Chapter 120: His Majesty the Desolate Heaven Emperor!!

I need your help Shi Hao is ready again, go to tour the world of mountains and seas, and see how many human races and how many pastures are in this world of mountains and seas and stars.

The world of mountains and seas and stars, this is the world controlled by Shi Hao himself.

Shi Hao definitely hopes that he can get a large amount of animal milk in the world of mountains, seas and stars.

As for the other cultivation resources in the world of mountains, seas and stars? Shi ~ Hao does not value it very much.

Shi Hao’s practice, with animal milk, he can become stronger.

Just as Shi Hao was about to leave the Mountain and Sea Star Monarch Mansion, suddenly, a “ding” sounded—in Shi Hao’s mind.


Gandalf joins the chat group.”

This is when there are new group members joining the group.

Shi Hao also knew who this Gandalf was.

“It’s a demigod Maiya wizard in the world of Lord of the Rings.”

Shi Hao’s consciousness sank into the thousands of world chat groups and checked it out.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: “Ding!

Gandalf joins the chat group.”

Xiongba: “Very strange name.”

Xiongba: “Group leader, who is the newcomer?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Newcomers are no problem.”

Gandalf is a race of demigods, and Gandalf’s “Lord of the Rings” Middle-earth has nothing to do with Earth.

That natural.

The leader of the group, Li Daxian, will not ban Gandalf.

Gandalf: “Dizzy, what is this thousands of world chat groups?” Am I hallucinating?”

Thor: “It’s not an illusion.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Thousands of world chat groups, are real.”

Thor, Thor: “Gandalf, you can try various group functions in the Thousands of World Chat Groups.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Lord of the group, introduce this Gandalf!”

Athena, goddess of wisdom @ Gandalf: “Or introduce yourself.”

Gandalf: “This…”

Gandalf: “Gods!!


Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I am Athena, the king of the gods.”

Gandalf: “Hello dear gods, I am Gandalf, the white-robed wizard Gandalf.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Wizard?”

Gandalf: “I’m also Maia.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Maiah?”

Gandalf @ Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “You shouldn’t be a god of my world, right?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Look at the chat history!”

This is a chat group that communicates the heavens and the worlds.

Most of the people in the group are not the same world point.”

Gandalf: “Okay.”

Ray Movie: “How is the strength of this newcomer Gandalf who has just added a group?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “The strength is average, you can easily kill him in Thunder Movie.”

Ray movie: “This Gandalf, it looks humble.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Gandalf is a very wise Maiya wizard.”

Gandalf @ group leader Li Daxian “Thank you group owner for the compliment.”

Gandalf @ Ray Movie: “Mimi Narugami-sama, thank you for your compliment.”

Emperor Desolate: “Hello Gandalf.”

Gandalf: “Hello Your Majesty the Emperor of the Desolate Sky.”

Gandalf: “Unexpectedly, I can join this chat group that communicates the heavens and all worlds…”

“The Lord of the Rings” Middle-earth, Gandalf was very surprised, he spent a few seconds, read the chat record information of thousands of world chat groups, shocked that he joined this chat group that can communicate with the heavens and all worlds.

Gandalf tried several group functions of the Thousands of World Chat Groups and found it to be true!!

Other words.

“Athena in the group is the king of the gods of a world of gods!”

“The two thunder gods in the group, Thor, are the main gods of their respective worlds!

Son of the God King!”

“There are also movies in the group such as Akuya, the goddess of water, and Mimi Narujin Thunder.”

“And His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor who can destroy the universe…”

Gandalf felt that he should be humbled because he was only a demigod.

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Hammer Thor: “Hammer Thor, can you continue to provide me with beast milk in the future?”

Shi Hao was, greeted Gandalf, and asked Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world.

Just ask!

Or strength reasons.

With Shi Hao’s strength, he can shatter the normal universe of hundreds of billions of light years with his thoughts.

In Shi Hao’s opinion, he asked Thor, the thunder god of the “Marvel” world, to provide him with animal milk in the future, and Thor, the thunder god of the “Marvel” world, should not refuse.

