"What does uncle mean?" Zhao Gang was startled. He didn't know his uncle's intention recently. He changed three times a day and became more elusive.

"It's better to stay at home than to send it abroad. Now it's different from before. The country is strong and has extradition agreements with many countries. What if Lai Changxing comes back then? Isn't it the same

"But we have already agreed with him. How can we explain it to him?" Zhao Gang didn't guess what Zhao Qinghu meant. This is what he absolutely can't say because he doesn't believe his uncle will be so cruel. After all, Li Farui has helped the Zhao family for more than ten years. Without Li Farui, it can be said that there would be no Zhao family today.

"What's the explanation for the dead?" Zhao Qinghu finally said his meaning, but also for Zhao Gang's delay in understanding his meaning and angry.

"Uncle, this matter is not trivial. After all, he is the director of public security of a city. If something goes wrong, the authorities will not ignore it. In case of finding us, it will be troublesome.". Zhao Gang said with worry.

So it must be done by our own people, and no one can know it. Zhao Qinghu stares at Zhao Gang and says.

"Then, who will go?"

"You go in person. You are from our Zhao family. Half of my property will be yours in the future, so I believe you can do it.". Zhao Qinghu said slowly.

If it was in the past, Zhao Gang would have believed that it was true. But now, hum, uncle, you can't help looking down on me. I'm not a three-year-old child. You already have your own child. He believes that as long as he Qing gives birth to the child, even he Qing, the possibility of cooperation with himself will be greatly reduced, not to mention his uncle's empty promise, But he could not say, let alone show disobedience, because he had to wait, but the length of the waiting time was unknown to him.

"Well, let me see.".

"Gangzi, not to think about it, but to implement it immediately. He will leave tomorrow. If he is on the road, it will be more difficult to do it than at home.".

Yes, I'll do it right away. Zhao Gang turned around and left.

Zhao Qinghu closed his tired eyes. Maybe it was time to have an end. Although he was robbing time, he still felt that time was not enough. Because his body was getting worse and worse, Lin Dongqiang advised him that there should not be too much housing market in this period of time, but he couldn't put it down. As a greedy man, he couldn't put it down.

So every night he would rather take a few more pills, but he Qing would torture him every night. Although he would not hurt the child in her stomach, he Qing could resist. Gradually, she was numb.

For Zhao Qinghu, he Qing is one of his nightmares. Since he first met he Qing, who was a teenager in he Hong's home, he has been planning all this with great care. Although he Hongan has been dragged into the water, his goals have been achieved. Of course, the most important thing is he Qing.

The live broadcast of the night inspection activity stunned the people in Huzhou City. Of course, there were also a group of officials, including Gu Qingshan, who called Ding Changsheng early in the morning. At that time, Ding Changsheng was still sleeping with Xia Hehui in his arms.

Ding Chang got up and cleaned up and drove to Gu Qingshan's home for breakfast. When he arrived, his mother, Yang Xiao, had just finished the egg soup.

"Wow, it's so delicious. I haven't eaten the rice made by Ganma for a long time.". Ding Changsheng's mouth is now very sweet, but every man with a ghost in his heart talks with honey on his mouth.

"Are you so busy? You haven't been here for many days. By the way, have you found a good place for Xiaomeng's company?"

"Oh, godmother, I haven't had time to accompany her to look for it. This time is really too busy. You can rest assured that you will help her find a good place to start business. By the way, godmother, you can help her and be an office director for her.".

"Well, I don't want to help her at such an old age. It's time for you to retire. When you have time, you can go and see more and help her.".

"OK, no problem. Sister Xiaomeng is not at home?"

"Yes, I haven't got up yet. Recently, I seem to have another big project. I sleep late every night.". Yang Xiao said heartily.

Gu Xiaomeng didn't get up when he had breakfast, so Ding Changsheng really accompanied Gu Qingshan and the old couple for dinner.

"Did you ask Secretary Shi about last night?" Gu Qingshan asked as he ate. He could not see any expression on his face.

No, I made my own decision. Ding Changsheng said.

"You can't do this. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"I don't know. I just want Huzhou police to change its face as soon as possible and win the recognition of the people. This is my first consideration. The others are not important.".

"Well, Changsheng, you will make too many enemies. I'm afraid you won't be able to resist. What if this happens? Secretary Shi will not protect you at that time, or he will transfer you to another place. In case of any mistakes in the process, it is possible to investigate your responsibility. "."Changsheng, if you listen to your godfather's words, we don't mean to harm you. Your Godfather has eaten official food for several years more than you, and some experience is still very important.". This time, Yang Xiao surprisingly did not refute her husband, because she felt that this time he was right.

"Godfather and godmother, I know what you mean, but I have no choice. If I don't do anything at all in the Public Security Bureau, I'm afraid Secretary Shi will not be satisfied. His meaning is to let me disturb the situation. If I do not act, the end will be the same, so I have to do it. This is the difficulty of being a subordinate. No matter what, it is a death, I think, In this case, it is better to leave a good reputation in the eyes of the common people. ".

"It's not so serious. I just want to tell you that you must leave a way for yourself to do things. This is the foundation of being an official.". As soon as Gu Qingshan saw what he said was too heavy, he began to comfort Ding Changsheng.

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