Chapter 133 Trillions of Trillions of Universes Can Be Destroyed with a snap of your fingers!!

In the world of “Genshin”, Ray Movie is Inazuma Thor, who is cold, powerful, and invincible on the surface.

It is the belief of the people of Inazuma Country.

But wherever the thunder shines, it is Lord “Raiden General” watching you… But in fact, Ray Movie is a technical house girl who loves sweets, and the group members in the group are not people from her world, she can spit on it casually.

Anyway, it won’t affect her image in her own world.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I know it’s wrong!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Oh, no way, the immortal wine that His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor gave me is too delicious!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “But I get drunk as soon as I drink it.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Drinking and making a mistake!”

(Group tip: Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members, sends a red envelope to Akuya, the goddess of wisdom of group members.)

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Akuya, I gave you a hundred artifacts of the lower gods.”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “Although the lower artifact is not such a precious thing, but in exchange for the money of your world, it should be able to exchange a lot, right?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Thank you Athena!”

That’s enough!


Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, is the bottom god, and the salary on weekdays has been accumulated for many years before she can buy a lower artifact.

One hundred inferior artifacts.

The money sold is enough for Akuya to be dashing for a long time.

(Group tip: Group member Wisdom Goddess Akuya has received a red envelope from Athena, the goddess of wisdom of group members.)

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Thank you Lord Athena!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I am the king of the gods.

Not the Lord God.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Thank you Athena, king of the gods!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I’ll go buy animal milk!”

Desolate Sky Emperor: “Akuya hurry up, you made me wait for a while.”

Shi Hao urged.

This Akuya is really unreliable!!

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Soon!”

Guaranteed soon!”

Hades: “… IMHO.

A guy like you can be the goddess of water in that world.”

Hades: “The high-level gods of your world are too merciful.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hum.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I’m very useful!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “If it weren’t for a big mistake!”

I’m not going to be fired.”

Hades: “Oh?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “I am the goddess of water, and when a god-like banquet is held, I am responsible for serving tea and pouring water!”

Hades: “…”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “Hades boss, don’t chat seriously with this mentally retarded goddess, you will be pulled down your IQ.”

Shaolin Temple Meng baldhead: “O goddess of water, you go and buy beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!”

Still stunned about what the water group is doing in the chat group?”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Abominable Meng bald head!”

Call me a goddess of intellectual retardation.”

Shaolin Temple Meng bald head: “I am the future Meng Tianzun, Akuya, you consider it, be polite to me.

Otherwise, when I become Meng Tianzun, hehe.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “…”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Can’t afford to provoke.

I’m already buying animal milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Wait a minute, this is going to be good!”

“Suqing” world.

Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, sold all the hundred inferior artifacts that Athena gave her at a fifty-fold discount.

Five folds!

The inferior artifact is hard currency!

Because there are many lower gods, they are the most unlacking gods in the heavenly realm.

The five-fold jumping price sells the next artifact, of course, it is sold in minutes.

The so-called, the cub sells the grandfather field is not distressed.

Akuya jumped off the building and sold the hundred inferior artifacts that Athena gave her, and she didn’t feel distressed.


Akuya is happy that she has received a huge sum of money!

“That’s right!

I also want to buy animal milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor!

Feel like go buy “々.”

Akuya get moving!


Akuya thought in her heart, when she has money, she can go to various banquets again!

Shi Hao waited in thousands of world chat groups.

I waited for more than half an hour.

The mentally retarded goddess Akuya, who had already said more than half an hour ago, was already buying animal milk, and only then sent a red envelope to Shi Hao.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: (group tips: group member wisdom goddess Akuya sends red envelopes to group member Desolate Heaven Emperor.)

(Group tip: Group member Desolate Sky Emperor has received a red envelope from Akuya, the goddess of wisdom of group members.)

4;10 Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Hahahaha.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “It’s really not easy!

I ran half an hour to buy animal milk from many gods.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Because the preparation time is too short, this time it will be more than 380 billion pounds of beast milk.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, forgive me!”


I’ll definitely provide you lots and lots of animal milk tomorrow!”

As for now? Akuya was ready to take the huge amount of money obtained from the sale of Athena’s artifact and go to the banquet, happy and happy.

She loves attending banquets the most!

Thor, the god of thunder, @ Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “If you lack the money to buy beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, you can tell me that I can also provide you with an artifact to sell for money.”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Amazing!”

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: “Ahem, cough, I mean great, in the future, buy beast milk for His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I don’t have to worry about being short of money.”