After all, this is also Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world, and befriend him.

Hammer Thunder God @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I am in big trouble.”

Hammer Thor: “My father Odin… Because I sent troops to attack other countries a few days ago, I got angry, and suddenly I was thrown into the atrium.”

Hammer Thor: “My father still seals my divine power, I can’t even pick up Myrnir.”

Hammer Thor: “I became a mortal who was just a little stronger… I want to ask you for help.”

Hammer Thor: “The matter of providing you with animal milk, as long as I can return to Asgard, I will definitely provide you with a large amount of animal milk every day.”

Ray Movie: “Hammer Thor, what did your father think?” Is it going to temper you?”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I feel like a grind too.”

Ray Movie: “But what is that Myrnier?” Sounds weird.”

Thor: “Myrnir is the name of Mjolnir.”

Ray Movie: “Oh.”

Hammer Thunder God: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, can you help me and let me restore my divine power?”

Desolate Heaven Emperor: “Isn’t this your father trying to temper you?”

Hammer Thor: “I really can’t stand this mortal-like state… Besides, I’ve probably guessed what my father Odin thinks, and he probably wants me to understand that there are too many people who are better than me, so I can’t be proud.”

Ray Movie: “Didn’t you send troops to attack other countries that made your father angry?”

Hammer Thor: “If you want to be angry, you will be angry early, what I did a few days ago, today I was thrown into the atrium…”

Thor @ Hammer Thor: “Do you want me to borrow my Mjolnir for you?” My Mjolnir is the main artifact, and in full power, it can destroy a planet.”

Thor, the god of thunder: “Should be able to break the seal that your father Odin has on you.

Liberate your divine powers.”

Hammer Thor: “This… Is that okay?”

Hammer Thor @Thor: “You can even borrow Mjolnir’s hammer from me?”

Thor: “It’s just an artifact, I lost Thor’s hammer, I am still the main god, and my strength will not drop significantly.”

Hammer Thor: “…”

Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Marvel”, found that he seemed to underestimate the “Thor of Thor” in this other world.

Thor, the god of thunder in other worlds, lost Thor’s hammer and can still have the strength of the main god.

But Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world, he loses Mjolnir, and his strength will drop by at least nine-tenths.

Chapter 120 The group members who died when they entered the group… (ii)

“Although Thor, the god of thunder in other worlds, looks like a dog.”

“But its strength is probably much stronger than mine.”

Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Marvel”, guessed in his heart.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tip: group member Thor sends red envelopes to group member Hammer Thor.)

(Group tip: Group member Hammer Thor has received a red envelope from group member Thor.)

Hammer Thor: “Thank you!”

Thor, Thor: “It’s good if I can help you.”

Thor, the god of thunder in the “Ten Cold” world, has a good impression of Thor, the god of thunder in the “Marvel” world.

Mainly, Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, his appearance is according to the appearance of Thor in the “Marvel” world.

With the help of Shi Hao’s previous “plastic surgery”, Thor, the thunder god of the “Ten Cold” world, and Thor, the thunder god of the “Marvel” world, have become exactly the same.

Even the sound is similar.

Desolate Sky Emperor @ Hammer Thor: “Can Thor’s Hammer help you recover your divine power?”

Hammer Thor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I’m trying!”

Hammer Thor: “Yes!”

Hammer Thor’s Hammer is really easy to use, much more powerful than my Quake!”

Hammer Thor: “Hahaha!

I’ve regained my divine power!

I feel like I can smash a planet with one hammer!”

Thor: “No doubt, it’s not a feeling, my Mjolnir is the main artifact, it can really destroy the planet.”

Hammer Thor: “Thor, your hammer, I’ll give it back to you!”

Hammer Thor: “I have recovered my divine power!”

Hammer Thor: “But how does this sound strange, I am also Thor!”

… Thor: “My Mjolnir, lend it to you for the time being!”

You can use it to prove your strength to your Father Odin!”

