"You mean to expose them? Zhao Qinghu is an old slicker and the richest man in Huzhou. He is a deputy to the provincial people's Congress. It's not so fun. ". Shi Aiguo frowned and said that although he also wanted to change the status quo of Huzhou as soon as possible, after seven or eight years of lagging development, Huzhou can not be changed overnight.

"But this is an opportunity. Although I don't know what Zhao Qinghu means by looking for me, I feel that it should have something to do with Li Farui's death. Assuming that Li Farui is really Zhao Qinghu's biggest umbrella, then once Li Farui dies, they are eager to find a new umbrella. I don't rule out that their target is me. Of course, I don't think they are looking for me The deputy director of the bureau should have something to do with me being your secretary. ". Ding Changsheng said his analysis to Shi Aiguo and asked him to make a decision.

"Well, yes, you are right. This is an opportunity, but is the risk too high?"

"There must be risks. I'll listen to the secretary.". Ding Changsheng answered without hesitation.

As he said just now, the other party may not be looking at his deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, but rather his experience of being a former Secretary of the municipal Party committee secretary. In this case, if there is any risk, it may affect Shi Aiguo himself, so this decision must be made by Shi Aiguo himself.

"How do you tell him to come back Shi Aiguo did not make a decision at that time. Although he believed in Ding Changsheng's ability to handle affairs and his loyalty, but after all, this is related to his own interests, so there is no reason to be cautious.

"Well, I'll go and find out what he wants to do first." Ding Changsheng replied.

"Well, go ahead.".

Ding Changsheng went out of the door and carefully managed the door of Shi Aiguo's office. Then he looked outside the door, walked gently to Zhang hechen and asked, "is he at home at night?"

"Does it matter to you?" Zhang hechen said with a glance.

Ding Changsheng had no choice but to hang his head down and go out. Some women can't be forced to stew in a small fire. Zhang hechen is such a woman. Ding Changsheng knows that the last time it should be OK, but it is estimated that it has not reached the point of eating pith. If there is a chance next time, he must conquer her thoroughly.

But I just got into the car and didn't wait to start the car. A message came from the mobile phone. Ding Changsheng took it out and saw that it was sent by Zhang hechen, with only two words: No.

Ding Changsheng smiles. He knows that at this time, Zhang hechen must be standing in front of the window looking at himself, so he reaches out and waves a few times outside the car, and then starts the car to leave the courtyard of the municipal Party committee.

Zhang hechen clearly knew that she was wrong, but she couldn't help it. Especially after the first time, she felt guilty for a long time. She felt sorry for her husband and whether she was a good woman.

However, in the face of Ding Changsheng's molestation, she did not refuse, but vaguely blocked. This ambiguous performance was better than ignoring him, but she still failed to do it.

Everything is afraid of comparison. Since her one night relationship with Ding Changsheng, she can never forget the feeling of two people holding each other tightly to resist death. The feeling burst out from the source of her body is like an electric shock, which makes her whole person give up the whole world for this feeling.

Feeling this thing is a strange touch from the heart, so when she sent the two words to Ding Changsheng, she knew that she would be hard to calm down in her life, and she would fall into endless self blame, but that feeling would dilute all these things. Etiquette, righteousness, shame, morality and ethics were not important.

Some people say that dignity is built on the belly, which is the best annotation about human body feeling. Only when the body is satisfied can we talk about other things. Zhang hechen is like this now.

Wei Huang villa, this place is Ding Changsheng's second visit. The last time was when Zhao Qinghu's son got married.

Ding Changsheng's car has been driving to the yard, far from the previous broken rules, and has not entered the yard, saw Zhao Gang happy to meet.

"Brother, you don't give you my face, or my uncle's face is big.". Zhao Gang laughed and played a joke on Ding Changsheng.

"Well, that's right. Your uncle is the richest man in Huzhou, but you are not. The richest man summoned me. Dare I not come?" Ding Changsheng also said with a smile.

Zhao Gang also laughed, but how much of the laughter was true and how many things were covered up, only Zhao Gang himself was clear.

"Zhao always asked me what to do, seems to be very anxious.". Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, I don't know. I seldom ask about my uncle. I'm afraid there are still some things.". Zhao Gang said ambiguously.

After a young girl in the hall, the temperature rose quickly, and a young girl took off her long clothes.

"Good fellow, Ding Ju, do you think coming to Weihuang villa is for a banquet in Hongmen? And the real guy. Zhao Gang pointed to Ding Changsheng's armpit and asked.

Ding Changsheng was wearing a down jacket outside and a sweater inside. So he took off his down jacket and saw his armpit holster tied to his body. Not only that, a gun was obviously inserted into the holster."I can't help it. I was almost killed in Baishan, so the gun never left. Huzhou was not peaceful during this period. The financial secretary was killed, the public security bureau chief committed suicide, and the deputy director evaporated. Maybe it would be my turn one day. So I took my gun, my grandmother, and I had to pull out a few beards and pull some cushions when I died.". Ding Changsheng said very gallantly.

"Well, when I see you, I know I'm really old. I don't want to waste my youth. Director Ding, seeing you reminds me of when I was young. I dare to fight. That's the real life.". I don't know when, Zhao Qinghu came out from behind the screen in the hall.

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