"It's very normal. There are many drivers on the street who don't have certificates. The probability of catching them is not very high. Hee hee, I've driven several times, but I'm still worried, so I'll take the time to have a certificate.". Xu Jiaojiao said with a smile.

Then you can drive. It's easy to pass the exam.

"Don't mention it. You belong to the Public Security Bureau. You have to reflect it to your leaders. Those bastards in the driving test center are really hateful. The test cars are all broken cars. The car I use can't even put on the gear. If it's four times, the engine will stop, or the clutch won't work well. Anyway, it's either this problem or that problem, which makes me angry.". Xu Jiaojiao scolded the driving test center of the traffic police detachment of the Public Security Bureau in one breath.

"Well, it's you who are not good at skills. If you do well in the exam, you can say that you have good skills. If you don't do well in the test, you will depend on the car. How can I pass the exam?" In fact, Ding Changsheng thought about it in his own mind, as if he didn't have an exam. He was looking for Zhen Shijian to get it by the back door.

"What's the matter? I've inquired about it. The driving test center has this part of the car, which is very difficult to use, but it's not repaired. Do you know why?" Xu Jiaojiao saw that Ding Changsheng really didn't understand, so she explained to him patiently.

"I don't know. What do you mean?"

"Such a car is called a revenue generating car. If a college fails to pass the exam, it will have to make up the exam. For example, I have already paid in 480 yuan. Do you know how many people are tested every day? There are more than 400 people. In the summer, more than 500 people can take the test, but the passing rate is basically maintained at 60%. The rest of them have to make up the exam. What is the 40% rate? 200 people, and the supplementary examination fee is 120 per person. Then this day is 24000 yuan. Have you seen this money? I think you should really report to them and check them out. ".

"Are you reporting in real name?" Although Ding Changsheng heard it in his heart, he still pretended not to care.

"It's ok if you think so. Anyway, I'll have this chance. But I'll pay for it. You're in the Public Security Bureau, so you can't bear to ask me to take the exam again?" Although Xu Jiaojiao is a coquettish tone, but did not dare to make practical action.

"Well, for the sake of your misery, I'll help you once. Do you have time tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? What are you doing? You can't arrange me to go to the exam tomorrow. My God, you really have the ability. It's OK. I'll take leave. ". Xu Jiaojiao said happily.

"Are you ready to buy a car in such a hurry?"

"Yes, but I haven't picked up the car yet. I was going to pick up the car after class two, but now I'm procrastinating. There's no way. I'm always falling flat on subject two.". Xu Jiaojiao said helplessly.

After making an appointment, Ding Changsheng left first and called he Minghui back to the office.

"Ding Ju, you want me?"

"Well, it's been two months, but I can't help it. I'm also financially nervous. Let's understand, overcome and overcome, and finally we can celebrate the new year.".

"I see. Everyone has received it. On behalf of them, I thank you.".

"Forget it, this is what I should do. It's just late. I didn't know it before. From now on, as long as it's a month overdue, I'll tell me immediately that I'll go to ask for it. Anyway, the financial secretary is still my old leader. He won't look at me hungry, do you think so.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"That's right. I think the political commissar has the same idea, so he didn't care and just pushed it to you.". He Minghui flattered with a smile, thinking in his heart, ah, now pay a salary have to find a relationship, what to do ah.

"Lao he, you are familiar with Chen Wanghai, leader of traffic police detachment?" Ding Changsheng suddenly changed the subject and did not continue with the original topic. Instead, he Minghui was caught off guard.

"Chen Wanghai, well, I know, the old traffic police officer, and the team leader has been working for several years, but why did the D Bureau suddenly ask him about it?" So he Minghui said.

"The traffic police are fat and poor. In addition to fine money or fine money, I heard that our Huzhou punishment is particularly severe. Drivers all say that they would rather go around 1000 yuan instead of Huzhou. It can be seen that the traffic police in Huzhou are so powerful that they don't give the invoice after they have been fined. Is there such a thing?" Ding Changsheng talked to he Minghui like a chat.

It may be, but it seems to be better recently. He Minghui said that he now began to realize that Ding Changsheng seems to be staring at the traffic police team.

"What's the background of Chen Wanghai? It's certainly not a simple character to be the leader of a detachment?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, I heard that it seems to be Secretary Jiang's, brother-in-law of Jiang Wenshan. I don't know if it's true. I don't know very well.".

"How do you know that?"

"I also heard from Tan Daqing. Once when the heads of the bureau had a dinner party and everyone drank too much, Tan Daqing and Chen Wanghai started to work. It seems that Tan Daqing scolded him. Although you are the uncle of Secretary Jiang, I am not afraid of you and so on, but I have not heard of it since then.". He Minghui scratched his scalp and recalled.

"Well, Lao he, you've been working for a long time as an office director, so you don't want to move any more?""Ouch, Ding Ju, don't make fun of me. I'll be satisfied with this office director until I retire. I have no other extravagant expectations.".

"Well? Lao he, you can't think like this. You are a good office director. Yang Lu said to me more than once that you take good care of their descendants. Therefore, you still have some ability. If you have a chance, I will speak for you, but minister he will have to help you add firewood at that time. ".

"Ouch, thank you, Ding Ju, I thank you, I understand the meaning of D Bureau, I will continue to do my work well, thank you.".

"Well, don't tell others what we're talking about. By the way, I haven't seen Comrade LAN Xiaoshan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of our bureau. What's wrong with her? Is she ill? Why don't you come to work? " Ding Changsheng asked casually.

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