What Akuya thought in her heart was that she would have another “money bag”, and she would not lack money when she participated in various banquets in the future!

Buy whatever you want.

Emperor Desolate Sky: “Don’t break your word.”

Shi Hao left this sentence and went offline to chat groups.

For Akuya, the goddess of intellectual retardation, behaves in the chat group.

Shi Hao saw it in his eyes.

But no way, Akuya is like that.” Just provide me with a lot of animal milk.”

“The rest are side stories, Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, that is, she likes pleasure.”

Shi Hao muttered in his heart.


Shi Hao swallowed more than 380 billion pounds of animal milk that Akuya provided to him in one gulp.

(Animal milk system), instantly convert these animal milks into skill points.

Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (Skill points: 5,698,457,110) More than 5,698 million skill points!!

“So many skill points, enough to improve my fifth-order cultivation.”


Elevate it!”

Shi Hao has always been decisive.

At this time, his mind moved, and he immediately increased the “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Thirteenth Order (can be improved))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Fourteenth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method Fifteenth Stage (can be promoted))

(Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method Sixteenth Order (can be promoted))… Until (Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method Eighteenth Order (Unassurable)) Chapter 133 can collapse tens of trillions of trillions of universes with a snap of your fingers!


Shi Hao added five times in one thought!

The “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Cultivation Method” has been upgraded to the eighteenth level!

Shi Hao became an eighteenth-order Xuan Immortal with this!

“Strength… It’s probably increased more than 100,000 times!”

Shi Hao clearly felt that when he realized more and more laws, the power of the unity of many laws became stronger!

Thirteenth Order Xuan Immortal to Eighteenth Order Xuan Immortal… It is a strength increase of more than 100,000 times!

(Requested… 6;10 At the time of the thirteenth order Xuan Immortal, Shi Hao had been able to shatter the universe of trillions and trillions with a snap of his fingers.


“As an eighteenth-order Xuan Immortal, it is not a problem for me to collapse tens of trillions of ordinary universes of hundreds of billions of light years with a snap of my fingers!”

“This is really too strong!”

“The gap between the universe and me is much greater than that between mortals and dust!”


Such a powerful Shi Hao is still only an eighteenth-order Xuan Immortal!

Xuan Immortal Realm, there are thirty levels, thoroughly comprehending the three thousand laws, fusing into one, and achieving the supreme law, is the perfection of Xuan Immortal Realm.

“But the strength of my eighteenth-order Xuan Immortal is at least a trillion times stronger than that of a first-order Xuan Immortal!”

“The gap between high-level Xuan Immortals and low-level Xuan Immortals is much larger than the gap between humans and ants.”

Shi Hao was lamenting the horror of the cultivation of the Immortal Dao in the high-end Honghuang World… Suddenly.

Yun Qingsu came to the inner hall of the Xingjun Mansion where he lived, and prayed, “Lord Xingjun, the subordinates have a private matter to tell you.”

Shi Hao was surprised, what private matter did Yun Qingsu have to find him? Shi Hao said: “Come in, you just say, what is the matter with me?”

Yun Qingsu sighed, “It’s like this… Lord Xingjun, my teacher Li Fang, has fallen.”

Shi Hao was shocked and said, “Li Fang is dead?”


Shi Hao also saw Li Fang yesterday!

At that time, Li Fang still owed more than 18 billion immortal crystals to the Xinyue Palace.

But this won’t cost Li Fang’s life, right? Li Fang is a disciple of the Huanglong True Man, although it is only named, but Li Fang’s backstage, that is also the Huanglong Real Person!

Moreover…… Expound disciples.

How could he die like this? Shi Hao calmed down and asked, “Yun Qingsu, how do you know that Li Fang Daoyou is dead?”

Yun Qingsu said: “It’s just now, my teacher’s friend Uncle Chen Sha, sent a letter to the Xingjun Mansion, and I read the letter… I know that the teacher has fallen.”

Shi Hao said, “Bring that letter.”

Yun Qingsu handed the letter to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao did not blame Yun Qingsu for secretly opening the letter.

Because if he is in Yun Qingsu’s position, he will also dismantle… On the envelope of this letter, the six big characters “The Fall of Li Fang Daoyou” are written.

Yun Qingsu is a disciple of Li Fang, seeing this, where can he not open this letter?


Shi Hao looked at this letter and was surprised by the contents inside!

Because, the cause of Li Fang’s death is really because of that “.”

I owe more than 18 billion immortal crystal crystals to the Heart Moon Palace”.

