When Zhou Yangchen received a call from the office saying that it was deputy director Ding of the Municipal Bureau who had gone upstairs, he suddenly got up and pressed Chen Jia's head on himself. After several convulsions and Chen Jia's hard swallowing, he collapsed on the bench like a mountain.

"Zhou Tai, I'm..."

"Well, you go, start the program in the evening, and be sensible and don't be childish.".

"Ah, thank you, Zhou Tai. I see. Thank you, thank you..." Under amnesty, Chen Jiaru quickly lifted her sleeve to wipe off a drop of smelly things and left Zhou Yangchen's office.

At this time, Ding Changsheng just walked out of the elevator and saw a woman come out of Zhou Yangchen's office. When three people were wrong, she didn't dare to look up at Ding Changsheng. For the common people, what they saw was just the bright side of these broadcasters on the TV screen, but who knows the sadness behind them.

At the beginning, the celebrities were attracted to the female stars in the entertainment industry, but as the circle became more and more dirty and chaotic, the so-called female stars did not know how many people had ridden them, so their interest gradually weakened.

However, the announcers and hosts of the same TV station that appear on the TV screen every day are much cleaner, so this area has become a place for them to hunt for beauty. Therefore, in the recent wave of anti-corruption, from time to time, there will be a TV station's anchor being implicated, which reflects from the side that such rumors do not exist.

"Is this director Ding coming?" Ding Changsheng is still thinking about it. The woman seems to be familiar with her, but before she can remember, a room in front of her opens. A fat man in her fifties walks out of the room and looks at Ding Changsheng and asks.

"Are you Zhou Taichang? I'm Ding Changsheng. Excuse me.".

"Well, minister he has already called. Besides, it's my honor to have the opportunity to serve the comrades in the public security front. Is this?" Zhou Yangchen took a look at the Yang Lu who followed Ding Changsheng. His eyes brightened and he felt that the girl was really different. She was pure with a trace of wildness and more flavor.

"Oh, she's my correspondent, Yang Lu.".

"Oh, it's a pity, director Ding. I'm a straight talker. Don't get angry. It's a pity that you don't serve in the film and television industry on the basis of Xiao Yang's condition..."

The attitude shown by Zhou Yangchen made Ding Changsheng feel uncomfortable, and also made Yang Lu very angry. But Ding Changsheng didn't say anything. You can say what you like. But just at this time, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes behind him.

Ding Changsheng just looked back, and the owner of the high-heeled shoes also looked at Ding Changsheng. Both of them were surprised.

"Xiaoding, why are you here?" That's right. It's Jiang yudie rescued by Ding Changsheng that night.

"Miss Jiang, I'm here to ask director Zhou to do something.".

"Xiaodie, do you know director Ding?" Zhou Yangchen was surprised to see that the pillar in his platform knew director Ding.

"Oh, yes, what, director Ding

" Xiaoding, which bureau director are you In Jiang yudie's opinion, Ding Changsheng may be the director of a small bureau, or the deputy director of a bureau in the county or city below. After all, Ding Changsheng himself is too young.

"Well, Xiaodie, do you know director Ding, who is the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau? D'inning, come on in, please. ". Zhou Yangchen was finally willing to let Ding Changsheng into the room to talk about things.

"From the Municipal Public Security Bureau?" Jiang yudie opened her mouth wide and asked.

"Miss Jiang, you didn't tell me that you worked in the city TV station. We were even.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, Ding Ju, Ding Ju..." Jiang yudie points Ding Changsheng with her finger and then leaves.

After entering Zhou Yangchen's office, both the host and the guest sit down. In fact, there is nothing to talk about with Zhou Yangchen. As long as you bring your own meaning to it, you should follow the above arrangement for any program broadcast. After all, TV stations also serve economic and social development.

"Mr. Zhou, that's our requirement. How do you like to operate it?" Ding Changsheng asked after finishing his request.

"Well, Ding Ju, I'm not in favor of a report. It seems that it's too monotonous, and after today's broadcast, who will remember tomorrow, right? I have a suggestion that this program should stand up as a program and be reported every day, even if it's ten minutes or a quarter of an hour every day, but it's broadcast every day. Slowly, the public will pay attention to it In order to achieve the effect you just mentioned, do you think? " Zhou Yangchen asked.

"Mr. Zhou, you are on the point. Otherwise, you are an expert in this field.".

"Ha ha, the fourth bureau is flattered. What experts are not experts? The first one is the arrangement of minister he. The second is that I can see that the fourth Bureau really wants to do something, so I can only do my bit.".

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou. I'd like to invite you to dinner some other day. I don't know who I'll connect with better. I want to see the effect as soon as possible."."Well, this is better. Just now you met Jiang yudie, the gold medal producer of several programs here, and she also appears from time to time. I think it's right to leave this matter to her. I'll call her and say it.". Zhou Yangchen said and touched the phone on the table and called Jiang yudie.

When I knocked on the door of Jiang yudie's office, I saw that Jiang yudie was bending down to write something.

"Miss Jiang, I'm giving you trouble.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile, motioning Yang Lu to stay outside. He didn't want people to know that he had been sleeping in the producer's house all night.

"Where is your pretty girl

"Wait outside. I didn't mean to hide it from you that day. Similarly, you didn't tell me what you do, so we're even. Miss Jiang, don't be angry.". Ding Changsheng blushed to compensate for the wrong way.

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