"Mr. Gang, what do you mean?" Ji Daguan looks at Zhao Gang suspiciously, and for a while he doesn't know what he means.

"Lao Ji, how did you get down here? You won't forget it. Is it just like this that you won't be investigated?" Zhao Gang choked the fire.

"I see. Mr. Gang, if you don't say it, I can't forget him. Don't worry, I'll stare at him all the time. I don't believe that this guy is an invulnerable person, and people will have weaknesses. I believe he is the same.".

"Oh, don't mess around. I just let you stare at his every move. I didn't ask you to move him. I'm still useful. If you start a mischief, my uncle won't spare you, understand?"

Ji Daguan was stunned and then said with a smile, "yes, I understand all of them.".

has the final say that Ding Changsheng received a call from He Minghui. He immediately arranged a passable car with better driving condition as Xiao Shan's car and gave the key to Yang Lu. Although he did not understand why Ding Changsheng would come out, he seemed to have only the right to speak for the two months, and what he added to the ordinary police was the salary he had to return. A lot of people like Ding Changsheng.

Therefore, he Minghui never discount Ding Changsheng's orders. He always tries his best to do it well. Especially what he said to himself in Ding Changsheng's office yesterday, his heart is surging when he thinks about it.

If you don't want to be promoted in an official career, it's a trick to fool a ghost, but you have to say something to fool a ghost. As for human language, hum, in this era, it's really luxurious.

Xu Jiaojiao and Ding Changsheng made an appointment. Ding Changsheng not only went to help Xu Jiaojiao pass this subject 2, but also wanted to see whether the driving test center was really as dark as Xu Jiaojiao described, so she was shocked when she drove a broken Santana to pick up Xu Jiaojiao.

"I said, brother, can you drive such a broken car? I don't think you're good at the Public Security Bureau. Why don't you drive yesterday's car? It's very impressive."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Come on, hurry up. I'm still asking for leave. There are so many things to do. How can I have time to accompany you wandering around? Do you want to think about it?" Ding Changsheng said discontentedly.

Seeing that Ding Changsheng was angry, Xu Jiaojiao immediately opened the door and got into it. As soon as she got in, she almost coughed her lungs out. Du shankui was the same. She usually had nothing to do but like to smoke in the car, which was almost changed into an ashtray.

Fortunately, the driving test center is not far away. It is built in the suburbs. However, at a distance, it is still very impressive. However, when you look closer, the walls of some buildings begin to fall off. What's more, the place is overgrown with weeds and looks like a ghost town.

"When was this driving test center completed? Is it a new driving test center?" Ding Changsheng asked in disbelief.

It's almost a year since it was built. Xu Jiaojiao replied.

"Why is this place so dilapidated? Look at this building, and no one is repairing it?"

"Maintenance fart, this is all bean curd dregs project. Look at the building, I'm afraid that it will collapse one day, and the people waiting for the exam will be miserable. Whoever stands up will have bad luck."

Less than 200 meters into the door, he was stopped by a security guard in front of him.

"What's the matter? We're on exams and can't go in?" Ding Changsheng rolled down the window and asked.

"Cars outside are not allowed to come in, get out, park outside.". The security guard said without expression.

Ding Changsheng is very depressed, but in order to see the real situation, so he put up with it. He parked the car outside and walked into the driving test center with Xu Jiaojiao.

"You see, that's the driving test venue. Damn it. Today, there are so many people taking the test. After that, I don't think we can make it. Can you do it?" Xu Jiaojiao once again questioned Ding Changsheng.

"Don't worry, you must have passed the exam today. I will do what I say.".

"Really, that's what you said. If you can't make it, you'll pay me for the next round of tuition.".

"No problem. Are you familiar with this place? Show me the venue?"

"Let's go to the hillside over there. We can't get into the site. We're all in the exam now.". Xu Jiaojiao pointed to a nearby driving test center inside the Hill said.

Because the driving test center is built in a hilly area on the outskirts of the city, it is not very smooth here. The leveling of the site is developed. A few minutes later, Ding Changsheng and Xu Jiaojiao appeared on the hillside near the venue of subject two examination.

Ding Changsheng took out a small telescope from the bag he was carrying with him. It was discovered when he came back from Thailand with Zhou Hongqi. The quality of the military products is very powerful, and he is very commanding. He knows everything in the field like the palm of his hand.

"You see, the test site near our side is the east side, and that side is the west area. The design specifications of each site are the same. There are six garages in the East, four side parking, four s lines, four right angles..."

"Which car do you think is difficult to use?" Ding Changsheng interrupted her and asked.

"Car eight, do you see it?"

"Well, I saw it. Someone happened to go up. I'll see if it's the same as you said?"Ding Changsheng can even see the expression on the driver's face from the telescope. With the start of the car, Ding Changsheng's telescope closely followed the vehicle and began to move. After a while, he saw that the vehicle stopped in the inverted reservoir area, but a minute later, he drove back to the departure area.

"See, I can't put the reverse gear on, so I drove back. There's another chance..." Xu Jiaojiao explained on one side.

On the building of the driving test center, Cao Xiutian, director of the driving test center, looked at the crowd outside the hall and asked, "how many people are taking the test today?"

"Director Cao, there are 575 people today. I'm afraid the exam will not be finished. It will be dark at 5:00 p.m.". One of the staff said.

"Well, let's change cars. We'll send some cars out and eliminate some.". Cao Xiutian said helplessly.

"But director Cao, today is Taihang driving school, they have already expressed.". The worker's eye reminded her.

"That's not good. There are too many people. What can I do if I can't finish the exam? Tell them not to report so many people next time. We are also human beings and will not leave work?" Cao Xiutian said discontented.

The staff stopped talking, picked up the walkie talkie and asked for the next bus change. As a result, the test Festival quickly got up. Many examiners used up two opportunities in less than five minutes. Of course, they didn't take the exam, so they crowded in the score confirmation office to pay the make-up examination fee.

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