Chapter 148: Taiyi Immortal Jun? Directly comprehend Hongmeng Avenue!!

(Five more subscriptions!) Shi Hao is naturally the most interested in the exercises.

He is lacking the follow-up exercises of the Xuan Immortal Realm.

Shi Hao said, “Senior Brother Bai Chun, then please take me to the Exercises Library Pavilion!”

Bai Chun Xiantong said, “Okay, Senior Brother, please follow me.”

In this Kunlun Mountain Interpretation Ancestral Court, Bai Chun Xiantong took Shi Hao forward at faster than the speed of light, passed through several spatial portals, and soon, came to a huge library pavilion.

Bai Chun Xiantong said: “Senior Brother Shi Hao, in the library of this exercise, there are countless immortal realm exercises, but at most they are only at the level of Taiyi Immortal Monarch.

Senior Brother Shi Hao, just go in and watch the exercises… I…… I’m not going.

I got sleepy as soon as I saw the exercises.”

Shi Hao said, “Good.”

Shi Hao walked into the Exercises Library Pavilion.

The Exercises Library is large and inside is a world.

In this exercise library cabinet, there are all kinds of immortal path realm exercises, which are difficult to count.

But there are only a few books of the exercises of Xuan Immortal Realm and Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm.

And it’s all the same… Because Xuan Immortal Realm is to comprehend the law of three thousand.

The rule of three thousand was originally placed there like that, making people comprehend.


The exercises in Xuanxian Realm are all similar, because they are all comprehended by comprehending the three thousand rules, and at most some exercises have tricks in them, and you can comprehend the three thousand rules faster.

The exercises of the Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm… Shi Hao looked for it, took a copy of the exercises of the Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm, and looked at it.


Shi Hao simply read the several Taiyi Immortal Jun Realm exercises in the library of this Ancestral Court Exercises and compared them.

“It’s all about the same.”

“The realm of Taiyi Immortal Monarch is to comprehend Hongmeng Avenue!”

“Eh, I can only say that it is worthy of the high-end Honghuang world, the Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm, you have to comprehend Hongmeng Avenue.”

Shi Hao finally selected a “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method” and watched it.

This “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Practice Method” and Shi Hao’s previous practice of “Jade Qing Zhen Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method” and “Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method” can be described as in the same line.

And the Xuan Immortal realm, and the Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm, all the exercises are similar.

Xuan Xian is to comprehend the Three Thousand Laws.

And the realm of Taiyi Immortal Monarch requires the twenty-four Hongmeng Dao, comprehension entry, and the construction of a high-dimensional universe in the body.

And Hongmeng Avenue is extraordinary!

Every kind of Hongmeng Avenue, even if it is just a beginning of comprehension, it also has a monstrous divine power.

“Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Law… I’m done reading “Soon.”

Shi Hao read the “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method” completely.

“Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method”, explained very thoroughly, how to cultivate Taiyi Immortal Jun, Shi Hao already knew it in his heart.

“Comprehend a Hongmeng Dao handed down by the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, and comprehend it to the beginning, you can become a Taiyi Immortal Monarch.”

It sounds like easy.

However, that is the Hongjun Dao ancestor of the high-end Hongjun world, during the preaching period, passed down Hongmeng Avenue!

Even if it’s just getting started.

That difficulty.

I’m afraid it’s more difficult than comprehending all the three thousand laws!

In the Heavenly Court of the high-end flood world, Xuanxian Xingjun is counted in trillions!

However, Taiyi Immortal Jun had at most hundreds of millions of dollars, and all of a sudden, it was tens of thousands of times less.

This is the reason why the difficulty of comprehending Hongmeng Avenue is too terrifying.

Many Xuan Immortals are stuck in the step of comprehending Hongmeng Avenue.

“Hard and hard!

If I honestly comprehend Hongmeng Avenue, I don’t know how long I will have to comprehend.”

“But I have a plugin.”

Shi Hao thought in his heart, he looked at his (animal milk system) system panel: (animal milk system)

(Host: Shi Hao)

(Skill points: 40,655,511,3,600 (Chuan Shi ー (Exercise skills: Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Practice Method is not introduced (non-promotionable), Yuqing Xuanxian Three Thousand Law Practice Method 30th order (non-promotionable), Yuqing True Immortal Xuanhuang Universe Opening Method 18th order (non-promotionable)…)


“The Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method has been included in my system panel according to my ideas.”

“But… But it can’t be improved.”

“It’s not that there are errors and omissions in the Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Law, if there are errors and omissions, they can’t appear on my system panel at all.”

“Rather… There are more than 40 billion skill points, and it is not enough to comprehend the “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method” to get started!”

Shi Hao’s heart was shocked.

Indeed, in this high-end flood world, the cultivation difficulty of the Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm is so great!

Ridiculously big!

You have to comprehend the Hongmeng Avenue handed down by the ancestors of Hongjun Dao!

When you are in the Xuan Immortal realm, more than a billion skill points can improve your first-order cultivation.

But this has reached the Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm… There are more than 40 billion skill points, which is not enough for Shi Hao to become a first-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch!

“And Taiyi Immortal Jun, there are still twenty-four ranks.”

“Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm, every level, you need to comprehend a kind of Hongjun Dao ancestors Hongmeng Avenue to the entrance.”

“But the strength improvement of each level is also terrifying, look at the introduction in this “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method”, the Taiyi Immortal Monarch realm, the improvement of each level of cultivation will be at least twelve times the increase in strength!”

“And… From the Xuan Immortal Realm to the Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm, the span of strength will also be terrifying.”

“After all, the Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm involves the Hongmeng Avenue inherited by the ancestors of Hongjun Dao in the high-end Hongjun World.”

Shi Hao was a little speechless in his heart.

More than 40 billion skill points are not enough to become a first-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch, and in the future, he will have to spend time on getting beast milk.

In the high-end flood world, Shi Hao will not do a lot of stupid things about animal milk.

In this way, you can only start from the group members in the thousands of world chat groups!

“In the past, I could easily improve my strength and cultivation, and I even practiced the Immortal Dao Exercises for less than a month, and I became a Xuanxian Xingjun.”

“But in the future… I don’t know how many skill points are required for the cultivation of this Taiyi Immortal Monarch Realm.”

“It depends!

It’s time to take the initiative and figure out a way to get more animal milk from those group members.”

Shi Hao’s (animal milk system) can only recognize the animal milk normally produced by natural creatures.

What kind of mana made of “fake beast milk”, technology made of “fake beast milk”, magical power to give birth to the “fake beast milk”, it is useless to drink it.

Shi Hao was thinking about how to get a large number of animal milk from the group members in the future, when someone @ him in the thousands of world chat groups!

Shi Hao directly sank his consciousness into the thousands of world chat groups.

Thousands of world chat groups, especially with the function of shielding the heavenly machine and shielding themselves.

So Shi Hao dared to directly use thousands of world chat groups in Kunlun Mountain.

If Yuan Shi Tianzun, a saint of the high-end Honghuang world, could see through thousands of world chat groups… Then no matter if Shi Hao didn’t use thousands of world chat groups, he would be known by Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Because the chat interface of thousands of world chat groups is in Shi Hao’s mind.

The same situation as the Thousands of World Chat Group is (animal milk system), (animal milk system) Shi Hao doesn’t know what the plug-in is, but it should be on him, and I don’t know if Yuan Shi Tianzun can see it.

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