Shi Hao gave Li Fang 20 billion immortal crystals yesterday.

But Li Fang has money, and he resolutely refuses to pay the gambling debt owed to Xinyue Palace.

There is also a reason why Li Fang is so arrogant!

Li Fang is a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, or a named disciple of the Golden Immortal of the Interpretation Sect of Huanglong Zhenren, and a Tianjiao Immortal of the True Immortal Realm.

But Li Fang was in the Xinyue Palace, careless, drunk, and went to the gambling table, owing more than 18 billion immortal crystals!

He has already lost all his net worth in the Heart Moon Palace.

This makes Li Fang so able to breathe that evil breath in his heart? He also lost face in front of Shi Hao!

Li Fang resolutely refused to pay back… Heart Moon Palace that is not a soft persimmon either.

8;10 The ruler of the Heart Moon Palace is the Heart Moon Fox, one of the twenty-eight stars.

Xinyue Fox is a Taiyi Immortal Monarch above Xuanxian, backed by the Sage of Nuwa’s Imperial Palace, with a background, and is not afraid of disciples of the Interpretation Sect.

Xinyue Fox was also reincarnated in the Nether as a generation of female emperor Wu Zetian.

This Xinyue Fox opened a Xinyue Palace, which is one of the entertainment venues of the Heavenly Court, Li Fang owes money and refuses to pay it back, annoying Xinyue Fox.

Xinyue Fox found a relationship, and with a paper order, Li Fang was transferred out of the immortal position of “Royal Horse Overseer Ma Wen” and became the captain of the Heavenly Court’s Demon Descending Heavenly Soldiers.

And then.

Li Fang died.

“Look at what this letter says, Li Fang Daoyou is dying at the hands of demons…”

“But how the hell did he die.

I know everything.”

“This heart moon fox is so ruthless.

Directly pitted Li Fang Daoyou to death.”

After reading this letter, Shi Hao thought in his heart, and was a little silent for a while.

In Shi Hao’s opinion.

It is too normal that the Xinyue Fox can kill Li Fang.

Although the disciples of the interpretation sect are not easy to mess with, there are many disciples of the interpretation sect, and Li Fang is just the inconspicuous one among the tens of thousands of named disciples of Huanglong Zhenren.

Xinyue Fox is Taiyi Immortal Jun, and is also expected to achieve the “power of the Golden Immortal”.

Compared with the Xinyue Fox, Li Fang is a small person.

Xinyue Fox killed Li Fang, probably only need to give Huanglong Zhenren an explanation, and this matter will pass.

And the Huanglong real person of the interpretation is the yellow dragon itself, and it is actually not welcome in the interpretation.

“The high probability is that the Xinyue Fox compensates Huanglong Zhenren for some immortal resources.”

“And then the matter is closed?”

SHI Hao analyzed.

Draw this conclusion.

“Hey, Li Fang Daoyou!

You’re really worthless to die!”

“It’s okay to bet with a big guy like Xinyue Fox!”

“The Heart Moon Fox was in the period of sealing gods, it was one of the twenty-eight stars, and it could intersect with the Huanglong True People.

It’s me…… I won’t mess with it for a while…”

Shi Hao was a little upset.

Don’t talk either.

The more Shi Hao thought about it, the angrier he became.


Shi Hao still owes Li Fang a few favors!

Li Fang is dead!


“Forget it.”

“Li Fang Daoyou has gone all the way.

I’ll avenge you later.”

Shi Hao kept this matter in his heart, just in his heart.

They didn’t dare to have killing intent on the Heart Moon Fox!

Xuan Immortal realm, one order difference, is a tenfold strength gap!

The Heart Moon Fox became a star lord during the god sealing period of the high-end flood world, and now he is a senior Taiyi Immortal Monarch, who is expected to achieve the power of the golden immortal.

For such a strong person.

Shi Hao didn’t dare to have a killing intent against such a strong person, because it would definitely be calculated by them!

Just write this down.


“Not safe yet.

I have the idea of avenging Li Fang Daoyou.

Maybe Taiyi Immortal-Jun can sense it?”

“Taiyi Immortal Jun of the high-end Honghuang world, who knows how strong it is?”

Shi Hao took the initiative to forget the idea of “avenging Li Fang Daoyou”.

Only when he cultivated to reach the Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm would he recall it.

It’s about the application of the “law of memory” within.

The laws of memory, Shi Hao has thoroughly mastered, belong to the eighteen hundred laws he mastered.

“That’s fine.”

Shi Hao regained his calm.

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