-up of Ding Changsheng. However, Ding's performance today basically comes from three months' training in the police academy, how to interrogate and how the suspect will answer. He didn't expect that it would be used in the interrogation first. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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