Thor, the god of thunder: “My father, Odin, has never worried about my lack of strength.”

Hammer Thor: “This… Thank you then!”

The “Marvel” world Thor thought about it and was not polite.

Temporarily borrowed Thor’s hammer from Thor, the world of “Ten Cold”.

It’s really Thor’s hammer of Thor in the “Ten Cold” world is too powerful!

Let Thor, the god of thunder in the world of “Marvel”, want to control it for a while and experience the feeling of this “explosive star” strong.

I need your help 719 Desolate Heaven Emperor: “Then you don’t need my help, right?” I’m offline from the chat group.”

Shi Hao just looked at the chat message.

Seeing that the matter was solved, Shi Hao wanted to go offline to the chat group.

That Gandalf, Shi Hao felt that he didn’t have the need to get acquainted with him more.


Gandalf’s “Lord of the Rings” Middle-earth is a completely magical ancient background, and you can’t get much animal milk.

Gandalf’s own strength is also too weak.

Even the thunder movies in the group are far inferior.

But at this time “Ding!

Uchiha joins the chat group.”

Hammer Thor: “A new group member has joined the group!”

Hammer Thunder God @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I don’t need your help for the time being.”

Emperor Desolate: “Good.”

Group leader Li Daxian @ Uchiha Ban: “Welcome to join the Thousands of World Chat Group.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Yuzhi Boban, you can look at the chat history information of the chat group, and after reading it, you will know what this thousands of world chat groups are.”

Uchiha Ban: “So this is death?” I’m hallucinating.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “What death?” Uchiha, are you not in good shape?”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Do you need any help?”

The leader of the group, Li Xiang, of course, knows who Uchiha Ban is!

Uchiha is a strong man in the world of Naruto!

And the world of “Naruto”, in the opinion of the group leader Li Xiang, has a certain value.

So Uchiha spot, it’s best not to die.

Uchiha Ban: “What an illusion of nothingness!”

Uchiha: “I didn’t expect that before I died, I didn’t think about Juma, I wasn’t looking forward to the future of the ninja world… It’s about fantasizing about something like this.”

(Group tip: Group member Uchiha Baba is dead.)

Group leader Li Daxian: “…”

Ray Movie: “??”

Ray movie: “This Uchiha who died just after entering the group, can’t be a madman, right?”

Ray movie: “How does it feel like he is babbling.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Ahem, cough, it is the elderly Uchiha who entered the group.

It’s probably not far from death.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “There have been such situations before, such as Heavenly Dao Song Que, who joined the group before, when he was about to die of old age, he joined the Thousands of World Chat Group.”

Group leader Li Daxian: “But this Yuzhi Boba is a bit outrageous, when I enter the group, I’m afraid my consciousness is not very clear.”

The leader of the group, Li Xiang, also went to use his privileges, looked at the information of the Uchiha spot who entered the group, and found that the one who entered the group was the elderly Uchiha spot who was about to die.

The elderly Uchiha Ban, in the world of “Naruto”, left a hindhand that could be revived in the future, took the initiative to sever contact with the Golem of the Outer Path, and died in confusion.

During the period, join thousands of world chat groups for twenty or thirty seconds.

Because I was unconscious, I felt that I was having a hallucination of death.

Desolate Sky Emperor: “…”

Group leader Li Daxian: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, are you still watching in the chat group?”

Emperor Desolate: “I saw a new group member entering the group, so I waited.”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “I didn’t expect that I would die after entering the group.

I’m off the chat group.”

Shi Hao was quite speechless about this thousands of world chat groups.

This all adds a few people who are dying when the group is a member.

There is the elderly Heavenly Dao Song Que, there is the seriously injured and dying Gu Jianfei, and there is the old Yuzhi Boban today…”

“I can’t interfere with thousands of world chat groups.”

“Let’s do my own thing, and see how much animal milk I can get from the world of mountains, seas and stars that I master!”

Shi Hao began to carefully inspect the world of mountains, seas and stars!


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